You are here: Home Tutorials Current Conditions Data How do I access current conditions water-quality data?

How do I access current conditions water-quality data?

Start at (link opens in a new window)

Step 1

Click on the blue Water quality button.

Step 2

Choose your state or territory under Geographic Area (in the upper right-hand corner of the page).

NOTE: Current condition water-quality data are currently not available in every state. Historical data are available, however. See Step 3 below.

Step 3

Click the Current Conditions button.

You will get a list of stations, identified by name and number, where water quality is continually monitored. Also listed are current water-quality data from these stations. Typical data include pH, specific conductance, water temperature, and dissolved oxygen. What do these measurements mean?

Some states currently have few or no stations with current condition water-quality data. Also note that ground-water stations may be included on this page. More water-quality data are in the historical water-quality database.

Step 4

Group the Water-Quality Table by Hydrologic Unit to focus on the stations in your local watershed. Click Go.

Step 5

Now, find your Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) or watershed name. What is a HUC? Then click on individual station number(s) in your HUC to get water-quality data for that station.

You will get a graph like the one below, which shows 7 days of water temperature data from this station on the Colorado River in Arizona:

Step 6

For more data (for example, discharge and gage height at the station), select All xx Available parameters at this site. Change the default 7 days to a number the number desired, or select a range of dates by entering them in teh Begin data and End date field. Then Press Go to get data. Current condition water-quality data are available since October 1, 2007. In late 2012 or early 2013 all water quality data will be available. See the news page for more details.

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Title: USGS Water Data for the Nation Help

Page Contact Information: USGS Water Data Support Team
Page Last Modified: 2011-11-09 15:04:35 EST