Blue Angels Application Process: Information and Forms

The Blue Angels represent the finest from the Navy and Marine Corps. Each member, whether officer or enlisted, is hand-picked from the fleet to be part of the Blue Angels team. Every year, this select group begins a two or three-year rotation traveling across the country and around the world to perform for millions of spectators.

Every year, a total of 16 Officers and nearly 100 enlisted men and women volunteer for duty with the Blue Angels. Team members are well-rounded representatives of fleet counterparts and selection is extremely competitive. Each squadron member is individually selected. There are certain requirements that the squadron looks for in hiring a team member, and applicants must be career-oriented Sailors or Marines recommended for Blue Angels duty by their current Commanding Officer.

Competition during the application process ensures that the Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron maintains its tradition of excellence and adequately reflects the professionalism of today’s Sailors and Marines.