U.S. Congressman Fred Upton

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Honoring the Living Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Washington, DC, Jan 17 - By Rep. Fred Upton -

Every year on the third Monday in January, we come together as a nation to celebrate the extraordinary life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
While we have made much progress as a nation in the decades since the Civil Rights Movement, we know that we must continue to work together to ensure that Dr. King’s “Dream” remains alive for future generations.
While one man violently took Dr. King from us nearly 45 years ago, he could not silence Dr. King’s teachings.  His spirit lives on to this day and his wisdom continues to shape our lives and our nation. 
Dr. King’s words bring us both comfort and hope, particularly as injustice, violence, and despair seem to be staring us in the face whenever we turn on the television or open the newspaper.
Nearly four and a half decades after Dr. King’s own assassination, the senseless violence challenges us to come together with a renewed commitment to serve. 
The horrific tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, is only the latest re-minder that evil exists in our world and must be confronted, not ignored.  Our thoughts and prayers remain with all of the victims and their shattered community as we work to ensure that our children remain protected and that such violence never happens again.
Like Dr. King, we as a nation will not allow violence to deter us nor allow hate to dash our hopes.  Just as Dr. King’s march continues to this day, so too must our own.
While we have made great strides as a nation – overcoming many setbacks and bridging many divides – we still have many more to make.  The healing and work continues, giving us hope for the future.


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