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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

Steller sea lions on Seguam Island, AlaskaSteller sea lions on Seguam Island, Alaska. Photo: Vladimir Burkanov, NOAA Fisheries.

NMFS, in consultation with the North Pacific Fishery Management Council (Council), intends to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) on Steller sea lion protection measures for the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands management area (BSAI) groundfish fisheries, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. The proposed action would restrict groundfish fishing in the BSAI to ensure the groundfish fisheries are not likely to result in jeopardy of continued existence or adverse modification or destruction of designated critical habitat (JAM) for the western distinct population segment (DPS) of Steller sea lions. The western DPS of Steller sea lions is listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and NMFS must ensure that the groundfish fisheries are not likely to result in JAM for this DPS. NMFS intends to work with stakeholders to develop fisheries restrictions that avoid the likelihood of JAM and minimize the potential economic impact on the fishing industry to the extent practicable while meeting the requirements of the ESA. The analysis in the EIS will determine the impacts to the human environment resulting from this proposed action and the alternatives. In scoping for the EIS, NMFS accepted written comments from the public to determine the issues of concern; the appropriate range of management alternatives; and the direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts. NMFS, in coordination with the Council, conducted a public meeting to inform the public of this proposed action and alternatives, presented issues and potential impacts, and provided an opportunity for public comment.

EIS Scoping

  • Scoping Report: Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures for Groundfish Fisheries in the BSAI Management Area Environmental Impact Statement, November 2012 NEW!
  • Draft EIS

    Request a copy of the EIS. You will also be able to download a PDF copy of the Draft EIS from this web page when it is published spring 2013.

  • 77 FR 52674, August 30, 2012. Notice of a public scoping meeting on October 2, 2012, in Anchorage, AK, to determine the issues of concern, the appropriate range of management alternatives, and the direct, indirect, and cumulative impacts to be addressed in the SSLPM EIS. Public comment period ends October 15, 2012.
  • Potential Scoping Issues
  • 77 FR 22750, April 17, 2012. Notice of intent to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) on Steller sea lion protection measures for the BSAI groundfish fisheries for the western distinct population segment of Steller sea lions, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. Comment period through October 15, 2012
  • News Release: April 17, 2012

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