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613 results found.

Abercrombie, Clarence

Role of American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) in Measuring Restoration Success in the Florida Everglades (Poster)

Thermoregulation of the American Alligator in the Everglades (Poster)

Acosta, Amarys

Temporal and Spatial Salinity Patterns in Joe Bay, Everglades National Park (Poster)(Presented at the 2008 Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration (GEER) Conference. Please note that this is a (3.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Aiken, George R.

Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Synopsis of Phase I Studies and Plans for Phase II Studies (Poster)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)( Please note that this is a (0.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)(Please note that this is a (1.1 MB) PPT file)

Alleman, Rick

Biscayne Bay: How can the quantity, timing, and quality of freshwater inflow be improved to sustain healthy ecosystems in all parts of this bay that stretches from urban areas to wilderness? (Poster)

Anderson, Gordon H.

Long-term Data from the USGS-BRD Mangrove Hydrology Sampling Network in Everglades National Park (Poster)

Restoration of Sheetflow to Northeast Florida Bay: An Assessment of Structural Modifications to the C-111 Canal (Poster)

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Soil Pore Water Nutrients in an Estuarine Fringe Mangrove Forest (Poster)

Variations in Mangrove Peat Salinity from April 1997 to April 2003: A Spatial Analysis. Harney River Estuary, Everglades National Park (Poster)

Anderson-Carnahan, Linda

Can Control of Local Mercury Sources Reduce the Risks? (Poster)

Armentano, Tom

What is happening to the grass in "The River of Grass?" (Poster)

Atkeson, Tom

Can Control of Local Mercury Sources Reduce the Risks? (Poster)

The South Florida Mercury Science Program (Poster)

Author Unknown

Mercury Toxicity in the Food Chain (Poster)

Ball, Maria H.

Evaluation of Flows in Wetlands Adjacent to Canal C-111 (Poster)

Simulation of Seasonal Inundation Patterns in the South Florida Everglades (Poster)

Barnes, Jenifer

Who wants the water and who gets it? (Poster)

Bates, Anne L.

Lignin Phenols from Sediments of Florida Bay as Indicators of Seagrass History (Poster)

What sources are significant and why? (Poster)

Bates, Christine

Water Quality in Big Cypress National Preserve (BICY) and Everglades National Park (EVER): Trends and Spatial Characteristics of Selected Constituents (Poster)

Belles, Holly A.

Long-term Experimental Study of Fire Regimes in South Florida Pinelands: Pine mortality following three seasons of burns (Poster)

Bemis, Bryan E.

Isotopic Evidence for Spatial and Temporal Changes in Everglades Food Web Structure (Poster)

Lessons from the Everglades: Atypical Isotope Patterns in a Complex Ecosystem (Poster)

Benson, Amy J.

What controls invasive animals? (Poster)

Best, G. Ronnie

South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) Website (Poster)(2003)

Bochicchio, Lauren

Design and Development of the Florida Bay Salinity Database (Poster)

Bolster, Carl H.

Development and Testing of a Surface-Water Flow Model for Shark River Slough (Poster)

Bottcher, Del

Best Management Practices - What Are They? (Poster)

Boudreau, Carrie

A Comparison of Rated Discharge at Jewfish Creek using a 0.5 MHz and a 1.5 MHz Argonaut-SL using different sampling volumes (Poster)

Nutrient Loading at Card Sound Canal; a tidally driven canal that experiences highly stratified bi-directional flow conditions (Poster)

Tools for Technicians; Lessons Learned in Index-Velocity Site Selection and ADVM Setup (Poster)

Boyer, Joe

How can the effects of increased phosphorus loading be determined at the landscape level for Everglades structure and functions? (Poster)

Brandt, Laura A.

Ecology of Everglades Alligator Holes (Poster)

Gaining Ground on Lygodium microphyllum (Poster)

How do scientific studies enable managers to ensure the preservation and sustainability of wetlands and wildlife? (Poster)

Role of American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) in Measuring Restoration Success in the Florida Everglades (Poster)

Briere, Peter R.

Creation of a Geodatabase of the Digital Aerial Photography Archives for the Greater Everglades of South Florida and the Southern Inland and Coastal System (Poster)

Brion, Lehar

Who wants the water and who gets it? (Poster)

Browder, Joan

How do we ensure the delivery of the right amount of fresh water - at the right time and of good quality - to sustain and enhance coastal waters? (Poster)

The Southwest Florida Project Coordination Team: How are we expanding the science needed for effective resource management? (Poster)

Butler, Susan M.

Are Manatee Over-Wintering Strategies and Restoration Efforts Compatible in the Northwestern Everglades Region? (Poster)

Modeling Manatee Response to Restoration in the Ten Thousand Islands and Everglades National Park (Poster)

Movements and Habitat Requirements of Radio Tagged Manatees in Southwest Florida; Implications for Restoration Assessment (Poster)

Radio Tracking Manatees to Assess the Impact of Hydrologic Changes in Southwest Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Cadavid, Luis

How can we effectively communicate hydrologic information to decision makers and the public? (Poster)

Who wants the water and who gets it? (Poster)

Caldwell, Eric

Tracing Foodweb Relations and Fish Migratory Habits in the Everglades with Stable Isotope Techniques (Poster)

Call, E.M.

Gaining Ground on Lygodium microphyllum (Poster)

Campbell, Drew

What controls are succeeding, or most likely to succeed? (Poster)

Campbell, Linda

Lessons from the Everglades: Atypical Isotope Patterns in a Complex Ecosystem (Poster)

Campbell, Mark R.

Ecology of Everglades Alligator Holes (Poster)

Capone, Laurene

Best Management Practices - What Are They? (Poster)

Carthy, Raymond R.

Amphibian Inventory of Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve (Poster)

Amphibian Inventory of the National Parks of South Florida and the Virgin Islands (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Casiano, Laurie

Best Management Practices - What Are They? (Poster)

Caudill, Melanie C.

Amphibian Inventory of Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve (Poster)

Chamberlain, Robert

The Caloosahatchee Estuary: What freshwater flow regime will protect and enhance submerged grass beds, and other biotic resources? (Poster)

Chang, Cecily

Lessons from the Everglades: Atypical Isotope Patterns in a Complex Ecosystem (Poster)

Mapping Spatial Variability in Marsh Redox Conditions Using Biomass Stable Isotopic Compositions (Poster)

Tracing Foodweb Relations and Fish Migratory Habits in the Everglades with Stable Isotope Techniques (Poster)

Chen, Zhenquan

What are the predicted long-term transport, fate and effects? (Poster)

Cherkiss, Michael S.

Role of American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) in Measuring Restoration Success in the Florida Everglades (Poster)

Childers, Daniel L.

