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Family Readiness Group

What is the FRG?

The concept of Family Readiness Groups (FRG) is relatively new to our Army. They are a direct result from our Grenada (operation Urgent Fury), Panama (Operation Just Cause), and Southwest Asia (Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm) experiences. Commanders of deploying units discovered that while their units were highly trained to fight, little if anything was done to train and prepare families to better cope with the stresses and unique problems that often arise during extended and often times unexpected deployment of their spouses. Some type of organization was needed within units to address this serious shortcoming in peacetime, so that in time of crisis, families would be better able to take care of themselves. The concept of Family Readiness Group was born.

By definition, a FRG is an organization of family members, volunteers, and soldiers belonging to a unit, that together provides information and assistance to others in the group. They provide a network of communication between the family members, the chain of command, and the community resources, and create a climate of mutual support within the group.

FRGs are managed differently in every unit. However they are managed depends upon various things-the personality of the leaders, the number of families involved, available resources, etc. The core of the FRG is the company, for this is where the rubber meets the road. All FRGs throughout the Army share the same purpose-to SUPPORT ARMY FAMILIES.

There is no RANK in the FRG. The active role of our junior enlisted and non-commissioned officer wives in a support group is key to success. The FRG is not a club. All soldiers and family members are members of the FRG.

The role you play in your FRG is your choice. You are welcome to participate as much as you would like to, or are able to. There are many projects to become involved in, each of them important in their purpose, such as key caller operations, newsletter publications, hospitality, social functions and fund raising to support the FRG.

Your FRG extends a sincere invitation for you to join in and participate. You can never have too much information, too much support or too many friends. The FRG is your opportunity for all this and more. It is an incredible feeling to be able to make a contribution to another person, to touch their lives in such a positive way, and to have the added benefit of helping your own family at the same time.

FRGs Do...

-Empower families to become more knowledgeable and self-reliant
-Promote more efficient use of community resources
-Reduce soldier and family member stress
-Increase the soldier's ability to devote his full attention o the mission by offering reassurance that the family members have close, reliable, and friendly support
-Care for each other
-Provide a helping hand when needed
-Are there to answer questions
-Give moral support
-Want to establish a sense of family within the unit
-Access information and resources to help you solve problems
-Provide an effective way of gaining information, support, and control during deployment and other times
-Help family members develop a more positive attitude toward themselves, the unit, the deployment, and the Army
-Increase moral
-Fosters increased levels of cohesion, and confidence, for family members deployed soldiers
-Unite other family programs designed to improve the quality of life

FRGs Do Not...

-Become part of official casualty notification
-Act as a babysitting service
-Act as a surrogate parent
-Act as a social worker
-Act as a taxi or bus service
-Act as a loan agency
-Act as a lending service
-Act as a welfare agency

FRG References (downloadadble docs)

"The Chaplain and Notification" Briefing
Chaplain's Resource page

Briefings from HHC FRG Meetings (downloadadble docs)

Legal Briefing
MP Home Safety
Finance Briefing

FRG Resources (external links)

Answers Unlimited
Army Family Liaison Organization
Defense Finance and Accounting Service
Family Deployment Resources (list of internet links)
Additional Deployment Resources
Ft. Bragg FSG Training
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
My Pay (View your LES here)
Tax Center Information (free and here on Ft. Bragg)
Tricare Homepage

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U.S. Army Fort Bragg - This is an Official Government Web Site. Last Modified May 31, 2012