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Jessica Todd

Agricultural Economist

Jessica Todd is an Agricultural Economist in the Food Economics Division, Diet, Safety, and Health Branch. She conducts research on the economics of food choices, diet and health outcomes, and food and nutrition assistance programs. Her work is published in scholarly journals, ERS reports, and other outlets.

Before joining ERS in 2007, Jessica worked primarily as a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank, studying the impact of conditional cash transfer programs in Latin America. She has also consulted for the World Bank, the Center for Global Development and the International Food Policy Research Institute.

Jessica received a Ph.D. and an M.A. in economics from American University. She earned a B.S. in natural resources management from Colorado State University.

Selected Publications:

Tood, Jessica E., Paul Winters, and Tom Hertz. "Conditional Cash Transfers and Agricultural Production: Lessons from the Oportunidades Experience in Mexico," Journal of Development Studies 46(1): 39-67, 2010.

Mancino, Lisa, Jessica E. Todd, and Biing-Hwan Lin. "Separating what we eat from where: Measuring the effect of food away from home on diet quality," Food Policy 34 (6): 557-562, 2009.

Winters, Paul, Guy Stecklov, and Jessica E. Todd. "Household demography in the short run: The response of household structure to economic change in Nicaragua," Journal of Marriage and Family 71(3): 208-226, 2009.

Glassman, Amanda, Jessica E. Todd, and Marie Gaardner. "Latin America: Cash Transfers to Support Better Household Decisions," in Performance Initiatives for Global Health: Potential and Pitfalls, Rena Eichler and Ruth Levine, eds., Washington, DC: Center for Global Development: 89-121, 2009.

Todd, Jessica E. "Use of Nutrition Labels Declining, Especially Among Young Adults," Amber Waves 6 (4): 4, USDA, ERS, September 2008.

Stecklov, Guy, Paul Winters, Jessica E. Todd, and Ferdinando Regalia. "Unintended effects of poverty programmes on childbearing in less developed countries: Experimental evidence from Latin America," Population Studies 61(2): 125-140, 2007.

Glassman, Amanda, Jessica E. Todd, and Marie Gaardner. "Performance-Based Incentives for Health: Conditional Cash Transfer Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean," Working Paper No.120, Center for Global Development: Washington, D.C., 2007

Stecklov, Guy, Paul Winters, Jessica E. Todd, and Ferdinando Regalia. "Demographic Externalities from Poverty Programs in Developing Countries: Experimental Evidence from Latin America," Department of Economics, American University, Working Paper 2006-1.

Todd, Jessica E., Paul Winters, and Diego Arias. CAFTA and the Rural Economies of Central America: A Conceptual Framework for Policy and Program Recommendations, Economic and Sector Study Series, Inter-American Development Bank, December 2004.

Last updated: Saturday, May 26, 2012

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