What are the biological impacts of concern? (Poster)

Choate, Michael

What is modeling, and how does it help? (Poster)

Choi, Jungyill

Characterization of Microtopography in the Everglades (Poster)

Ground Water and Surface Water Interactions in the Freshwater Wetlands of Taylor Slough (Poster)

How has managing the wetlands of the northern Everglades affected hydrologic and chemical interactions with ground water? (Poster)

Significance of Microtopography as a Control on Surface-Water Flow in Wetlands (Poster)

Chopp, Matthew D.

The Effects of Canals on Alligators in the Everglades (Poster)

Clement, Gail

Design and Development of the Florida Bay Salinity Database (Poster)

Coffin, Alisa

Creation of a Geodatabase of the Digital Aerial Photography Archives for the Greater Everglades of South Florida and the Southern Inland and Coastal System (Poster)

Cofrancesco, Al

Biological Controls: How do we use natural enemies to tame weeds? (Poster)

Comiskey, Jane

How can we use computer models to aid the Florida Panther? (Poster)

Conrads, Paul A.

Automation of the Estimation of Missing Water-Level Data for the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) (Poster)

Conceptual Components for the Coastal Everglades Depth Estimation Network (Coastal EDEN) (Poster)

Dealing with Data Realities - Automation of Evaluation of Data Quality and Estimation of Missing Data for the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) (Poster)

Development of Inferential Sensors for Real-time Quality Control of Water-level Data for the EDEN Network (Poster)(Presented at the 2008 Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration (GEER) Conference)

Hindcasting Water Levels for EDEN Gaging Stations, 2000-2006 (Poster)(Presented at the 2008 Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration (GEER) Conference)

Hindcasting Water-Surface Elevations for Water Conservation Area 3A South (Poster)

Cooper, Sherri R.

Diatoms as Indicators of Environmental Change in Florida Bay (Poster)( Please note that this is a (3.0 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

What can soils tell us about the past that helps us today? (Poster)

Corum, Margo

Lignin Phenols from Sediments of Florida Bay as Indicators of Seagrass History (Poster)

Crockett, Marquette E.

Effects of the Nonindigenous Treefrog, Osteopilus septentrionalis, on Native Hylids in Protected Areas of South Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Herpetofaunal Surveys of Biscayne National Park (Poster)

Cronin, Thomas M.

A Paleoenvironmental Record from Manatee Bay, Barnes Sound, Florida (Poster)

Historical Trends in Epiphytal Ostracodes from Florida Bay: Implications for Seagrass and Macro-benthic Algal Variability (Poster)( Please note that this is a (2.0 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Impact of Hydrologic Changes on the Everglades/Florida Bay Ecosystem: A Regional, Paleoecological Perspective (Poster)( Please note that this is a (2.0 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Long-term Florida Bay Salinity History: A Synthesis of Multi-proxy Evidence from Sediment Cores (Poster)( Please note that this is a (1.5 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

What can soils tell us about the past that helps us today? (Poster)

Crowder, Larry B.

Integrating Ecology and Genetics to Define Population Extent for a Continuously-distributed Species, Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) (Poster)

Cunningham, Kevin J.

Relations of a Heterozoan Carbonate-Particle Association to Aquifer Characteristics in a Pliocene Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Ramp (Tamiami Formation), Southern Florida (Poster)

What is Aquifer Storage & Recovery (ASR) and how does it work? (Poster)

Curnutt, John

Biological Controls: How do we use natural enemies to tame weeds? (Poster)

Curnutt, John L.

What are they? Where do they come from? Where are they now? Where are they going? What can be done about them? (Poster)

Daamen, Ruby

Dealing with Data Realities - Automation of Evaluation of Data Quality and Estimation of Missing Data for the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) (Poster)

Dausman, Alyssa

Synthesis on the Impact of 20th Century Water-Management and Land-Use Practices on the Coastal Hydrology of Southeastern Florida (Poster)

Davis, Winston

Best Management Practices - What Are They? (Poster)

DeAngelis, Donald L.

Gaining Ground on Lygodium microphyllum (Poster)

How can we best describe, understand, and predict ecological changes at the landscape and regional levels? (Poster)

Modeling Manatee Movements to Predict and Assess the Impact of Hydrologic Change in Estuaries of Southwestern Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Structure and Parameterization of an Agent-based Manatee Model for Southwestern Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Dennis, George D.

Mangrove prop-root habitat as essential fish habitat in northeastern Florida Bay (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Deszcz-Pan, Maria

Estimating Water Quality Along the Southwest Florida Coast for Hydrologic Models Using Helicopter Electromagnetic Surveys (Poster)

Summary of Ground-Water Related Geophysical Investigations in Everglades National Park (Poster)

DeWild, John

Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Synopsis of Phase I Studies and Plans for Phase II Studies (Poster)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)( Please note that this is a (0.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)(Please note that this is a (1.1 MB) PPT file)

Dias, Robert

Tracing Foodweb Relations and Fish Migratory Habits in the Everglades with Stable Isotope Techniques (Poster)

Dilley, Chuck

Best Management Practices - What Are They? (Poster)

Dixon, Joann

Synthesis on the Impact of 20th Century Water-Management and Land-Use Practices on the Coastal Hydrology of Southeastern Florida (Poster)

Doering, Peter

The Caloosahatchee Estuary: What freshwater flow regime will protect and enhance submerged grass beds, and other biotic resources? (Poster)

Doren, Robert F.

How can an understanding of the changes in the landscape be aided by studying vegetation patterns? (Poster)

Noxious Exotic Weed Task Team (NEWTT) (Poster)

Dove, Amber D.

Effects of the Nonindigenous Treefrog, Osteopilus septentrionalis, on Native Hylids in Protected Areas of South Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Dowsett, Harry

Historical Trends in Epiphytal Ostracodes from Florida Bay: Implications for Seagrass and Macro-benthic Algal Variability (Poster)( Please note that this is a (2.0 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Doyle, Terry

A New Aerial Survey Method to Monitor the Response of Manatees to Restoration of the Florida Everglades (Poster)

Using Strip-Transect Aerial Surveys to Estimate Manatee Abundance in the Ten Thousand Islands Region of Southwest Florida (Poster)(2001, available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Using Strip-transect Aerial Surveys to Estimate Manatee Abundance in the Ten Thousand Islands Region of Southwest Florida (Poster)(2003)

Doyle, Thomas W.

Woody Debris in South Florida Mangrove Wetlands (Poster)

Dray, Allan

Biological Controls: How do we use natural enemies to tame weeds? (Poster)

Duff, Michael P.

