Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

Geophysical Applications to Hawaiian Volcanology

PROJECT DESCRIPTION Devise and implement various geophysical applications to the study of volcanological processes. This includes mapping and monitoring of lava tubes and flows as opportunities arise, mapping inactive flow fields, making geophysical measurements to determine volcano structure, and geophysically aiding hydrological and archaeological projects.
VOLUNTEER DUTIES Geophysics-group fieldwork includes periodic helicopter flights and foot traverses to the active flow field. Volunteers assist with lava flow and tube mapping, recording field observations, entering data into a computer, and limited interpretation. Geophysics volunteers also do a moderate amount of computer database entry and may assist in fieldwork on other parts of the Big Island.
Applicants must be at least 20 yrs old, and should be either working toward a degree in earth science, have already completed such a degree, or have equivalent work experience. Computer savvy preferred. Applicants must be in good physical condition and be willing to spend a day hiking over uneven ground in the rain with a heavy pack. Applicants should not have respiratory or other health problems that might be aggravated by exposure to volcanic fumes or intense heat. They must provide their own field gear, including a large-sized day pack, raingear, and sturdy, leather hiking boots.

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Updated: January 31 2012 14:31:14