Continuous Submission
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Continuous Submission

As part of our continuing commitment to recognize outstanding service in the NIH peer review process and on NIH Advisory Groups, and to minimize disincentives to such service, the NIH has implemented policy and procedures to allow appointed members of NIH review and Advisory Groups, and peer reviewers with recent substantial service (six times in 18 months), to submit their research grant applications (R01, R21, or R34) on a continuous basis and to have those applications undergo initial peer review in a timely manner.

Policy Announcements
  • NOT-OD-11-093 (07/08/2011) - Change in the NIH Continuous Submission Policy for Reviewers with Recent Substantial Service
  • NOT-OD-10-090 (05/07/2010) - Extension of Modified Application Submission, Referral and Review to Members of NIH Program Advisory Committees (PACs)
  • NOT-OD-09-155 (10/01/2009) - Extension of Modified Application Submission, Referral and Review for Reviewers with Recent Substantial Service
  • NOT-OD-09-114 (06/25/2009) - Extension of Modified Application Submission, Referral and Review for Appointed NIH Advisory Group Members
  • NOT-OD-08-026 (01/04/2008) - Modified Application Submission, Referral and Review for Appointed NIH Study Section Members
Lists of Reviewers Eligible for Continuous Submission

Individuals may determine their eligibility for the continuous submission option, by accessing the list below. Because of the potential for multiple reviewers to have the same name, please check your Commons profile to confirm your individual eligibility. The term of eligibility is shown after the name.

  • Link to FAQs Frequently Asked Questions for Continuous Submission

  • This page last updated on February 4, 2013
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