U.S. Congressman Kenny Marchant

Proudly Serving the 24th District of Texas
Accountability and Transparency

Accountability and Transparency

From Congressional pay and the proliferation of Czars to earmarks and the legislative process, the American people deserve transparency. That is why I have cosponsored legislation to: 1) reform the pay of Members of Congress; 2) hold the Executive Branch accountable for appointing dozens of Czars to high policy-making positions without Senate confirmation or Congressional oversight; 3) shine light on the programs/activities funded through earmarks; and 4) make the legislative process more open by pulling back the curtain and allowing people to see how laws are made.

Related bills I cosponsored in the 112th Congress:

H.R. 10 Regulations from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act

H.R. 187 Congressional Pay Reform Act

H.R. 431 To eliminate automatic pay adjustments for Members of Congress

H.R. 459 Federal Reserve Transparency Act

H.R. 1148 Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act

H.R. 3414 Honest Budget Act

H.R. 3643 No Budget No Pay Act

Expressing the sense of Congress that the President should issue, and Congress should hold hearings on, a report and a certification regarding the responsibilities, authorities, and powers of his "czars"