Thursday, March 29, 2012

Raven 1 Team: Meet Cassie from Wisconsin

Now that you’ve seen the Raven 1 team introduction video, it’s time to hear directly from the members of Raven 1. Find out about Cassie and what she is most excited about this year. Have questions for Cassie or something in common? Leave a comment.


From: Wisconsin

Age: 23

Before NCCC: I was working as a bartender in my hometown.

About me: I am from Sparta, Wisconsin. My experiences and hobbies include crafting, reading, woodworking, gardening, and DIY home improvement. I became involved with AmeriCorps NCCC after spending a week doing Hurricane Katrina relief in 2007.

Team Specialty Role: Health and Wellness Liaison, Service Learning Initiator

Most excited about this year: The opportunity to support disaster relief efforts

Next Raven 1 Team Post: Jerramie from Idaho

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Raven 1 Team: Meet Michael from Florida

Now that you’ve seen the Raven 1 team introduction video. It’s time to hear directly from the members of Raven 1. First up to tell us about himself is Michael. If you have questions for Michael feel free to leave them in the comments!

Name: Michael

From: Florida

Age: 20

Before NCCC: I was in training in Job Corps for Building Maintenance

About me: I am an alum of Job Corps Schenck in North Carolina. My hobbies include sports, reading, and hiking. I have previous experience in the fields of retail, food prep, landscaping, building maintenance, and construction. I have experience aiding those with disabilities including my autistic twin sister. I am calm, peaceful, yet a mighty voice to the team. I try to always lend a helping hand, and gain an in-depth understanding of other people’s history, ideals, and beliefs.

Most excited about this year: Learning new things about the team, accomplishing the projects given, making an impact on society, helping the environment and people of this country

Team Specialty Role: Vehicle Safety and Tools Officer.

Next Raven 1 Team Post: Cassie from Wisconsin

Monday, March 26, 2012

Back to Team Blogging: Meet Raven 1

This year, the NCCC Blog will include posts by NCCC partners, project sponsors, various program initiatives, alumni and teams from across the country at all five NCCC campuses.

The NCCC Atlantic Region campus will be the primary campus featured throughout the year. The NCCC Atlantic Region campus is currently located in Perry Point, MD with over 150 members in service.

At this time, members assigned to the Atlantic Region campus are assigned to teams and units with animal names. Right now, the Atlantic Region has three units named Buffalo, Moose and Raven. For class 18 there are four Buffalo teams, five Moose teams and five Raven teams for a total of 14 NCCC Atlantic Region teams serving this year.

The featured team for the Atlantic Region campus for the NCCC Blog is the Raven 1 team. The Atlantic Region will also feature teams Buffalo 4 and Moose 5 at least once a month and other special posts throughout the year from the campus.

So now – meet Raven 1

Raven 1 started NCCC in February 2012. After completing four weeks of Corps Training Institute (CTI) they recently deployed to their first project in Wilmington, Delaware. The 11 members of the team come from 10 different states. Get a feel for the fun to come this year by watching their team introduction video:

Friday, March 23, 2012

A Step Forward with FEMA Corps, a Corps Member’s Perspective from the Front Row

The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) and the Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recently announced an innovative partnership to establish a FEMA-devoted unit of service corps members within AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC).  FEMA Corps formalizes a longstanding partnership between AmeriCorps NCCC and FEMA.

FEMA Corps will create a new unit of the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) whose members will be devoted solely to FEMA disaster preparedness, response, and recovery efforts.

The new partnership will eventually provide for a full service corps of 1,600 members annually who will be an additional workforce in support of FEMA’s current disaster reserve workforce.

NCCC campuses in Vicksburg, Mississippi and Vinton, Iowa will be the first campuses to start the new 480 FEMA Corps members in the summer of 2012.

Anaisa (L) at FEMA Corps Announcement with Acting CNCS CEO Robert Velasco

On Tuesday, March 13, 2012, Anaisa, 20, from Silver City, New Mexico stood in the front row with her AmeriCorps NCCC team, Moose 2, during the historic FEMA Corps announcement in Washington, DC.

“I felt like the face of AmeriCorps NCCC and not just in the background somewhere,” says Anaisa about the press conference experience.

Reflecting back on her experience , Anaisa says, “the press conference room wasn’t that big, but with big named media outlets like CNN asking questions from the second row, the room felt much bigger.”

Anaisa and her teammates met a variety of AmeriCorps and FEMA officials, including the Acting CEO of the Corporation for National & Community Service, Robert Velasco, II, FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano.

"She’s a good person, a good political figure and very down to Earth," Anaisa said of Secretary Napolitano. Anaisa said it was an honor to stand beside the secretary because she has been a role model for her as a strong political figure and woman.

Anaisa, perhaps not fully realizing she is a role model and has helped two federal agencies highlight a big change, says “one day, I hope to be some sort of role model for someone else, or help someone make a change somewhere.”

Anaisa shakes hands with CNCS Acting CEO Robert Velasco

“I think it (the FEMA Corps) is a good idea to get young people involved, because they are the voice of the future,” Anaisa said.

Overall, Anaisa is both a bit excited and a bit anxious about the new partnership. She is excited about what it can do for the country and in particular young people.

“I’m interested in signing up for it” she said. “It’s a step forward.”

If you are interested to apply for the new FEMA Corps, to be considered you must first apply with NCCC here .

Brought to you by AmeriCorps NCCC, a program of the Corporation for National and Community Service.
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