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Frequently Asked Questions about NATO

What Does NATO do? 

Does NATO have it`s own Armed Forces?

What are the conditions for joining NATO? Which countries are eligible?

What is NATO`s role in the fight against piracy?

What is NATO`s position on Iraq?

What is NATO`s role in the fight against terrorism?

Is NATO involved in Afghanistan?

What is Russia`s status? - Is it a partner country?

What are the official languages of NATO?

How much does NATO cost and who pays for it?

Recommended books on NATO

Q: What does NATO do?

A: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is an alliance of 28 countries from North America and Europe committed to fulfilling the goals of the North Atlantic Treaty signed on 4 April 1949. In accordance with the Treaty, the fundamental role of NATO is to safeguard the freedom and security of its member countries by political and military means. NATO is playing an increasingly important role in crisis management and peacekeeping.

For more information, please see: Welcome to NATO

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Q: Does NATO have its own armed forces?

A: All member countries that participate in the military aspect of the Alliance contribute forces and equipment, which together constitute the integrated military structure of the Alliance. These forces and assets remain under national command and control until a time when they are required by NATO a specific purpose (i.e. conflict or crisis, peacekeeping). NATO, however, does possess some common capabilities owned and operated by the Alliance, such as the AWACS early warning radar aircraft.

For more information, please see: NATO Handbook

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Q: What are the conditions for joining NATO? Which countries are eligible?

A: NATO has an open door policy with regard to enlargement. Any European country in a position to further the principles of the Washington Treaty and contribute to security in the Euro-Atlantic area can become a member of the Alliance at the invitation of the North Atlantic Council.

Countries aspiring for NATO membership are also expected to meet certain political, economic and military goals in order to ensure that they will become contributors to Alliance security as well as beneficiaries of it.

NATO’s Membership Action Plan (MAP) is designed to assist aspirant partner countries in their preparations by providing a framework which enables NATO to channel assistance and practical support to them on all aspects of NATO membership.

For more information, please see: NATO Enlargement

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Q: What is NATO’s role in the fight against piracy?

A: Nato is very much involved in countering piracy with Operation Ocean Shield, which is NATO’s contribution to international efforts to combat piracy off the Horn of Africa. This commenced on the 17 August 2009 after the North Atlantic Council (NAC) approved the mission. Operation Ocean Shield builds on the experience gained during Operation Allied Protector, NATOs’ previous counter-piracy mission, and develops a distinctive NATO role based on the broad strength of the Alliance by adopting a more comprehensive approach to counter-piracy efforts.

While at-sea counter-piracy operations will continue to be the focus, a new element of regional-state counter-piracy capacity building has been developed for Operation Ocean Shield. NATO’s capacity building effort will aim to assist regional states, upon their request, in developing their own ability to combat piracy activities. This element of the operation is designed to complement the efforts of existing international organisations and forces operating in the area and will contribute to a lasting maritime security solution off the Horn of Africa.

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Q: What is NATO’s position on Iraq?

A: The campaign against Iraq in 2003 was conducted by a coalition of forces from different countries, some of which were NATO member countries and some were not. NATO as an organisation had no role in the campaign but undertook a number of measures in accordance with Article 4 of the North Atlantic Treaty, to ensure the security of one of its members, Turkey, in the event of a threat to it resulting from the war in Iraq. On 21 May 2003, the Alliance also agreed to support Poland, a member of NATO, in its leadership of a sector in the stabilization force in Iraq.

In August 2004, in response to a request by the Iraqi Interim Government, NATO established a Training Implementation Mission in Iraq. NATO is involved in training, equipping, and technical assistance - not combat. The aim of the Mission is to help Iraq build the capability of its Government to address the security needs of the Iraqi people.

For more information, please see: NATO and Iraq

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Q: What is NATO’s role in the fight against terrorism?

A: On 12 September 2001, less than 24 hours after the terrorist attacks against the United States, NATO declared the attacks to be an attack against all the 19 NATO member countries within the terms of Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty.

This landmark decision was followed by practical measures aimed at assisting the United States in different fields, in relation to its campaign against terrorism.

For more information, please see: NATO's contribution to the fight against terrorism

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Q: Is NATO involved in Afghanistan?

A: Yes. Through its leadership of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), NATO is helping establish the conditions in which Afghanistan can enjoy a representative government and self-sustaining peace and security.

The Alliance took over command and coordination of ISAF in August 2003. Initially restricted to providing security in and around Kabul, NATO-led ISAF has gradually extended its reach and is now responsible for security across the whole country. This is the first mission outside the Euro-Atlantic area in NATO’s history.

For more information, please see: NATO in Afghanistan

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Q: What is Russia’s status – Is it a partner country?

A: Yes. NATO and Russia made a reciprocal commitment to work together to build a stable, secure and undivided continent on the basis of partnership and common interest in 1997.

This commitment was strengthened in May 2002, with the establishment of the NATO-Russia Council, which brings together the 28 NATO Allies and Russia to identify and pursue opportunities for joint action as equal partners.

For more information, please see: NATO-Russia relations

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Q: What are the official languages of NATO?

A: The two official languages of NATO are English and French.

For more information, please see: Final Communiqué following the meeting of the North Atlantic Council on 17 Sept. 1949.

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Q: How much does NATO cost and who pays for it?

A: NATO is an intergovernmental organization to which member nations allocate the resources needed to enable it to function on a day-to-day basis. There are three budgets: one civil and two military. Each NATO member country pays an amount into the budgets based on an agreed cost-sharing formula. Taken together, these budgets represent less than half of one percent of the total defence budget expenditures of NATO countries.

For more information, please see: NATO Handbook

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Q: What are some recommended books on NATO?

A: Publications from the NATO Public Diplomacy Division provide a lot of useful information and are available at the following URL :

Those who are interested in the history and the beginnings of the Organization can read:

NATO : The First Five Years : 1949-1954 by Lord Ismay, which is in fact the first NATO handbook. This text has been digitised by the NATO Archives and is available at this URL :

Even if a real history of the Organization is still to be written, two books can be of interest :

· A History of NATO : The First Fifty Years / edited by Gustav Schmidt. - Houndmills, UK : Palgrave, 2001. - 3 vol.

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