Welcome to ATF eForm 6

eForm6 is the system used to electronically file ATF F 6 – Part I (5330.3A), Application and Permit for Importation and track the status of permit applications submitted for approval.

Notice to All eForm6 Users

ATF is pleased to announce a significant enhancement to our eForm6 system. ATF’s eForm6 system allows an importer to electronically file ATF Form 6 Part I, Application and Permit for Importation of Firearms, Ammunition, and Implements of War, with ATF’s Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch.

Effective October 1, 2010, the eForm6 system will accept attachments, such as photographs, word documents, spreadsheets, scanned documents, or similar types of supporting documentation, filed in support of an import permit application. Previously, an attachment could only be filed by mail. The specific file types that will be accepted are:

  • Word (.doc, .docx, .docm)
  • PDF (Portable Document Format)
  • Excel (.xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb)
  • PowerPoint Presentation (.ppt, .pps, .pptx, .pptm)
  • PowerPoint Slide (.sldx, .sldm)
  • JPG and JPEG (Joint Photographics Expert Group)
  • GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

The eForm6 system will accept up to 999 line items for each of the categories: Firearms, Ammunition and Implements of War. Each line item will accept up to 10 attachments. Each attachment file can be up to 3 megabytes, for a total of 30 megabytes of information for each line item.

An importer can now save an incomplete permit (prior to submission to ATF) in their eForm account. Up to 10 incomplete permits will be saved in the importer’s eForm account for a maximum of 30 days.

If you are an importer and have not registered to file your permit applications via the eForm6 system, information about registration can be found by accessing the ATF website (www.atf.gov) and performing the following steps:

  1. Select the Firearms option on the Industry tab
  2. Select the eForm6 box
  3. Select the APPLY (Get a user account) option on the Welcome screen

There is also a link in the eForm6 Welcome screen to the eForm6 User Manual. The User Manual contains information about registration and provides information about how to use the eForm6 system.

If you have any questions about registration or the eForm6 system, please contact the Firearms and Explosives Imports Branch at (304) 616-4550.