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Pakistani Educational Leadership Project Summer Institute

Pakistani secondary school science teachers from the public sector are invited to apply for the Pakistani Educational Leadership Project Summer Institute (PELI).  We seek energetic and motivated applicants wishing to grow as effective leaders in their schools and communities.

PELI will bring 20 Pakistani science teachers to Plymouth State University in Plymouth, New Hampshire.  Participants will attend seminars in pedagogy, leadership skills, and team building.  They will also travel to Boston, Massachusetts and Washington, D.C.  During the program, each participant will develop a curriculum plan for their home institution, which they will implement upon returning to Pakistan.

We will recruit participants through a merit-based, open competition.  Selection is based upon leadership potential, experience of working in remote and rural areas of Pakistan, commitment to community service, maturity, ability to adjust successfully to life in the U.S., strong interest in serving as a cultural ambassador for Pakistan, and potential to promote mutual understanding between the United States and Pakistan.

A detailed program description, selection criteria, and the application procedure are available in the below factsheet. The deadline for submitting applications is Sunday, February 26, 2012. To access application form, please use the following link: