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Grants Management Branch (GMB)

Duke, Dorothy
Dorothy Duke (
Branch Chief, Grants Management Branch
Tel (919) 541-2749
Fax (301) 480-3314
Division of Extramural Research and Training
P.O. Box 12233
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709


About GMB

  • Interprets and applies grants management policies and procedures for grant programs.
  • Provides fiscal and administrative review of grant applications.
  • Assists program staff in determining grant funding levels.
  • Negotiates, awards, and obligates grant funds.
  • Maintains records of grant expenditures and balances on hand and provides this information to program staff and other institute officials.
  • Maintains all official grant files.
  • Works with the program staff and review staff in writing Requests for Applications and Program Announcements, and is the official fiscal and administrative expert at the review sessions for applications submitted under RFAs and Pas.
  • Functions as an expert on grants management policies and procedures for components of HHS, NIH, institute staff, advisory councils, other federal agencies, grantee institutions, and the general public.



Lisa A. Edwards
Lisa A. Edwards (
Grants Management Team Lead
Tel (919) 541-0751
Fax (301) 480-2725


Boggs, Wanda
Wanda Boggs (
Grants Management Specialist

Tel (919) 316-4638
Fax (919) 541-2860
Clark, Pamela
Pamela Clark (
Grants Management Specialist

Tel (919) 541-7629
Fax (919) 541-2860
Not Pictured
Donald Ellis
Grants Management Specialist

Tel (919) 541-1874
Gittleman, Barbara
Barbara Gittleman (
Grants Management Specialist

Tel (919) 541-0585
Fax (301) 480-2908
Nicholas, Aaron
Aaron Nicholas (
Financial or Grants Management Contact

Tel (919) 541-7823
Fax (301) 480-3360
Puente, Molly
Molly Puente, Ph.D. (
Grants Management Specialist

Tel (919) 541-1373
Fax (301) 480-3018
Not Pictured
Barbara Ruffin
Support Staff

Tel (919) 541-7826
Fax (301) 480-2910
Michelle Victalino
Michelle Victalino
Grants Management Specialist

Tel (919) 541-7508
Fax (301) 451-5334
Williams, James
James Williams (
Grants Management Specialist

Tel (919) 541-1403

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