Violence Against Women Act of 2000
Costs for Criminal Charges and Protection Orders Chart

By statute, several grant programs administered by the Office on Violence Against Women require that applicants and grantees certify that their laws, policies, and practices do not require the victim to bear the cost of different fees associated with  protection orders and criminal charges. (These fees are listed in the statutes and specified below.) This chart can be used by applicants and grantees of those grant programs to help them assess whether they are in compliance with the applicable statutory requirements.

Who should use the chart:

Applicants and grantees under the following grant programs:

 How the chart can be helpful:

This chart can be used by applicants to the grant programs listed above to help them assess if their jurisdiction will be able certify to the statutory requirement(1):

"that its laws, policies, and practices do not require, in connection with the prosecution of any misdemeanor or felony domestic violence offense, or in connection with the filing, issuance, registration, or service of a protection order, or a petition for a protection order, to protect a victim of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault, that the victim bear the costs associated with the filing of criminal charges against the offender, or the costs associated with the filing, issuance, registration, or service of a warrant, protection order, petition for a protection order, or witness subpoena, whether issued inside or outside the State, tribal, or local jurisdiction"

How to use the chart:

 How to interpret the results:

Assuming the chart is completed correctly, an applicant who has circled "NO" or "N/A" in all of the boxes based on its jurisdictions laws, policies, and practices should, in most cases, be able to certify to its compliance with the appropriate statutory requirement.

VAWA 2000 Filing Fees Provision Chart

                         types of fees
  Filing         Issuance   Registration  Service   

or Felony

Filing of 
criminal charges 
against offender 

Yes  No N/A


Yes  No N/A

Yes  No N/A

Yes  No  N/A 

Yes  No N/A

Protection Order 

Yes  No N/A

Yes  No  N/A

Yes  No  N/A

Yes  No N/A

Petition for Protection 

Yes  No N/A

Yes  No  N/A

Yes   No  N/A

Yes  No N/A

Witness Subpoena

Yes  No N/A

Yes  No  N/A

Yes   No  N/A

Yes  No N/A

Protection Order to Protect a Victim of Domestic 


Yes  No N/A

Yes  No  N/A

Yes  No  N/A

Yes  No N/A

Protection Order 

Yes  No N/A

Yes  No  N/A

Yes  No  N/A

Yes  No N/A

Petition for Protection Order

Yes  No N/A

Yes  No  N/A

Yes  No  N/A

Yes  No N/A

Witness Subpoena

Yes  No N/A

Yes  No  N/A

Yes  No  N/A 

Yes  No N/A

Protection Order to Protect a Victim of Sexual 


Yes  No N/A

Yes  No  N/A

Yes  No  N/A

Yes  No N/A

Protection Order

Yes  No N/A

Yes  No  N/A

Yes  No   N/A

Yes  No N/A

Petition for Protection Order

Yes  No N/A

Yes  No  N/A

Yes   No   N/A

Yes  No N/A

Witness Subpoena

Yes  No N/A

Yes  No  N/A

Yes   No   N/A

Yes  No N/A

Protection Order to Protect a Victim of Stalking


Yes  No N/A

Yes   No N/A

Yes   No  N/A

Yes  No N/A

Protection Order

Yes  No N/A

Yes   No N/A

Yes   No  N/A

Yes  No N/A

Petition for Protection Order

Yes  No N/A

Yes   No N/A

Yes   No  N/A

Yes  No N/A

Witness Subpoena

Yes  No N/A

Yes   No N/A

Yes   No  N/A

Yes  No N/A

1. 42 U.S.C. §§ 3796gg-5(a)(1) and 3796hh(c)(4) both contain this language.

Frequently Asked Questions on the VAWA 2000 Costs for Criminal Charges and Protection Orders Requirement.