

Letter to Chairman Issa Regarding Use of the Seven-Day Letter by the IG Community

House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
August 24, 2012


On August 24, 2012, we issued a letter to Rep. Darrell Issa, Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, requesting that we provide information on the use of seven-day letters by the IG community.  Specifically, the Chairman requested the following: (1) whether DOT-OIG has issued any seven-day letters since January 1, 2009; (2) any serious or flagrant problems at DOT that were not reported to Congress; and (3) OIG’s understanding of the IG Act’s requirement in section 4(a)(5) to keep the Secretary of Transportation and Congress “fully and currently informed”.

As of August 24, 2012, DOT-OIG has not issued any seven-day letters to DOT or otherwise reported particularly serious or flagrant problems through the specific mechanism authorized in section 5(d) of the IG Act since January 1, 2009.  We are also unaware of any particularly serious or flagrant problems at DOT that have not been reported to Congress since January 1, 2009.  We further explained our understanding of our reporting requirements and identified various additional measures through which we keep the Secretary and Congress fully and currently informed of our work.