The Data Web Pages of the Tides and Inflows in the Mangroves of the Everglades (TIME) Project (Poster)( Please note that this is a (0.5 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Velocity and Stage Data Collected in a Laboratory Flume for Water-Surface Slope Determination Using a Pipe Manometer (Poster)

Duke-Sylvester, Scott M.

Gaining Ground on Lygodium microphyllum (Poster)

How can the relative impacts on populations of endangered species from altered hydrologic conditions be assessed in the landscape? (Poster)

Dwyer, Gary S.

Long-term Florida Bay Salinity History: A Synthesis of Multi-proxy Evidence from Sediment Cores (Poster)( Please note that this is a (1.5 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

What can soils tell us about the past that helps us today? (Poster)

Easton, Dean E.

Modeling Manatee Movements to Predict and Assess the Impact of Hydrologic Change in Estuaries of Southwestern Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Movements and Habitat Requirements of Radio Tagged Manatees in Southwest Florida; Implications for Restoration Assessment (Poster)

Radio Tracking Manatees to Assess the Impact of Hydrologic Changes in Southwest Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Structure and Parameterization of an Agent-based Manatee Model for Southwestern Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Using Strip-Transect Aerial Surveys to Estimate Manatee Abundance in the Ten Thousand Islands Region of Southwest Florida (Poster)(2001, available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Using Strip-transect Aerial Surveys to Estimate Manatee Abundance in the Ten Thousand Islands Region of Southwest Florida (Poster)(2003)

Fabelo, Maria

Best Management Practices - What Are They? (Poster)

Finger, Adam G.

Thermoregulation of the American Alligator in the Everglades (Poster)

Fink, Larry E.

Is Mercury the Achilles Heel of the Restoration Effort? (Poster)

The South Florida Mercury Science Program (Poster)

Fitterman, David V.

Estimating Water Quality Along the Southwest Florida Coast for Hydrologic Models Using Helicopter Electromagnetic Surveys (Poster)

Summary of Ground-Water Related Geophysical Investigations in Everglades National Park (Poster)

Fitz, H. Carl

How can the ecological responses to different management alternatives be predicted in the landscape? (Poster)

What are the predicted long-term transport, fate and effects? (Poster)

Florida Bay and Adjacent Marine Systems Program Management Committee

The Florida Bay Interagency Science Program: Results: Scientific Information Resources Managers Need (Poster)

The Florida Bay Interagency Science Program: What is the correct quantity, timing, quality and spatial distribution of freshwater inflow from the Greater Everglades needed to restore and sustain the Florida Bay ecosystem? (Poster)

Fontaine, Thomas

How do we ensure the delivery of the right amount of fresh water - at the right time and of good quality - to sustain and enhance coastal waters? (Poster)

What are the predicted long-term transport, fate and effects? (Poster)

What nutrient levels and loads need to be achieved in order to preserve the integrity of the ecosystem? (Poster)

What sources are significant and why? (Poster)

Foster, Ann M.

Changes in the Mangrove/Marsh Ecotones of the Florida Everglades (Poster)

Creation of a Geodatabase of the Digital Aerial Photography Archives for the Greater Everglades of South Florida and the Southern Inland and Coastal System (Poster)

Fuller, Pam L.

Nonindigenous Fishes of Florida, With a Focus on South Florida (Poster)

What controls invasive animals? (Poster)

Gaff, Holly

How can we use computer models to aid the Florida Panther? (Poster)

Gamble, Brandon

What is happening to the grass in "The River of Grass?" (Poster)

Garcia, Ray

Best Management Practices - What Are They? (Poster)

Garrison, Paul

Tracing Foodweb Relations and Fish Migratory Habits in the Everglades with Stable Isotope Techniques (Poster)

Gawlik, Dale E.

How will research on fishes and wading birds guide and evaluate Everglades restoration? (Poster)

Gilmour, Cindy C.

Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Synopsis of Phase I Studies and Plans for Phase II Studies (Poster)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)( Please note that this is a (0.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)(Please note that this is a (1.1 MB) PPT file)

Glaz, Barry

How can sugarcane research in the Everglades Agricultural Area enable natural land managers and farmers to work together to reduce phosphorus and restore natural hydrology? (Poster)

Goforth, Gary F.

What sources are significant and why? (Poster)

Good, Caroline P.

Green Sea Turtles (Chelonia mydas) of Everglades National Park: Habitat Associations and Genetic Analyses (Poster)

Goodwin, Carl R.

What is Aquifer Storage & Recovery (ASR) and how does it work? (Poster)

Goodyear, Carole

How do we ensure the delivery of the right amount of fresh water - at the right time and of good quality - to sustain and enhance coastal waters? (Poster)

Graham, Jocie A.

Ecology of Everglades Alligator Holes (Poster)

Gross, Louis J.

Gaining Ground on Lygodium microphyllum (Poster)

How can effects of altered hydrologic conditions on the potential for breeding and foraging of wildlife populations in the landscape be modeled? (Poster)

How can the relative impacts on populations of endangered species from altered hydrologic conditions be assessed in the landscape? (Poster)

Modeling Alligator Production Probabilities in the Everglades (Poster)

Gross, Timothy S.

An Assessment of Potential Contaminant Effects on Freshwater Mussels in the South Florida Ecosystem (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Halley, Robert B.

Design and Development of the Florida Bay Salinity Database (Poster)

Geochemical Measurements of Carbonate Sediment Production and Organic Productivity in Florida Bay: A Potential Measure of Restoration Progress (Poster)

Long-term Florida Bay Salinity History: A Synthesis of Multi-proxy Evidence from Sediment Cores (Poster)( Please note that this is a (1.5 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

What can soils tell us about the past that helps us today? (Poster)

Hardin, Scott

The South Florida Mercury Science Program (Poster)

Harris, Reed

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)( Please note that this is a (0.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)(Please note that this is a (1.1 MB) PPT file)

Hart, Kristen M.

Green Sea Turtles (Chelonia mydas) of Everglades National Park: Habitat Associations and Genetic Analyses (Poster)

Integrating Ecology and Genetics to Define Population Extent for a Continuously-distributed Species, Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) (Poster)

Using sea turtles to find seagrass: Tracking juvenile Chelonia mydas with satellite telemetry in the southwest coastal Everglades, Florida, USA (Poster)

Harvey, Judson W.

Characterization of Microtopography in the Everglades (Poster)

Ground Water and Surface Water Interactions in the Freshwater Wetlands of Taylor Slough (Poster)

How has managing the wetlands of the northern Everglades affected hydrologic and chemical interactions with ground water? (Poster)

Quantifying Hydrologic Exchange Between Surface and Ground Water in the Florida Everglades, WCA-2A (Poster)

Significance of Microtopography as a Control on Surface-Water Flow in Wetlands (Poster)

Havens, Karl

What are the biological impacts of concern? (Poster)

Henkel, Heather S.

