Provincial Reconstruction Team Kapisa, currently training to deploy to Afghanistan at Camp Atterbury Joint Maneuver Training Center, Ind., was the first PRT to train on a new virtual reality combat simulator designed specifically to help Soldiers better deal with the number one killer in the contemporary operating environment: improvised explosive devices. (Photo by Staff Sgt. Matt Scotten)

Atterbury opens new IED simulator

28 December 2011

Virtual reality combat simulator at Camp Atterbury, Ind., helps Soldiers better deal with the No. 1 killer in the contemporary operating environment: IEDs.

Spc. Ryan R. Nolan (writer), Spc. Randy VanScoten and Staff Sgt. Joe Judson after an IED blast in Al Anbar province, Iraq, Spring 2006. (Photo courtesy of Ryan R. Nolan)

Operation Optimistic Outcome

28 December 2011

A former 28th Infantry Division Soldier shares his experiences in Iraq, and his guarded optimism about the country's future.

Battalion Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas Geddings hold the colors of the 2nd Engineer Battalion while Battalion Executive Officer Maj. Christian Thomas lights the flag on fire during a ceremony held on White Sands Missile Range, N.M., Nov. 30, 2011. The ceremony commemorates battalion commander Lt. Col. Alarich Zacherle's actions Nov. 30, 1950, at Kunu-Ri, during the Korean War. The annual commemoration began in the mid-1990s, with a pause between 2005 and 2008 when the battalion was inactivated.(Photo by Jennifer Tyler, White Sands, N.M. Public Affairs Office)

The burning of the colors

20 December 2011

Every year, the 2nd Engineer Battalion burns its colors in a solemn nighttime ceremony to honor their brothers' actions in the battle of Kunu-Ri during the Korean War.

Soldiers return from Afghanistan earlier this year. Reserve-component Soldiers returning over the next weeks from Afghanistan and Iraq will need to complete a full demobilization process, but officials have promised a four-day holiday pass. (Photo by Sgt. Brian Rodan)

Demobilizing Reserve Soldiers to get holiday passes

19 December 2011

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Raymond T. Odierno issued instructions Wednesday concerning reserve-component Soldiers who will be demobilizing at installations in the United States over the holidays.