United States Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Compare Home   Comparison of Veteran Affairs Hospital Outcome Measures

In this tool, Veterans, family members, and caregivers can find information about how well VA hospitals care for patients with certain medical conditions. This information will help you compare the quality of care that VA hospitals provide. Talk to your doctor about this information to help you, your family, and your friends make your best hospital care decision.

The information on this website comes from all VA hospitals. All VA hospitals are required to provide this quality information for VA HospitalCompare to make public. This site is for Veterans, family members and their caregivers to compare the performance of their VA hospitals to other VA hospitals.
This site currently allows patients and/or their families to review their hospital’s performance on three diagnoses, Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), Heart Attack, and Pneumonia. For this website, hospital performance is based on two areas: mortality (or death) measures and readmission measures.

Please make your initial Selection


How to use the Hospital Compare Application
  1) Select the state you or your family are/will be receiving care
  2) Select one of three common medical problems for which you or your family might be receiving care (Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), Heart Attack, or Pneumonia)

What do the outcome measures tell me?

Mortality Measures - One way to evaluate a hospital is to compare the 30 day mortality (or death) rates between hospitals. Since some hospitals admit a larger number of really sick patients, we need a way to make the mortality comparison fair. To account for differences in the numbers of really sick patients, the mortality rates are “adjusted” to take into account how sick patients are. This is done by including things like age, how many other diseases each patient has and so on. This “adjustment,” which is done using complex math, creates a fair comparison between hospitals, so patients and their families can make educated decisions about where they are receiving their care.

Readmission Measures - Another way to evaluate a hospital is to look at readmission, or how often patients return to that hospital for more inpatient
care soon after discharge from the hospital. Because some hospitals have sicker patients than other hospitals, these readmission measures are risk adjusted to account for differences in the number of really sick patients between hospitals. A patient is counted as being readmitted if that patient ends up admitted to the same VA hospital or any other VA hospital within 30 days after the day the patient was admitted. It doesn’t matter if the patient is admitted again for the same or different reason, both count.


**For example, if you are searching for pneumonia rates in California, you would choose California and Pneumonia in the drop down box and see where the hospitals in California rank compared to other VA’s and hospitals in a similar geographic region.

Once you make your selection you will see how each hospital rates compared to other VA Hospitals

  Process of Care Measures
The Hospital Process of Care Measures shows how often hospitals give recommended treatments known to get the best results for patients with certain medical conditions or surgical procedures. Information about these treatments are taken from the patients’ records and converted into a percentage. This is one way to compare the quality of care that hospitals give.

The hospital process of care measures include:
The measures are based on scientific evidence about treatments that are known to get the best results. Health care experts and researchers are constantly evaluating the evidence to make sure that guidelines and measures are kept up-to-date. Sometimes, guidelines and measures are revised to reflect new evidence.

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