Hawaiian Volcano Observatory


PROJECT DESCRIPTION The library and photo archive materials at HVO are used by scientists both within and outside the USGS and by writers, officials, students, and individuals from the lay public whose special projects require information from our collections.

The HVO research/reference library contains a collection of approximately 5,000 volumes, 50 geologic and geophysical journal series, historical and current topographic maps, a reprint collection of more than 10,000 papers on Hawaiian volcanic processes dating from the 1700s, and searchable bibliographic databases containing records of the reference materials.

The photo archive is a repository of more than 500,000 slides, prints, negatives, films, videotapes, and aerial photographs on HVO and its work and on Hawaii's volcanic and seismic activity, produced primarily by HVO's staff, volunteers, and collaborators.

VOLUNTEER DUTIES Volunteer will spend at least four days in the library or photo archive cataloging, organizing, labeling, and filing library or photo reference materials. One day per week may be spent in the field assisting in monitoring activities, including photographing eruptive activity or monitoring work. Volunteer's duties will include the following:
  • Catalog reference materials (videotapes, photos, papers) into a bibliographic database and scan, edit, and enter abstracts into the record, with instruction.
  • File reference materials, including papers, videotapes, and photos, following organizational scheme.
  • Communicate with supervisor about work accomplished and database updating procedures.
  • Optional: Do photo documentation of eruptive activity, seismic events, and eruption monitoring.
Volunteer should have good organizational skills, and pay attention to detail. Ability to enter data into computerized bibliographic database with consistency and accuracy, following established procedure, are essential. Especially important are volunteer's willingness to keep track of work and communicate that to supervisor on a daily basis. Personal qualities desirable are neatness and order for labeling, organizing, handling, and filing of materials.

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Updated: January 31 2012 14:31:23