Conceptual Components for the Coastal Everglades Depth Estimation Network (Coastal EDEN) (Poster)

Creation of a Geodatabase of the Digital Aerial Photography Archives for the Greater Everglades of South Florida and the Southern Inland and Coastal System (Poster)

South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) Website (Poster)(2000)

South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) Website (Poster)(2003)

Herod, Jeffrey J.

Life History Parameters and Population Dynamics of Freshwater Fishes of South Florida Canal Systems (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Higer, Aaron L.

Conceptual Components for the Coastal Everglades Depth Estimation Network (Coastal EDEN) (Poster)

The South Florida Mercury Science Program (Poster)

Hittle, Clinton

Estimation of Freshwater Flow to Joe Bay, South Florida (Poster)

Estuarine Creek Responses to Extreme Hydrologic Events in Northeastern Florida Bay (Poster)

Freshwater Flows from Estuarine Creeks into Florida Bay (Poster)

Nutrient Inputs Along Coastal Transects Within Everglades National Park, Florida (Poster)

Using Hydrologic Correlation As A Tool To Estimate Flow At Non-Instrumented Estuarine Creeks In Northeastern Florida Bay (Poster)

Holmes, Charles W.

Buttonwood Embankment: The Historical Perspective on its Role in Northeastern Florida Bay Sedimentary Dynamics and Hydrology (Poster)

Geochronology of Terrestrial Sediments: South Florida ecosystem (Poster)

Historical Trends in Epiphytal Ostracodes from Florida Bay: Implications for Seagrass and Macro-benthic Algal Variability (Poster)( Please note that this is a (2.0 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Impact of Hydrologic Changes on the Everglades/Florida Bay Ecosystem: A Regional, Paleoecological Perspective (Poster)( Please note that this is a (2.0 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Lignin Phenols from Sediments of Florida Bay as Indicators of Seagrass History (Poster)

Long-term Florida Bay Salinity History: A Synthesis of Multi-proxy Evidence from Sediment Cores (Poster)( Please note that this is a (1.5 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Molluscan Faunal Distribution in Florida Bay, past and present: An integration of down-core and modern data (Poster)

Paleo-hydrology of Southern Florida? (Poster)

What can soils tell us about the past that helps us today? (Poster)

Hopkins, Todd

The Southwest Florida Estuaries: How do we restore and protect these valuable estuaries? (Poster)

The Southwest Florida Project Coordination Team: How are we expanding the science needed for effective resource management? (Poster)

Howarter, Stanley R.

Home Range and Movement of Alligators in the Everglades (Poster)

Thermoregulation of the American Alligator in the Everglades (Poster)

Huddleston, Stephen

A Comparison of Rated Discharge at Jewfish Creek using a 0.5 MHz and a 1.5 MHz Argonaut-SL using different sampling volumes (Poster)

Temporal and Spatial Salinity Patterns in Joe Bay, Everglades National Park (Poster)(Presented at the 2008 Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration (GEER) Conference. Please note that this is a (3.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Tools for Technicians; Lessons Learned in Index-Velocity Site Selection and ADVM Setup (Poster)

Hurley, James

Can Management of Water Quantity or Quality Reduce the Risks? (Poster)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)( Please note that this is a (0.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)(Please note that this is a (1.1 MB) PPT file)

Huvane, Jacqueline K.

Diatoms as Indicators of Environmental Change in Florida Bay (Poster)( Please note that this is a (3.0 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Long-term Florida Bay Salinity History: A Synthesis of Multi-proxy Evidence from Sediment Cores (Poster)( Please note that this is a (1.5 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

What can soils tell us about the past that helps us today? (Poster)

Ilami, Fara

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Soil Pore Water Nutrients in an Estuarine Fringe Mangrove Forest (Poster)

Ishman, Scott E.

A Paleoenvironmental Record from Manatee Bay, Barnes Sound, Florida (Poster)

Biscayne Bay: How can the quantity, timing, and quality of freshwater inflow be improved to sustain healthy ecosystems in all parts of this bay that stretches from urban areas to wilderness? (Poster)

Historical Trends in Epiphytal Ostracodes from Florida Bay: Implications for Seagrass and Macro-benthic Algal Variability (Poster)( Please note that this is a (2.0 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Impact of Hydrologic Changes on the Everglades/Florida Bay Ecosystem: A Regional, Paleoecological Perspective (Poster)( Please note that this is a (2.0 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Long-term Florida Bay Salinity History: A Synthesis of Multi-proxy Evidence from Sediment Cores (Poster)( Please note that this is a (1.5 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Reconstructing the History of South Florida's Ecosystem: The Role of Modern and Paleoecological Data (Poster)( Please note that this is a (2.5 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Synthesis on the Impact of 20th Century Water-Management and Land-Use Practices on the Coastal Hydrology of Southeastern Florida (Poster)

What can soils tell us about the past that helps us today? (Poster)

Izuno, Forrest

Best Management Practices - What Are They? (Poster)

James, R. Thomas

What are the predicted long-term transport, fate and effects? (Poster)

What sources are significant and why? (Poster)

Jayachandaran, Krish

How can the effects of increased phosphorus loading be determined at the landscape level for Everglades structure and functions? (Poster)

Jenter, Harry L.

The Data Web Pages of the Tides and Inflows in the Mangroves of the Everglades (TIME) Project (Poster)( Please note that this is a (0.5 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

The Tides and Inflows in the Mangroves of the Everglades (TIME) Project (Poster)

Thermally-Driven Vertical Mixing in the Everglades (Poster)

Velocity and Stage Data Collected in a Laboratory Flume for Water-Surface Slope Determination Using a Pipe Manometer (Poster)

Jones, David

How can an understanding of the changes in the landscape be aided by studying vegetation patterns? (Poster)

What is happening to the grass in "The River of Grass?" (Poster)

Jones, John W.

Landscape Unit-Based DEM Development in the North Everglades, Florida (Poster)

Jones, Ronald

How can the effects of increased phosphorus loading be determined at the landscape level for Everglades structure and functions? (Poster)

Katz, Brian G.

