FINS 2011

Forum on Inelastic Neutron Scattering: Condensed Matter Systems
(FINS 2011)

November 16-17, 2011

Spallation Neutron Source • Oak Ridge National Laboratory • Oak Ridge, TN



About the Workshop

This workshop provides a forum for inelastic neutron scatterers in the field of correlated electron studies, especially magnetism and superconductivity, to discuss their current research and future needs. Presentations will focus on research done at the ORNL neutron scattering facilities. This workshop will also be used to educate and encourage graduate students and postdocs in the field. In addition to a poster session and invited talks, workshop sessions are planned for discussions of inelastic instrumentation needs for the SNS and HFIR, sample environment equipment for the inelastic suite, enabling programmatic research among multiple user groups, and software requirements.

This Forum will be the better part of 2 days. This action-oriented workshop will develop recommendations to enhance the research experience at SNS and HFIR.