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Lisa Mancino

Agricultural Economist

Lisa Mancino is an Economist in the Food Economics Division of USDA's Economic Research Service. She conducts research on food consumption, diet, and health outcomes with a focus on the behavioral economics of food choice. Her research has covered topics including how behavioral economic concepts could be used to improve diet quality within food assistance programs, the influence of nutrition education programs and dietary guidelines on food choice, and the effect of food away from home on diet quality.

Before coming to ERS, Lisa was a Ph.D. student at the University of Minnesota and research assistant for the Retail Food Industry Center.

Lisa has a Ph.D. and an M.S. in agricultural economics from the University of Minnesota and a B.A. in International Management from Gustavus Adolphus College.

Selected Publications:
Mancino, Lisa and Guthrie, Joanne. "When Nudging in the Lunch Line Might be a Good Thing." USDA, ERS, Amber Waves 7(1): 33-38, March 2009.

Ribaudo, Marc, Kuchler, Fred, and Mancino, Lisa. "Market Failures: When the Invisible Hand Gets Shaky." USDA, ERS, Amber Waves 6(5): 34-39, November 2008.

Mancino, Lisa, and Newman, Constance. "Time is Money...and Dinner!" USDA, ERS, Amber Waves 5 (4): 4, September 2007.

Mancino, Lisa. "Insidious Consumption: Surprising Factors that Influence What We Eat and How Much." USDA, ERS, Amber Waves 5 ( 3): 10-15, June 2007.

Ver Ploeg, Michele, Mancino, Lisa, and Lin, Biing-Hwan. "Food Stamps and Obesity: Ironic Twist or Complex Puzzle?" USDA, ERS, Amber Waves 4 (1): 32-37, February 2006.

Mancino, Lisa. "Going with the Grain: Consumers Responding to New Dietary Guidelines." USDA, ERS, Amber Waves 3 (5): 4, November 2005.

Last updated: Saturday, May 26, 2012

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