Neutron Imaging at SNS Workshop (NI@SNS 2008)
November 3, 2008 • Building 8600, Central Laboratory & Office Building • Oak Ridge, TN 37831


How can Neutron Imaging solve your challenging research and development problems?

This workshop is directed to a broad community of industries, governmental laboratories and agencies, who wishes to use non-destructive neutron imaging techniques at a future instrument at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS). Potential applications include - but are not limited to: engineering, advanced material characterization, fluid-flow and/or two-phase flow devices, automotive technology, advanced manufacturing technology, applied sciences, aerospace, life and biological sciences, national security applications, etc. Neutrons are specifically well suited for imaging light atoms (hydrocarbons for example) buried in heavy atoms, and are capable of characterizing fluid flow (dynamics).

The overall objectives of this workshop are the following:

  1.  inform of the Spallation Neutron Source's  intent to build a world-leading neutron imaging facility,
  2. describe the capabilities of the proposed facility,
  3. understand needs from the community by active discussions with attendees,
  4. and discuss  investment options in the construction and operation of the facility.