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Message from the Ambassador

This part of our website has been provided to give you an overview of Singapore's commercial, economic, political and investment climate, emphasizing the best prospects for American business.  It also describes assistance available from the U.S. government and other sources that can help you in your marketing efforts in Singapore and the region.

In 2011, Singapore was the United States' 11th largest export market and 15th largest trading partner.  The country is one of the most highly developed and sophisticated industrial, commercial, financial and consumer economies in the world and serves as a major distribution center for U.S. companies interested in selling in Asia.  During the first eight years of the U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement, two-way trade increased 59 percent and U.S. exports by 89 percent.

To deepen our engagement in the region, the United States is negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) with Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam, Japan, Mexico and Canada have also expressed interest in joining the TPP.

I am delighted that U.S.-Singapore relations are at an all time high.  The signing of the U.S.-Singapore Strategic Partnership Dialogue in February 2012 promises to elevate further U.S.-Singapore relations and is a great example of strengthening U.S. engagement in Asia.

I encourage you to make full use of this site, our Embassy and our Commercial Service to help expand your exports to Singapore and the region.

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