Water-Quality Characterization of Surface and Ground Waters for Geochemical Modeling of Aquifer Storage and Recovery (Poster)( Please note that this is a (2.6 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Kendall, Carol

Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Synopsis of Phase I Studies and Plans for Phase II Studies (Poster)

Isotopic Evidence for Spatial and Temporal Changes in Everglades Food Web Structure (Poster)

Lessons from the Everglades: Atypical Isotope Patterns in a Complex Ecosystem (Poster)

Mapping Spatial Variability in Marsh Redox Conditions Using Biomass Stable Isotopic Compositions (Poster)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)( Please note that this is a (0.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)(Please note that this is a (1.1 MB) PPT file)

Tracing Foodweb Relations and Fish Migratory Habits in the Everglades with Stable Isotope Techniques (Poster)

Kernaghan, N.J.

An Assessment of Potential Contaminant Effects on Freshwater Mussels in the South Florida Ecosystem (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

King, Tim L.

Integrating Ecology and Genetics to Define Population Extent for a Continuously-distributed Species, Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) (Poster)

Knight, Erik

The Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow: why does a tiny bird have a large impact? (Poster)

Why are modified water deliveries important to Everglades National Park? (Poster)

Kobza, Robert M.

Fish Community Colonization Patterns in the Rocky Glades Wetlands of Southern Florida (Poster)

Kochman, Howard I.

A New Aerial Survey Method to Monitor the Response of Manatees to Restoration of the Florida Everglades (Poster)

Koehmstedt, John

Synthesis on the Impact of 20th Century Water-Management and Land-Use Practices on the Coastal Hydrology of Southeastern Florida (Poster)

Konnert, Timothy

The Effects of Hydroperiod on Life-History Parameters of Two Species of Livebearing Fish (Poeciliidae) in the Florida Everglades (Poster)

Krabbenhoft, David P.

Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Synopsis of Phase I Studies and Plans for Phase II Studies (Poster)

Can Management of Water Quantity or Quality Reduce the Risks? (Poster)

Isotopic Evidence for Spatial and Temporal Changes in Everglades Food Web Structure (Poster)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)( Please note that this is a (0.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)(Please note that this is a (1.1 MB) PPT file)

The South Florida Mercury Science Program (Poster)

Krauss, Ken W.

Woody Debris in South Florida Mangrove Wetlands (Poster)

Krebs, Justin M.

Assessing the Consequence of Hurricane-Induced Conversion of Mangroves to Mudflats on Fish and Decapod Crustacean Assemblages in the Big Sable Creek Complex of Southwest Florida (Poster)

Krest, James M.

Quantifying Hydrologic Exchange Between Surface and Ground Water in the Florida Everglades, WCA-2A (Poster)

Kuhn, David

How can the effects of increased phosphorus loading be determined at the landscape level for Everglades structure and functions? (Poster)

Kuss, Katie

Assessing the Consequence of Hurricane-Induced Conversion of Mangroves to Mudflats on Fish and Decapod Crustacean Assemblages in the Big Sable Creek Complex of Southwest Florida (Poster)

Kwiatkowski, Peter

What is Aquifer Storage & Recovery (ASR) and how does it work? (Poster)

Lammert, Joe

Best Management Practices - What Are They? (Poster)

Lang, Tim

Best Management Practices - What Are They? (Poster)

Lange, Ted

Biological Controls: How do we use natural enemies to tame weeds? (Poster)

Isotopic Evidence for Spatial and Temporal Changes in Everglades Food Web Structure (Poster)

Tracing Foodweb Relations and Fish Migratory Habits in the Everglades with Stable Isotope Techniques (Poster)

Langevin, Christian D.

Biscayne Bay: How can the quantity, timing, and quality of freshwater inflow be improved to sustain healthy ecosystems in all parts of this bay that stretches from urban areas to wilderness? (Poster)

Development of a Variable-Density Groundwater Flow Model for the Taylor Slough Area (Poster)(available from the TIME website)

The Tides and Inflows in the Mangroves of the Everglades (TIME) Project (Poster)

Langtimm, Cathy

A New Aerial Survey Method to Monitor the Response of Manatees to Restoration of the Florida Everglades (Poster)

Lee, David

How can the effects of increased phosphorus loading be determined at the landscape level for Everglades structure and functions? (Poster)

Lee, Jonathan K.

Velocity and Stage Data Collected in a Laboratory Flume for Water-Surface Slope Determination Using a Pipe Manometer (Poster)

Lefebvre, Lynn W.

Modeling Manatee Movements to Predict and Assess the Impact of Hydrologic Change in Estuaries of Southwestern Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Radio Tracking Manatees to Assess the Impact of Hydrologic Changes in Southwest Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Structure and Parameterization of an Agent-based Manatee Model for Southwestern Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Using Strip-Transect Aerial Surveys to Estimate Manatee Abundance in the Ten Thousand Islands Region of Southwest Florida (Poster)(2001, available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Using Strip-transect Aerial Surveys to Estimate Manatee Abundance in the Ten Thousand Islands Region of Southwest Florida (Poster)(2003)

Lerch, Harry E.

Lignin Phenols from Sediments of Florida Bay as Indicators of Seagrass History (Poster)

What can soils tell us about the past that helps us today? (Poster)

What sources are significant and why? (Poster)

Levesque, Victor A.

Assessing the Consequence of Hurricane-Induced Conversion of Mangroves to Mudflats on Fish and Decapod Crustacean Assemblages in the Big Sable Creek Complex of Southwest Florida (Poster)

Hydrodynamics of the Southwest Coast Estuaries (Poster)

Lietz, Arthur C.

Nutrient Transport to Biscayne Bay and Water-Quality Trends at Selected Sites in Southern Florida (Poster)

Synthesis on the Impact of 20th Century Water-Management and Land-Use Practices on the Coastal Hydrology of Southeastern Florida (Poster)

Linstrom, Linda

What is Aquifer Storage & Recovery (ASR) and how does it work? (Poster)

Liu, Zhongwei

Conceptual Components for the Coastal Everglades Depth Estimation Network (Coastal EDEN) (Poster)

Landscape Unit-Based DEM Development in the North Everglades, Florida (Poster)

Loftus, William F.

Accumulation and Fate of Mercury in an Everglades Aquatic Food Web (Poster)(Please note that this is a (7.4 MB) PPT file)

Dispersal and successional patterns of the fish community of the Rocky Glades of southern Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Fish Community Colonization Patterns in the Rocky Glades Wetlands of Southern Florida (Poster)

How will research on fishes and wading birds guide and evaluate Everglades restoration? (Poster)

Life History Parameters and Population Dynamics of Freshwater Fishes of South Florida Canal Systems (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

The Effects of Hydroperiod on Life-History Parameters of Two Species of Livebearing Fish (Poeciliidae) in the Florida Everglades (Poster)

Trophic Patterns in the Everglades Freshwater Fish Community Across Habitats and Seasons (Poster)

Lohmann (Wolfert), Melinda A.

Development of a Variable-Density Groundwater Flow Model for the Taylor Slough Area (Poster)(available from the TIME website)

Lombana, Alfonso V.

