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Moving Boat Deployments — References

This page provides a partial list of references for moving boat deployments.

USGS Publications

Measuring Discharge with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers from a Moving Boat by David S. Mueller and Chad R. Wagner. Published as U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods 3A-22, 2009.

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Applications Used in Rivers and Estuaries by the U.S. Geological Survey by A.J. Gotvald and K.A. Oberg. Published as U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2008-3096

Quality-Assurance Plan for Discharge Measurements Using Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers by Kevin A. Oberg, Scott E. Morlock, and William S. Caldwell. Published as U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5183.

Summary of 2007 California District ADCP Check Measurements, Sacramento River at Colusa, CA by California Water Science Center (WSC). An internal report summarizing comparison of ADCP check measurements made by California WSC and other agencies.

Application of the Loop Method for Correcting Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Discharge Measurements Biased by Sediment Transport By David S. Mueller and Chad R. Wagner. Published as U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5079.

Tethered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Platforms for Measuring Streamflow by Michael S. Rehmel, James A. Stewart, and Scott E. Morlock. Published as U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 03-237, 2003.

Evaluation of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Measurements of River Discharge by Scott E. Morlock. Published as U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 95-4218, 1996.

Discharge Measurements using a Broad-band Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler by Michael Simpson. Published as U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 01-01, 2002.

Calibration and Validation of a Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model of the Ohio River, Jefferson County, Kentucky by Chad R. Wagner and David S. Mueller. Published as U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4091.

Results of a Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic and Sediment-Transport Model to Predict the Effects of the Phased Construction and Operation of the Olmsted Locks and Dam on the Ohio River near Olmsted, Illinois by Chad R. Wagner. Published as U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4336.

Journal Articles

Special Edition of Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

The following papers were published by the American Society of Civil Engineers in a Special Edition of the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (December 2007) on hydroacoustic research and applications. This publication includes eight papers with USGS authors (see table of contents below). USGS authored papers are available in pdf by clicking on the titles below. Individual papers from non-USGS authors can be purchased at ASCE's Online Library.


Acoustic Velocimetry for Riverine Environments
Marian Muste, Tracy Vermeyen, Rollin Hotchkiss, and Kevin Oberg

Technical Papers

Evaluation of Mean Velocity and Turbulence Measurements with ADCPs
Elizabeth A. Nystrom, Chris R. Rehmann, and Kevin A. Oberg

Field Assessment of Alternative Bed-Load Transport Estimators
D. Gaeuman and R. B. Jacobson

Correcting Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Discharge Measurements Biased by Sediment Transport
David S. Mueller and Chad R. Wagner

ADCP Measurements of Gravity Currents in the Chicago River, Illinois
Carlos M. Garcia, Kevin Oberg, and Marcelo H. Garcia

Errors in Acoustic Doppler Profiler Velocity Measurements Caused by Flow Disturbance
David S. Mueller, Jorge D. Abad, Carlos M. Garcia, Jeffery W Gartner, Marcelo H. Garcia, and Kevin A. Oberg

Validation of Streamflow Measurements Made with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers
Kevin Oberg and David S. Mueller

Other Journal Articles

Comparison of bottom-track to global positioning system referenced discharges measured using an acoustic Doppler current profiler by Chad Wagner and David Mueller. Published in Journal of Hydrology, 2011.

Measuring real-time streamflow using emerging technologies: Radar, hydroacoustics, and the probability concept by John Fulton and Joseph Ostrowski. Published in Journal of Hydrology, 2008.

Correcting acoustic Doppler current profiler discharge measurement bias from moving-bed conditions without global positioning during the 2004 Glen Canyon Dam controlled flood on the Colorado River by Jeffrey W. Gartner and Neil K. Ganju. Published in Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 2007.

Flow over Bedforms in a Large Sand-Bed River: A Field Investigation by R.R. Holmes, Jr., and M.H. Garcia. Published in Journal of Hydraulic Research, 2007.

Repeated surveys by acoustic Doppler current profiler for flow and sediment dynamics in a tidal river by R.L. Dinehart, J.R. Burau. Published in Journal of Hydrology, 2005.

