Quick Facts

  • Tens of millions of readers every month
  • 10 million documents published
  • 35 billion words
  • 5 million Scribd document reader embeds
  • 90 different languages supported
The Company
  • Launched: March 2007
  • Headquarters: San Francisco
  • Management:
    • Trip Adler, CEO & Co-Founder
    • Jared Friedman, CTO & Co-Founder
    • Tikhon Bernstam, COO & Co-Founder
    • George Consagra, President
    • Mike McGuinness, Vice President, Business Development
    • Tammy H. Nam, Vice President, Content & Marketing
Who Uses Scribd (sampling)

About Us

Scribd is the largest social publishing company in the world, the Website where tens of millions of people each month publish and discover original writings and documents. On Scribd, you can quickly and easily turn nearly any file—including PDF, Word, PowerPoint and Excel—into a Web document and share it with the world.


Scribd is breaking down barriers to the publishing process, making written works available to people on the Web and mobile devices, and most importantly, fueling the conversations happening around them.

Documents published on Scribd are accessible to Scribd's community of readers, indexed by search engines, and easily embedded and shared on thousands of other Websites, including Twitter and Facebook. Many leading media companies and businesses distribute content through Scribd, including The New York Times, Ford Motor Company, Simon & Schuster, O'Reilly, World Bank, Chicago Tribune, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and more.