Fire Effects on Flow in Vegetated Wetlands of the Everglades (Poster)

Lopez, Christian

A Comparison of Rated Discharge at Jewfish Creek using a 0.5 MHz and a 1.5 MHz Argonaut-SL using different sampling volumes (Poster)

Tools for Technicians; Lessons Learned in Index-Velocity Site Selection and ADVM Setup (Poster)

Lott, Mike

Can They "Kill" the Restoration Effort? (Poster)

Lukasiewicz, John

What is Aquifer Storage & Recovery (ASR) and how does it work? (Poster)

Madden, Marguerite

How can an understanding of the changes in the landscape be aided by studying vegetation patterns? (Poster)

Markley, Susan

Biscayne Bay: How can the quantity, timing, and quality of freshwater inflow be improved to sustain healthy ecosystems in all parts of this bay that stretches from urban areas to wilderness? (Poster)

Marot, Marci E.

Buttonwood Embankment: The Historical Perspective on its Role in Northeastern Florida Bay Sedimentary Dynamics and Hydrology (Poster)

Lignin Phenols from Sediments of Florida Bay as Indicators of Seagrass History (Poster)

Long-term Florida Bay Salinity History: A Synthesis of Multi-proxy Evidence from Sediment Cores (Poster)( Please note that this is a (1.5 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

What can soils tell us about the past that helps us today? (Poster)

Marvin-DiPasquale, Mark

Environmental Controls on Methylmercury Production and Degradation in Everglades Sediments (Poster)(Please note that this is a 0.4 MB PPT file)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)( Please note that this is a (0.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)(Please note that this is a (1.1 MB) PPT file)

Maskell, Andrew

Herpetofaunal Surveys of Biscayne National Park (Poster)

Mazzotti, Frank J.

Ecology of Everglades Alligator Holes (Poster)

How is restoration improved by research on alligators and crocodiles? (Poster)

Role of American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) in Measuring Restoration Success in the Florida Everglades (Poster)

The Effects of Canals on Alligators in the Everglades (Poster)

McCloskey, Bryan J.

Conceptual Components for the Coastal Everglades Depth Estimation Network (Coastal EDEN) (Poster)

Hindcasting Water-Surface Elevations for Water Conservation Area 3A South (Poster)

McCormick, Paul

What are the biological impacts of concern? (Poster)

McIvor, Carole C.

Assessing the Consequence of Hurricane-Induced Conversion of Mangroves to Mudflats on Fish and Decapod Crustacean Assemblages in the Big Sable Creek Complex of Southwest Florida (Poster)

Green Sea Turtles (Chelonia mydas) of Everglades National Park: Habitat Associations and Genetic Analyses (Poster)

Integrating Ecology and Genetics to Define Population Extent for a Continuously-distributed Species, Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) (Poster)

Using sea turtles to find seagrass: Tracking juvenile Chelonia mydas with satellite telemetry in the southwest coastal Everglades, Florida, USA (Poster)

McPherson, Benjamin F.

Water Quality in Big Cypress National Preserve (BICY) and Everglades National Park (EVER): Trends and Spatial Characteristics of Selected Constituents (Poster)

Water-Quality Characterization of Surface and Ground Waters for Geochemical Modeling of Aquifer Storage and Recovery (Poster)( Please note that this is a (2.6 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

McVoy, Christopher

How do environmental histories of the Everglades help future management? (Poster)

What do we know about pre-drainage conditions in the 1800's? (Poster)

Meece, Nadine

How can we effectively communicate hydrologic information to decision makers and the public? (Poster)

Meeder, Jack

How can the effects of increased phosphorus loading be determined at the landscape level for Everglades structure and functions? (Poster)

Memberg, Steven J.

Synthesis on the Impact of 20th Century Water-Management and Land-Use Practices on the Coastal Hydrology of Southeastern Florida (Poster)

Meyer, Phyllis

Mapping Spatial Variability in Marsh Redox Conditions Using Biomass Stable Isotopic Compositions (Poster)

Miamo, Shili

What are the biological impacts of concern? (Poster)

Miller, Curt

Best Management Practices - What Are They? (Poster)

Miller, Margaret

The Florida Keys: What is happening to the reef tract and why? (Poster)

Miller, Ronald L.

Water Quality in Big Cypress National Preserve (BICY) and Everglades National Park (EVER): Trends and Spatial Characteristics of Selected Constituents (Poster)

Minkowski, Karen

Ecology of Everglades Alligator Holes (Poster)

Mooney, Robert H.

Ground Water and Surface Water Interactions in the Freshwater Wetlands of Taylor Slough (Poster)

Moore, William S.

Utilizing Four Radium Isotopes to Study Water Interactions (Poster)

Morales, Moises

Best Management Practices - What Are They? (Poster)

Morea, Cory R.

Home Range and Movement of Alligators in the Everglades (Poster)

Thermoregulation of the American Alligator in the Everglades (Poster)

Mounts, Heather

Creation of a Geodatabase of the Digital Aerial Photography Archives for the Greater Everglades of South Florida and the Southern Inland and Coastal System (Poster)

Moustafa, Zaki

What are the predicted long-term transport, fate and effects? (Poster)

What is modeling, and how does it help? (Poster)

Murray, James B.

200 year history of Florida Bay, Everglades National Park, Florida (Poster)

Murray, Mitchell H.

Freshwater to and from Native American Lands (Poster)

Internal Surface Water Flows FL96-620, Freshwater to and from Native American Lands (Poster)

Naro-Maciel, Eugenia

Green Sea Turtles (Chelonia mydas) of Everglades National Park: Habitat Associations and Genetic Analyses (Poster)

Neidrauer, Calvin

Who wants the water and who gets it? (Poster)

Nevulis, Richard

What is Aquifer Storage & Recovery (ASR) and how does it work? (Poster)

Newlin, Jessica T.

Characterization of Microtopography in the Everglades (Poster)

Significance of Microtopography as a Control on Surface-Water Flow in Wetlands (Poster)

Newman, Sue

What are the biological impacts of concern? (Poster)

Nico, Leo G.

Life History Parameters and Population Dynamics of Freshwater Fishes of South Florida Canal Systems (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Nonindigenous Fishes of Florida, With a Focus on South Florida (Poster)

Nuttle, William K.

Restoration of Sheetflow to Northeast Florida Bay: An Assessment of Structural Modifications to the C-111 Canal (Poster)

Obeysekera, Jayantha

How are we going to adequately meet the increasing and competitive needs for water by the natural, urban, and agricultural areas? (Poster)

Olson, Mark

Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Synopsis of Phase I Studies and Plans for Phase II Studies (Poster)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)( Please note that this is a (0.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)(Please note that this is a (1.1 MB) PPT file)

Orem, William H.

Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Synopsis of Phase I Studies and Plans for Phase II Studies (Poster)

Lignin Phenols from Sediments of Florida Bay as Indicators of Seagrass History (Poster)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)( Please note that this is a (0.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

The Aquatic Cycling of Mercury in the Everglades (ACME) Project: Challenges of Linking Field Data to Conceptual Models (Poster)(Please note that this is a (1.1 MB) PPT file)

What can soils tell us about the past that helps us today? (Poster)

What sources are significant and why? (Poster)

Padilla, Delissa

Fish Community Colonization Patterns in the Rocky Glades Wetlands of Southern Florida (Poster)

Palmer, Mark R.

How can effects of altered hydrologic conditions on the potential for breeding and foraging of wildlife populations in the landscape be modeled? (Poster)

Modeling Alligator Production Probabilities in the Everglades (Poster)

Palmer, Michelle L.

Ecology of Everglades Alligator Holes (Poster)

Parry, Mark W.

Role of American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) in Measuring Restoration Success in the Florida Everglades (Poster)

Patino, Eduardo

Hydrodynamics of the Southwest Coast Estuaries (Poster)

Percival, H. Franklin

Amphibian Inventory of Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve (Poster)

Amphibian Inventory of the National Parks of South Florida and the Virgin Islands (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Effects of the Nonindigenous Treefrog, Osteopilus septentrionalis, on Native Hylids in Protected Areas of South Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Home Range and Movement of Alligators in the Everglades (Poster)

How is restoration improved by research on alligators and crocodiles? (Poster)

The Effects of Canals on Alligators in the Everglades (Poster)

Thermoregulation of the American Alligator in the Everglades (Poster)

Using Proportion of Area Occupied to Estimate Abundance of Amphibian Species in Everglades National Park (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Perry, Sue A.

Dispersal and successional patterns of the fish community of the Rocky Glades of southern Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Petkewich, Matthew D.

Automation of the Estimation of Missing Water-Level Data for the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) (Poster)

Dealing with Data Realities - Automation of Evaluation of Data Quality and Estimation of Missing Data for the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) (Poster)

Pimm, Stuart

How can we determine the effects of landscape hydrology on specific animal populations? (Poster)

Why is the Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow Important? (Poster)

Ploos, Shane

Tools for Technicians; Lessons Learned in Index-Velocity Site Selection and ADVM Setup (Poster)

Poole, Grant

Estimation of Freshwater Flow to Joe Bay, South Florida (Poster)

Portier, Kenneth

Thermoregulation of the American Alligator in the Everglades (Poster)

Rawlik, Peter

How will Everglades restoration affect mercury risks? (Poster)

Ray, Jeff

How can sugarcane research in the Everglades Agricultural Area enable natural land managers and farmers to work together to reduce phosphorus and restore natural hydrology? (Poster)

Reece, Brian D.

Automation of the Estimation of Missing Water-Level Data for the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) (Poster)

Reese, Ronald S.

Inventory and Review of Aquifer Storage and Recovery in Southern Florida (Poster)

Relations of a Heterozoan Carbonate-Particle Association to Aquifer Characteristics in a Pliocene Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate Ramp (Tamiami Formation), Southern Florida (Poster)

What is Aquifer Storage & Recovery (ASR) and how does it work? (Poster)

Reich, Christopher D.

Hydrogeology of a Dynamic System in the Florida Keys: A Tracer Experiment (Poster)

Reid, James P.

Are Manatee Over-Wintering Strategies and Restoration Efforts Compatible in the Northwestern Everglades Region? (Poster)

Modeling Manatee Movements to Predict and Assess the Impact of Hydrologic Change in Estuaries of Southwestern Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Modeling Manatee Response to Restoration in the Ten Thousand Islands and Everglades National Park (Poster)

Movements and Habitat Requirements of Radio Tagged Manatees in Southwest Florida; Implications for Restoration Assessment (Poster)

Radio Tracking Manatees to Assess the Impact of Hydrologic Changes in Southwest Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Structure and Parameterization of an Agent-based Manatee Model for Southwestern Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Renken, Robert A.

Synthesis on the Impact of 20th Century Water-Management and Land-Use Practices on the Coastal Hydrology of Southeastern Florida (Poster)

What is Aquifer Storage & Recovery (ASR) and how does it work? (Poster)

Rice, Kenneth G.

Amphibian Inventory of Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve (Poster)

Amphibian Inventory of the National Parks of South Florida and the Virgin Islands (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Ecology of Everglades Alligator Holes (Poster)

Effects of the Nonindigenous Treefrog, Osteopilus septentrionalis, on Native Hylids in Protected Areas of South Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Herpetofaunal Surveys of Biscayne National Park (Poster)

Home Range and Movement of Alligators in the Everglades (Poster)

How is restoration improved by research on alligators and crocodiles? (Poster)

Modeling Alligator Production Probabilities in the Everglades (Poster)

Role of American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) in Measuring Restoration Success in the Florida Everglades (Poster)

The Effects of Canals on Alligators in the Everglades (Poster)

The Effects of Harvest on Pig Frog Populations from the Everglades (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Thermoregulation of the American Alligator in the Everglades (Poster)

Using Proportion of Area Occupied to Estimate Abundance of Amphibian Species in Everglades National Park (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Rice, Ron

Best Management Practices - What Are They? (Poster)

Richards, Jennifer

How can the effects of increased phosphorus loading be determined at the landscape level for Everglades structure and functions? (Poster)

Riscassi, Ami L.

Fire Effects on Flow in Vegetated Wetlands of the Everglades (Poster)

Measuring Flow Velocity in the Everglades �River of Grass� (Poster)

Sheet Flow Velocity in Everglades National Park, Everglades (Poster)

Sheet Flow in Vegetated Wetlands of the Everglades (Poster)

Simulation of Seasonal Inundation Patterns in the South Florida Everglades (Poster)

Surface-Water Flow and Transport Model of the Southern Florida Everglades (Poster)

Robblee, Michael B.

Design and Development of the Florida Bay Salinity Database (Poster)

Roehl Jr., Edwin A.

Dealing with Data Realities - Automation of Evaluation of Data Quality and Estimation of Missing Data for the Everglades Depth Estimation Network (EDEN) (Poster)

Hindcasting Water Levels for EDEN Gaging Stations, 2000-2006 (Poster)(Presented at the 2008 Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration (GEER) Conference)

Rogers, Jeff

Synthesis on the Impact of 20th Century Water-Management and Land-Use Practices on the Coastal Hydrology of Southeastern Florida (Poster)

Ross, Michael

How can the effects of increased phosphorus loading be determined at the landscape level for Everglades structure and functions? (Poster)

What is happening to the grass in "The River of Grass?" (Poster)

Rudnick, David

What sources are significant and why? (Poster)

Ruessler, D.S.

