Media Relations Section

Media Relations Officer: (913) 684-1723


Responds to media queries, conducts press conferences, produces News Releases and media advisories, escorts media, and assists with the dissemination of information to Soldiers, families and civilians on post and to people living in local communities. We also offer media and social media training.

In media relations, we understand that news today is immediate, ever-changing and global. We will do our best to meet deadlines and provide information as soon as it becomes available and releasable. We ask that anyone acting in a professional media capacity contact public affairs to obtain information or set up interviews with experts. This will ensure that information is factual and accurate.


Top 10 tips for media interview:

  1. Talk about your experiences, stick with what you know. “Stay in your lane.”
  2. Don’t say it or do it if you don’t want to see it or hear it later in the news.
  3. Always tell the truth. If you don’t know the answer, say so. Never speculate, assume or guess.
  4. Appearance is vital! Check your uniform; remove sunglasses – what’s your body language saying?
  5. Speak English, not Jargon. Avoid acronyms and military slang. People can’t relate if they don’t understand what you’re saying.
  6. An interview is a conversation between two people. Keeping that in mind may help you relax.
  7. Keep answers short, simple, conversational and to the point.
  8. Involve Public Affairs.
  9. Never say, “No comment.” It doesn’t help the reporter and it doesn’t help the Army in our pursuit of “maximum disclosure, minimum delay.” Truthfully explain why you can’t comment, whether because it would violate a Joint Ethics Regulation to provide an opinion, it hinders operational security, it’s private/sensitive/non-releasable information, you don’t know, you don’t make policy, it’s outside your lane, etc. and then provide them what you can tell them.
  10. You were chosen for an interview because you are a subject matter expert in your field or for that story. You have a story to tell. What do you want people to know? What do you want to leave them with? Take a breath, think about your answer and have confidence in your abilities.