Monday, January 11, 2010

Tackling Taxes in Tucson

We arrived in Tucson on Sunday around 4:30 and got to see our AMAZING digs! We’re living in three cozy apartments that are absolutely beautiful. The apartment complex has two pools, a gym, clubhouse, laundry, and supposedly a spa/whirlpool. We still have yet to find this phantom whirlpool, but I’m sure we will find it in due time. The weather here is absolutely beautiful, I could not ask for any better weather than what we had today. Everyone is very excited to have all the space and very nice accommodations. We are a little concerned that the team will start breaking off into different groups since we’re not all in one house now. I personally think that we’re all very aware of the possibility and will continue to be so close and still want to hang out and what not.

We had our orientation for United Way and the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program today. Cheyenne, our project sponsor, is absolutely wonderful. She has been very helpful in getting us settled into the apartments and the organization as well. We got to meet the majority of the administration of United Way. The day was a little long with a lot of presentations about the organization, but it was all interesting and very important to know. Tomorrow we start our IRS Certification training for the VITA program, so that will be pretty neat get a move on learning about taxes! Never thought I would be helping people do their taxes, let alone being excited for it! I’m really excited for the face time we will have with the people in the communities we’ll be serving.

All in all, it seems everyone is in great spirits, I don’t think anyone has stopped smiling since we got here.

Over and out,



  1. hello ameri friends.

    it sounds like you all r having a decently fun time in the A. i was a member of the A in CO for class 14. on the week of the 25th of Jan im going to throught denver to do some boarding at Abasin. and i was wondering if you would be in a transitions week. if so i will probably make a stop at The G's for pool and beer. feel free to stop in.

    Levi Milliron E1/EarthOneders

  2. Hey Water 4!

    I'm a fellow AmeriCorps member, Class XII Denver, Fire Five. I just read your whole blog from beginning to end and I'm glad to see a whole team is putting their experiences in a blog! It's great to see a team come together.

    It won't always be sunshine and roses, but just stick through it and actually talk about, and through, your issues. My team got to the point where we had real issues to work through, but we didn't want to rock the boat, so issues/problems got pushed aside. It's always better to have an open dialog and tell people how you feel.

    Some spikes can get really intense, and you might start to feel like it's too much, but it's the perseverance that will make you have a different outlook on life.

    I hope you guys have a great spike and seriously live life to its fullest. Get to know people, don't be afraid to express your opinions even if you know someone on your team won't like it. It's alright to agree to disagree! It's through these differences that we learn other ways of thinking and become more well rounded as individuals.

    Fire 5'er

  3. Makes me long for days of a simpler life. Eat, sleep, work, workout. Repeat.

    Will/ DAlen
    Southeast Class XII
    Blue 6

    PS the grey text on white background make-a me eyez hurty.

  4. Hello everyone. I am an NCCC alum, Capital region Class X. I live in Tucson and know the city very well. If you need anything please feel free to contact me. I actually have meetings weekly in the United Way building. Reach me @

    Hope you enjoy your project and the beautiful Tucson weather!

  5. WATER 4!!!!
    And to Ashley.
    Hi Ashley, it's Ashley!

    I was a CM and TL for Water 4, Class XI and Class XII. I know your TL, Miss Ashley and have been highly impressed with her since we worked together last year during Summer of Service.

    I want to let you all know that I am very excited that you are getting to do this program and seem to be embracing it with everything you have. I wish you the best of luck, and the best of experiences as you travel this path together!!!


  6. Enjoy AmeriCorps! Simple life, great work... Great opportunities, good people, and lots of travel.

    April, Denver class X
    Earth 7 (... originally from Water!)

  7. former Arizona Americorps, Arizona Conservation corps and State park ranger says you will not find a more worthwhile location to volunteer, learn about cultures of varying kinds and discover the myriad of mountains deserts and even rocky ocean bays nearby in mexico, be prepared for the time of your life.........

  8. Arcadia CA Tax Preparation. We have CPAs, Lawyers, Tax Prepares, Bookkeepers here to assist you. Call 626.280.6865
    Tax Deductions


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