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Posted On: Feb. 7, 2011

The Senate Appropriations Committee announced a two-year earmark moratorium on February 1, 2011.  Accordingly, Senator Blumenthal will not be accepting appropriations requests from entities nor requesting project funding from the Committee. You can find the full statement by the Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman by visiting this link.

Many entities are interested in pursuing federal grants. Senator Blumenthal continues to support entities that are pursuing these funding sources. If you are interested in applying for a specific federal grant, or would like information about the grant application process, please contact our staff in Senator Blumenthal’s Washington, D.C. office (contact information below). Additionally, you can find resources related to the federal grant process on Senator Blumenthal’s website by visiting this link.

Senator Blumenthal stands ready to assist communities and organizations in their interactions with the federal government. Should you have any questions about the information contained in this email, or would like assistance as you interact with the federal government, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (860) 258-6940