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Ninewa province in Northern Iraq has a rich and ancient history. The Assyrian Empire was centered here, and the province is home to Hatra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Mosul, the provincial capital, is Iraq's third largest city. Ninewa’s population, estimated at 2.8 million, is Iraq's second largest and is a diverse mix of Arabs, Kurds, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Turkmen, Yezidis, Shabak and other minorities. The province's economy is overwhelmingly dependent on agriculture.

PRT Ninewa, Iraq's first Provincial Reconstruction Team, was opened in November 2005 by then Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. The PRT is headquartered in Mosul and has a branch office located in Tal Afar, western Ninewa. A senior State Department Foreign Service Officer leads a staff of over 60 career professionals, including representatives from the Departments of State, Defense, Justice, Agriculture, and USAID. The PRT coordinates its efforts with its U.S. military partners, as well as its Iraqi partners in provincial and local government, civil society, and the private sector. In the past year the PRT focused its programming on cultivating good governance, facilitating Ninewa's transition to police primacy, economically empowering women's groups, distributing new technologies to agricultural associations, facilitating a free press, improving access to health care, and encouraging the delivery of essential services. Also central to its mission is fostering political dialogue among an ethnically diverse population.

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