Points of Contact

Points of Contact for the Maritime Administration

Yvette Fields, Director
Department of Transportation
U.S. Maritime Administration
Office of Deepwater Ports and Offshore Activities
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE (MAR-530)
Washington, DC 20590
Telephone: 202-366-0926
E-mail: Yvette.Fields@dot.gov

Linden Houston, Program Manager
Department of Transportation
U.S. Maritime Administration
Office of Deepwater Ports and Offshore Activities
Public Benefit Conveyance Program
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE (MAR-530)
Washington, DC 20590
Telephone: 202-366-4839
E-mail: Linden.Houston@dot.gov

Points of Contact for Coordinate Government Agencies

Department of Commerce: Economic Development Administration

Frank Monteferrante, Ph.D.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Economic Adjustment Division
Economic Development Administration
1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Room 7009
Washington, DC 20230
Telephone:        202-482-4208
E-mail:              FMonteferrante@eda.doc.gov

Department of Labor: Employment and Training Administration

Michael Gilroy, National BRAC Response Coordinator
Department of Labor
Employment and Training Administration
200 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20210
Telephone:        202-693-3592
E-mail:              Gilroy.Michael@dol.gov

General Services Administration

Ralph Conner, Director of Real Property
U.S. General Services Administration
Office of Property Disposal
1800 F Street NW
Washington, DC 20405
Telephone:        202-501-0084
E-mail:              Ralph.Conner@gsa.gov

Office of Economic Adjustment

David F. Witschi, P.E., Associate Director
Office of Economic Adjustment
Office of the Secretary of Defense
400 Army-Navy Drive, Suite 200
Arlington, VA 22202-4704
Phone:              703-604-5165
Fax:                  703-604-5843
E-mail:              David.Witschi@wso.whs.mil