Workshop on Modeling and Simulation
of Soft Matter Using Neutron Data
(ModSim 2011)

November 9 - 11, 2011

Spallation Neutron Source • Oak Ridge National Laboratory • Oak Ridge Tennessee



About the Workshop

Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science are organizing a workshop on modeling and simulation using neutron data of materials such as complex fluids, polymers, and proteins.   The goal of the workshop is to provide attendees (expected to number 50-100) with an opportunity to identify current status and plan for future development of opportunities of modeling and simulation of soft matter science, a science area where there is substantial Julich and Oak Ridge activity.

One of the goals of the ORNL neutron sciences program this year is to develop collaborations among neutron scattering experimenters and scientists involved with modeling and simulation.  During their 25 minute talk, each session speaker is asked to identify mechanisms for collaboration as well as those 2-3 key experiments (and related key personnel) that should be performed on instruments at the Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor, including the Neutron Spin Echo instrument.  Active feedback will enable a summary of future actions to be discussed on the last day.  Included in the Workshop report will be a summary that integrates current research capabilities along with the recommendations for future collaborations and research directions.  It will also serve as an important document when communicating with funding agencies and the public. 

Contributed talks and posters are actively solicited.  Submission instructions are coming soon.

The workshop will be held at the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, on Wednesday November 9 through Friday November 11, 2011.

Conference Workshop Co-Chairs:

William Heller, ORNL
Michael Ohl, Julich