Averaged indicators of secondary flow in repeated acoustic Doppler current profiler crossings of bends by R.L. Dinehart, J.R. Burau. Published in Water Resources Research, Vol. 41, 2005.

Conference Papers

Temporal Characteristics of Coherent Flow Structures generated over Alluvial Sand Dunes, Mississippi River, revealed by Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling and Multibeam Echo Sounding by J. A. Czuba K.A. Oberg, J.L. Best, D.R. Parsons, S.M. Simmons, K.K. Johnson, and C. Malzone. Presented at River Coastal Estuarine Morphodynamics 2009, September 2009.

Velocity Mapping in the Lower Congo River: A First Look at the Unique Bathymetry and Hydrodynamics of Bulu Reach, West Central Africa by P.R. Jackson, K.A. Oberg, N. Gardiner, and J. Shelton. Presented at River Coastal Estuarine Morphodynamics 2009, September 2009.

Discharge and Other Hydraulic Measurements for Characterizing the Hydraulics of Lower Congo River, July 2008 by Kevin Oberg, John M. Shelton, Ned Gardiner, and P. Ryan Jackson. Presented at 33rd IAHR Congress, August 2009.

The Effect of Channel Shape, Bed Morphology, and Shipwrecks on Flow Velocities in the Upper St. Clair River by Kevin Oberg, John M. Shelton, Ned Gardiner, and P. Ryan Jackson. Presented at 33rd IAHR Congress, August 2009.

Validation of Exposure Time for Discharge Measurements made with Two Bottom-Tracking Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers by Jonathan A. Czuba, Kevin Oberg, Jim Best, and Daniel R. Parsons. Presented at IEEE Current Measurement Technology Conference, March 2008.

Measuring Gravity Currents in the Chicago River, Chicago, Illinois by Kevin A. Oberg, Jonathan A. Czuba, and Kevin K. Johnson. Presented at IEEE Current Measurement Technology Conference, March 2008.

Analysis of Exposure Time on Streamflow Measurements Made with Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers by Kevin A. Oberg and David S. Mueller. Presented at Hydraulic Measurements and Experiemental Methods 2007, September 2007.

Field Evaluation Of Boat-Mounted Acoustic Doppler Instruments Used To Measure Streamflow by David S. Mueller. Presented at IEEE Current Measurement Technology Conference, March 2003.

Towing Basin Speed Calibration of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling Instruments by H. H. Shih, C. Payton, J. Sprenke, and T. Mero; NOAA/ National Ocean Services

Analysis of Open-Channel Velocity Measurements Collected With an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler by Juan A. González-Castro, Charles S. Melching, and Kevin Oberg. Proceedings from the 1st International Conference On New/Emerging Concepts for Rivers. Organized by the International Water Resources Association, September 22-26, 1996, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Effect of Temporal Resolution on the Accuracy of ADCP Measurements by Juan A. González-Castro, Kevin A. Oberg, and James J. Duncker

The following papers were published and presented by USGS personnel at the Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods Conference (HMEM), Estes Park, Colorado, July 29 - August 1, 2002. For more information on the conference, visit the conference Web pages.

Field Assessment of Acoustic-Doppler Based Discharge Measurements by David S. Mueller
A Preliminary Evaluation of Near-Transducer Velocities Collected with Low-Blank Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler by Jeff Gartner and Neil Ganju
Use of Acoustic Doppler Instruments for Measuring Discharge in Streams with Appreciable Sediment Transport by David S. Mueller
In Search of Easy-to-Use Methods for Calibrating ADCP's for Velocity and Discharge Measurements by Kevin Oberg
Use of an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) to Measure Hypersaline Bidirectional Discharge by Kevin K. Johnson and Brian L. Loving


The following manuals are provided primarily as a service for USGS users. However, in some cases, access has also been provided for other agencies, with the manufacturer's permission. USGS users should also note that these links provide access to documentation for that software and firmware that the OSW recommends.

Teledyne RD Instruments
