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Building a Network for Neutron Scattering Education

March 27-28, 2008
Marriott Westfields, Chantilly, Virginia





In a concerted effort supported by both NSF and DOE/BES, the US has rebuilt its leadership in neutron scattering capability through a significant investment in five US neutron source facilities and related instrumentation. These unique facilities provide opportunities in neutron scattering to a broad community comprising researchers from academic institutions, federal laboratories and industry. However, neutron scattering is often considered to be a tool for “experts only” and in order for the US research community to take full advantage of these new and powerful tools, a comprehensive education and outreach program must be developed to address the needs of the research community at all levels. Such a program needs to be developed at national level to take full advantage of modern education methods and to leverage the existing educational capacity at universities and the national facilities. We propose to hold a workshop entitled “Building a Network for Neutron Scattering Education” that will define and design a roadmap for a comprehensive neutron scattering education program in the US. Successful implementation of this roadmap will maximize the national intellectual capital in neutron sciences and increase the sophistication of research questions addressed by neutron scattering at the Nation’s forefront facilities.

The roadmap developed at the workshop will lead to the design of an national infrastructure for education of students, faculty, and professional researchers who wish to make use of national neutron scattering facilities but do not have (or do not believe they have) the educational background to do so. The workshop will bring together US academicians, representatives from neutron sources, scientists that have developed nontraditional educational programs, educational specialists, and managers from government agencies to create a national structure for providing ongoing neutron scattering education. A concerted effort will be made to involve representatives from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) and Minority Education Institutions (MEI) both through targeted advertising and recruitment as well as the use of personal contacts.

The intellectual merit of this workshop lies in the creation of a roadmap and framework for neutron scattering education across the many fields of science for which neutrons can be a powerful investigative tool. The national neutron sources have individually developed small scale outreach and advertising programs aimed at increasing awareness among researchers of the potential applications of neutron scattering. However, this awareness needs to be coupled with, and integrated into, a broader initiative which provides an education program addressing the complete range of experience, from the student to the experienced researcher, and the wide range of disciplines covered by the technique. Such an initiative must also take full advantage of existing educational programs and expertise at universities and expand them using modern distance learning capabilities, recognizing that the landscape of education is changing.

The workshop will serve to gather together the so far scattered and independent elements of an education program and form them into a comprehensive initiative based on modern tools. The broader, long term, impact will be the development of a research community capable of taking full advantage of the unique tools that the nation has invested in.


National Science Foundation
UT/ORNL Joint Institute for Neutron Scattering
Oak Ridge Associated Universities
UT-Battelle, LLC


View the Agenda in PDF format.

Most talks on Thursday and summaries on Friday morning are available from the Agenda by clicking on them. 


View the Attendees in PDF format.


  Information Contact : Al Ekkebus - ekkebusae@ornl.gov  
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