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Survey report
National Census targets 390,000 families a day Changing Physical Characteristics of Rwandan Dwellings How many are we in Rwanda?

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DevInfo DevInfoRwanda is designed as a monitoring tool for tracking the progress of the Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Rwanda.
IMIS Integrated Multi-Sectoral Information System (IMIS) - Rwanda is designed as a tool for disseminating large volumes of census and survey microdata with hierarchical (geographical) structure down to the smallest area of the census and surveys administrative exercises
CountrySTAT CountrySTAT is a statistical framework and applied information system for analysis and policy-making designed in order to organize, integrate and disseminate statistical data and metadata on food and agriculture coming from different sources.
Data Portal The Rwanda Statistical Data Portal has been developed by NISR to provide data users, access to all statistical indicators produced by NISR concerning Rwanda. The Data portal facilitates visualizing socio-economic indicators over a period of time as maps, graphs, and data tables. It also allows downloading the data in different formats.
SDMX Registry This registry is designed to facilitate the dissemination and use of SDMX standards for statistical data and metadata exchange which, in turn, facilitate the orderly flow of data from data producers to national, regional and international data users.
NADA National Data Archive (NADA) - Rwanda, hosts the NISR’s microdata catalog. The catalog lists each study or survey undertaken by NISR and provides their metadata and microdata to be browsed and downloaded in a user fliendly manner. 

National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (2009 -2014)

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