National Human Genome Research Institute   National Institutes of Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Competency and Curricular Resources


Practicing healthcare providers and healthcare students will increasingly use genetic and genomic knowledge information to meet the needs of their patients. To meet this growing need all healthcare professionals including nurses, physicians, and physician assistants are creating essential competencies, practice guidelines, and curricular resources in genetics and genomics for each of their professions. Genetic and genomic competencies, guidelines, curricular and CME resources, as well as National Human Genome Research training opportunities for healthcare professionals are provided in this section.

Competencies in Genetics and Genomics

Competencies for All Healthcare Professionals
  • National Coalition of Health Professional Education in Genetics (NCHPEG) []
    NCHPEG was established in 1996 by the American Medical Association, the American Nurses Association, and the National Human Genome Research Institute. Comprised of more than 100 diverse health professional organizations, consumer and volunteer groups, government agencies, private industry, managed care organizations, and genetics professional societies, NCHPEG is committed to promoting health professional education and access to information about advances in human genetics. In 2007, NCHPEG published the third edition of its "Core Competencies in Genetics for Health Professionals." This report recommends that all health professionals possess certain core competencies in genetics so that they can effectively and responsibly integrate genetics into current clinical practice and education of health professionals.

Nursing Competencies
  • Genetic and Genomic Nursing: Competencis, Curricula Guidelines and Outcome Indicators, 2nd Edition
    Establishes the minimum basis with which to prepare the nursing workforce to deliver competent genetic and genomic focused nursing care. First edition — Competencies and Curricula Guidelines established by Consensus Panel, September 21-22, 2005 and published by the American Nurses Association, Silver Spring, Maryland 2006. Second edition — Outcome Indicators established by Consensus, June 2008.

  • Competency Focus
    The 49 competency endorsing organizations have begun their own outreach efforts including annual meeting presentations, publications and research initiatives focused on genetics/genomics competency. To keep nurses aware of these efforts and inform them of genetic/genomics advances, a newsletter, Competency Focus, has been created and will be published periodically.

  • If you wish to receive updates either via a list-serv or through this newsletter, please provide your contact information to

    Current copies of Competency Focus

  • Essential Nursing Competencies and Curricula Guidelines for Genetics and Genomics: Outcome Indicators PDF file
    The Outcome Indicators are an adjunct to the Essential Nursing Competencies and Curricula Guidelines for Genetics and Genomics and are intended to define for each competency the knowledge and practice indicators. The knowledge and practice indicators are not intended to be prescriptive but provide a guide to the user of essential knowledge elements and suggested practice indicators. To be consistent with the Competencies, definitions will be identical between the two documents. Genetic and genomic information will be used as the context for defining knowledge and practice indicators for each competency.

  • Strategic Planning Meeting PDF file
    An invitational meeting was held October 22-24, 2006 of key stakeholders who drafted this strategic implementation plan. The 5-year plan for integration of genetic and genomic competencies into nursing practice, nursing curricula, NCLEX, specialty certification, continuing education and accreditation is a daunting challenge. The realization of these goals will only be achieved with ongoing nursing organization, federal agency, and academic collaborations.

    More about this meeting is available at: Genetics and Genomics []

Physicians Assistants Competencies
  • Physician Assistant Competencies for Genomic Medicine: Where We Are Today and How to Prepare for the Future
    A meeting to develop an outline for how Physician Assistants could utilize current and anticipated knowledge of genetics and genomics as the basis for improving clinical care and make personalized medicine a regular part of patient care.

  • Physician Assistants and Genomic Medicine Meeting Summary
    The goals of this meeting were to: 1) provide an opportunity for the Physician Assistant organizations to share information regarding their activities in the arena of genetics and genomics, 2) identify gaps and means to close them, 3) discuss potential roles for the participating organizations in expanding the knowledge base of Physician Assistant faculty, students and graduates regarding the application of genomics to healthcare, and 4) plan next steps for all of the organizations in attendance.

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For All Healthcare Professionals
For Physicians
For Nurses
  • Genetics and Genomics in Nursing
    A compilation of this series of articles has now been produced as an E-text. For more information about Genomics in Nursing and Healthcare (nurseAdvance Collection), Sigma Theta Tau International, visit: nurseAdvance Collection on Genomics in Nursing and Healthcare (2007) []

  • Genetics Education Program for Nurses []
    Links to genetics resources of particular interest to nurses.

  • Toolkit Resource Development (Coming Soon)
    One of the desired resources suggested at the strategic planning meeting was a "Toolkit" for faculty. In collaboration with the American Association of Colleges of Nursing, an invitational meeting was held September 14, 2007 to discuss the development of a Toolkit resource that illustrates the relevancy of genetics/genomics for nurses, identifies the right skills, provides the essential education support materials, is realistic in expected outcomes, and offers champions that can provide educational consultation. This toolkit is a work in progress.

  • Genetics Is Relevant Now []
    A set of independent self-paced modules for nurses.

For Physician Assistants
Continuing Medical Education
National Human Genome Research Institute Training Opportunities

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Last Updated: March 27, 2009