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Scientific Review Branch

J. Patrick Mastin, Ph.D.
J. Patrick Mastin, Ph.D. (
Deputy Director
Acting Branch Chief
Tel (919) 541-3289
Fax (919) 541-2503
Scientific Review Branch
Division of Extramural Research and Training
National Institue of Environmental Health Sciences
530 Davis Drive, MD K3-03
Research Triangle Park, NC, 27713


About SRB

The Scientific Review Branch (SRB) is responsible for the initial scientific and technical merit review of grant applications and contract proposals submitted to the NIH. The scientific review officers (SROs), formerly scientific review administrators, are extramural staff scientists and the designated federal official play a pivotal role in identifying the most meritorious scientific research for support using federal resources. The SRO is responsible for ensuring that each application, and research and development proposal, submitted to SRB receives an objective and fair initial peer review, and that all applicable laws, regulations, and policies are followed.




Janice Allen
Janice Allen, Ph.D. (
Scientific Review Officer

Tel (919) 541-7556
Fax (919) 541-2503
Linda Bass
Linda K. Bass, Ph.D. (
Scientific Review Officer

Tel (919) 541-1307
Fax (919) 541-2503
Sally Eckert-Tilotta
Sally Eckert-Tilotta, Ph.D. (
Scientific Review Officer

Tel (919) 541-1446
Fax (919) 541-2503
RoseAnne McGee
Rose Anne M. McGee (
Scientific Review Officer

Tel (919) 541-0752
Fax (919) 541-2503
Leroy Worth
Leroy Worth, Ph.D.
Scientific Review Officer

Tel (919) 541-0670
Fax (919) 541-2503

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