Student Programs


Program Type:
Education Level:

Summer Space Grant and Summer Internship Program (SIP)


The Summer Space Grant and Summer Internship Program (SIP) at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory is a national program administered by NASA that provides internship funding for graduate and undergraduate students attending universities in state. Thirty-eight states provide internships at JPL. Applicants must be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident.

How to Apply:

Interested students should submit a current resume and unofficial transcript to The subject line of the e-mail must contain the number and topic of interest from the below list. Resumes will be submitted for consideration to managers requesting students. There are paid full-time and part-time internship opportunities available.

  1. Solar System Science
    Planetary Atmospheres and Geology
    Solar System characteristics and origin of life
    Primitive solar systems bodies
    Lunar science
    Preparing for returned sample investigations

  2. Earth Science
    Atmospheric composition and dynamics
    Land and solid earth processes
    Water and carbon cycles
    Ocean and ice
    Earth analogs to planets
    Climate Science

  3. Astronomy and Fundamental Physics
    Origin, evolution, and structure of the universe
    Gravitational astrophysics and fundamental physics
    Extra-solar planets and star and planetary formation
    Solar and Space Physics
    Formation and evolution of galaxies

  4. In-Space Propulsion Technologies
    Chemical propulsion
    Non-chemical propulsion
    Advanced propulsion technologies
    Supporting technologies

  5. Space Power and Energy Storage
    Power generation
    Energy storage
    Power management & distribution
    Cross-cutting technologies

  6. Robotics, Tele-Robotics and Autonomous Systems
    Manipulation technology
    Human-systems interfaces
    Autonomous rendezvous & docking
    Systems engineering

  7. Communication and Navigation
    Optical communications & navigation technology
    Radio frequency communications
    Position, navigation and timing
    Integrated technologies
    Revolutionary concepts

  8. Human Exploration Destination Systems
    In-situ resource utilization and Cross-cutting systems

  9. Science Instruments, Observatories and Sensor Systems
    Science Mission Directorate Technology Needs
    Remote Sensing instruments/sensors
    Observatory technology
    In-situ instruments/sensor technologies

  10. Entry, Descent and Landing Systems
    Aerobraking, aerocapture, and entry systems
    Vehicle system technology

  11. Nanotechnology
    Engineered materials
    Energy generation and storage
    Electronics, devices and sensors

  12. Modeling, Simulation, Information Technology and Processing
    Flight and ground computing
    Information processing

  13. Materials, Structures, Mechanical Systems and Manufacturing
    Mechanical systems
    Cross cutting

  14. Thermal Management Systems
    Cryogenic systems
    Thermal control systems (near room temperature)
    Thermal protection systems