Neutrons Sciences Directorate at ORNL
Click for more information about the HFIR beamline Experiment Hall

HFIR instrument layout. Click for details.

Instruments at the High Flux Isotope Reactor

The instrument suite at HFIR is supported by a variety of sample environments and on-site laboratories for user convenience.

If you're unsure which instrument(s) would most benefit your research, or if you would like to request capabilities that you don't see here, please contact our user office.

All HFIR Instrument fact sheets are also available in this single PDF document.

Available to Users

Beam Line Fact Sheet Instrument Name Contact(s)
CG-1   Development Beam Line Lee Robertson
CG-1D PDF IMAGING Neutron Imaging Prototype Facility Hassina Bilheux
CG-2 PDF GP-SANS General-Purpose Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Diffractometer Ken Littrell
CG-3 PDF Bio-SANS Biological Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument Volker Urban
CG-4C PDF CTAX Cold Neutron Triple-Axis Spectrometer Tao Hong
HB-1 PDF PTAX Polarized Triple-Axis Spectrometer Masaaki Matsuda
HB-1A PDF FIE-TAX Fixed-Incident-Energy Triple-Axis Spectrometer Wei Tian
HB-2A PDF Powder Neutron Powder Diffractometer Vasile Ovidiu Garlea
HB-2B1 PDF NRSF2 Neutron Residual Stress Mapping Facility1 Andrew Payzant
HB-2C PDF WAND US/Japan Wide-Angle Neutron Diffractometer Jaime Fernandez-Baca
HB-3 PDF TAX Triple-Axis Spectrometer Andy Christianson
HB-3A PDF Four-Circle Diffractometer Huibo Cao
1Available for program development use only.

In Commissioning

Beam Line Fact Sheet Instrument Name Contact
CG-4D PDF IMAGINE Image-Plate Single Crystal Diffractometer Flora Meilleur

Instrument Support

Support Area
For general HFIR instrument support, contact Gary Lynn.
Sample Environment
Data Acquisition and Controls