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Salaam, and congratualations on your assignment to NATC-A and the 438th Air Expeditionary Wing. You are becoming a part of history as we build the Afghan air forces from the ground up. Our mission is to set the conditions for a professional, fully independent, operationally capable air force ready to meet the security requirements of Afghanistan today ... and tomorrow. We truly believe you'll find this deployment challenging, exciting and very rewarding.
tabIn transit 
Most personnel deploying to Afghanistan will travel through the Transit Center at Manas, Kyrgyzstan. When you arrive at Manas you will be briefed on transient policies and assisted in scheduling your flight to Kabul. If you are bringing a firearm, you are required to store your weapon with you in the Temporary API Tents. For 0-5 and above, E-8 and above or GS-12 and above who are hard billeted, you may store your weapon in the Armory if space is available.

You must check in with the Manas passenger terminal at least every 12 hours and be prepared to leave as soon as a seat becomes available. Ensure you pick up your C-Bag (and B-Bag for deployments during 1 October - 31 March) during your stay at Manas.

While at Manas, transient quarters are provided in the event you can't catch a flight out the same day you arrive. Bed spaces are limited so you may be assigned to an "open bay" shelter for your short stay--plan accordingly. The Dining Facility is open 24-hours and any last-minute items you forgot to pack may be available at the BX which is located two blocks on the right hand side of Chapman Drive.

In Your Carry-On: Make sure you pack enough uniforms in your carry-on for a 72-hour stay at Manas. If you are traveling during the winter months, expect subfreezing temperatures in Kyrgyzstan. Be sure to have gloves, hats, and coats readily accessible when you deplane.
tab438th AEW History 
438AEW HistoryThe year 1919 saw the first use of aircraft in the country of Afghanistan. The new leader, Amanullah Khan, had decided to invade British Indian territory, leading to the Third Anglo-Afghan War. Although fighting lasted only briefly, the war had a significant outcome: Afghanistan's independence from British control over its foreign affairsRead full history...
tabInprocessing and Base Information 
438th AEW
Inprocessing information for the
438th Air Expeditionary Wing


tabGetting here 
Upon your arrival at the Kabul International Airport, KAIA, you will be greeted by your sponsor who will take you to PERSCO.  You will receive a quick briefing and complete your emergency locator information. You will need your mobility folder and copies of your orders. The items that PERSCO requires include Record of Emergency Data, one copy of CED orders, AF Form 245, and Promotion Recommendation Letter (if applicable). When PERSCO has finished your inprocessing, they will release you to your sponsor so that you can get a room assignment from Lodging and claim your bags. If a room is not yet available for you, transient tents are available until a permanent billet opens up.

 Inside the 438th AEW

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tabWhat to bring
Specific items that you must bring are identified in the AOR reporting instructions provided by your Unit Deployment Manager/Installation Personnel Readiness Unit.

Almost everything you will need for personal hygiene can be purchased through the BX. If you have a brand preference, you should bring enough for your tour due to the limited selections available. In regards to electronics, both your living and working areas will have 110-power and use U.S. plugs.

Below is a list of recommended items you should consider bringing to Bagram, in addition to your issued items and clothing.
  • Personal credit/debit card for use at the BX
  • Personal checkbook for cashing checks
  • Some cash for travel
  • AF PT uniform (min 4 sets, recommend 6-8 sets)
  • Socks/underwear to last 7-10 days
  • Shower shoes
  • Prescription glasses/reading glasses
  • Sunglasses & sunscreen
  • Small flashlight with spare batteries
  • Reading light
  • Toiletries as needed, at least one-month supply (note: airlines restrict liquids/gels/ aerosols to 3oz containers in one, quart-size zip-lock container)
  • At least 3 laundry bags
  • Extra A-3 bag
  • Travel combo or key lock for your bags
  • Alarm clock - or electric
  • Electric blanket (Oct - Mar)
  • Twin-sized bed linen & pillow

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