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USOSCE Statements

Statement on Official Negotiations on the Transnistrian Settlement

As delivered by Ambassador Ian Kelly
to the Permanent Council, Vienna
March 1, 2012

The United States commends the Irish Chairmanship for hosting the second round of official 5+2 talks in Dublin on February 28-29. We applaud the Sides and the other international participants for constructive engagement on a statement of principles to guide the negotiations.

We likewise welcome the January 27th meeting between Moldova’s Prime Minister and Transnistria's new leader hosted by Ukraine. Direct talks between the sides in parallel with the 5+2 negotiations contribute to confidence-building and progress on issues of immediate interest to people living on both sides of the Dniester River.

The United States supports the Irish Chairmanship's plans for more frequent and substantive 5+2 talks this year in order to advance toward a comprehensive settlement that respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Moldova and provides for a special status for the Transnistria region.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

USOSCE at the Permanent Council

  • OSCE Permanent Council meetings are held at the Hofburg Congress Center, Vienna, Austria. (USOSCE/Colin Peters)

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