An Assessment of Potential Contaminant Effects on Freshwater Mussels in the South Florida Ecosystem (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Rumbold, Darren G.

How will Everglades restoration affect mercury risks? (Poster)

Russell, Gareth

How can we determine the effects of landscape hydrology on specific animal populations? (Poster)

Why is the Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow Important? (Poster)

Rutchey, Ken

How can an understanding of the changes in the landscape be aided by studying vegetation patterns? (Poster)

Rybicki, Nancy B.

Fire Effects on Flow in Vegetated Wetlands of the Everglades (Poster)

Saiers, James E.

Development and Testing of a Surface-Water Flow Model for Shark River Slough (Poster)

Savabi, Reza

How can agricultural research in South Dade enable natural land managers and farmers to work together to support habitat restoration? (Poster)

Schaffranek, Raymond W.

Evaluation of Flows in Wetlands Adjacent to Canal C-111 (Poster)

Fire Effects on Flow in Vegetated Wetlands of the Everglades (Poster)

Measuring Flow Velocity in the Everglades �River of Grass� (Poster)

Sheet Flow Velocity in Everglades National Park, Everglades (Poster)

Sheet Flow in Vegetated Wetlands of the Everglades (Poster)

Simulation of Seasonal Inundation Patterns in the South Florida Everglades (Poster)

Surface-Water Flow and Transport Model of the Southern Florida Everglades (Poster)

The Tides and Inflows in the Mangroves of the Everglades (TIME) Project (Poster)

Thermally-Driven Vertical Mixing in the Everglades (Poster)

Scheidt, Daniel J.

The South Florida Mercury Science Program (Poster)

Schofield, Pamela J.

Factors Affecting the Distribution of Two Gobies (Microgobius gulosus, Gobiosoma robustum) in Florida Bay, U. S. A. (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Schwede, Sara

Long-term Florida Bay Salinity History: A Synthesis of Multi-proxy Evidence from Sediment Cores (Poster)( Please note that this is a (1.5 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Scinto, Len

What are the biological impacts of concern? (Poster)

Scinto, Leonard J.

How can the effects of increased phosphorus loading be determined at the landscape level for Everglades structure and functions? (Poster)

Scott, Thomas M.

What can soils tell us about the past that helps us today? (Poster)

Shafland, Paul

How do some non-native fishes help us? (Poster)

Shinn, Eugene A.

Hydrogeology of a Dynamic System in the Florida Keys: A Tracer Experiment (Poster)

The Florida Keys: What is happening to the reef tract and why? (Poster)

Utilizing Four Radium Isotopes to Study Water Interactions (Poster)

What can soils tell us about the past that helps us today? (Poster)

Shoemaker, W. Barclay

Nutrient Loading at Two Coastal Creeks in Everglades National Park (Poster)

Silva, Steven R.

Lessons from the Everglades: Atypical Isotope Patterns in a Complex Ecosystem (Poster)

Mapping Spatial Variability in Marsh Redox Conditions Using Biomass Stable Isotopic Compositions (Poster)

Tracing Foodweb Relations and Fish Migratory Habits in the Everglades with Stable Isotope Techniques (Poster)

Silverman, Noah

Assessing the Consequence of Hurricane-Induced Conversion of Mangroves to Mudflats on Fish and Decapod Crustacean Assemblages in the Big Sable Creek Complex of Southwest Florida (Poster)

Sime, Patti

The St. Lucie River Estuary: How can we provide water and sediment of sufficient quality to support a healthy estuary system including oysters, submerged aquatic vegetation, and fisheries populations? (Poster)

Simmons, Kathleen R.

What sources are significant and why? (Poster)

Sklar, Fred H.

How can the ecological responses to different management alternatives be predicted in the landscape? (Poster)

How do scientific studies enable managers to ensure the preservation and sustainability of wetlands and wildlife? (Poster)

Why are tree islands important and how do we restore them? (Poster)

Smith III, Thomas J.

Changes in the Mangrove/Marsh Ecotones of the Florida Everglades (Poster)

Characteristics of Lightning Gaps in the Mangrove Forests of Everglades National Park (Poster)

Consequences of Fire and Freeze on a Mangrove-Marsh Ecotone (Poster)

Creation of a Geodatabase of the Digital Aerial Photography Archives for the Greater Everglades of South Florida and the Southern Inland and Coastal System (Poster)

Development and Testing of a Surface-Water Flow Model for Shark River Slough (Poster)

Long-term Data from the USGS-BRD Mangrove Hydrology Sampling Network in Everglades National Park (Poster)

Restoration of Sheetflow to Northeast Florida Bay: An Assessment of Structural Modifications to the C-111 Canal (Poster)

Short Term Dynamics of Vegetation Change Across a Mangrove-Marsh Ecotone in the South-west Coastal Everglades: Storms, Sea-level, Fire and Freeze (Poster)

Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Soil Pore Water Nutrients in an Estuarine Fringe Mangrove Forest (Poster)

Thermally-Driven Vertical Mixing in the Everglades (Poster)

Variations in Mangrove Peat Salinity from April 1997 to April 2003: A Spatial Analysis. Harney River Estuary, Everglades National Park (Poster)

Woody Debris in South Florida Mangrove Wetlands (Poster)

Smith, DeWitt

Design and Development of the Florida Bay Salinity Database (Poster)

Snow, A.G.

Gaining Ground on Lygodium microphyllum (Poster)

Snyder, James R.

Clipping as a Substitute for Fire to Study Seasonal Fire Effects on Muhly Grass (Muhlenbergia capillaris var. filipes) (Poster)

Long-term Experimental Study of Fire Regimes in South Florida Pinelands: Pine mortality following three seasons of burns (Poster)

What is happening to the grass in "The River of Grass?" (Poster)

Sobczak, Robert

Water Quality in Big Cypress National Preserve (BICY) and Everglades National Park (EVER): Trends and Spatial Characteristics of Selected Constituents (Poster)

Soderqvist, Lars

Hydrodynamics of the Southwest Coast Estuaries (Poster)

Sonenshein, Roy S.

Quantifying Seepage Losses From The Everglades (Poster)

South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) Website (Poster)(2000)

South Florida Water Management District

The Challenge of Water Management: The Kissimmee-Okeechobee-Everglades System-Development & Drainage in the Lower East Coast (Poster)

Stamm, Robert

200 year history of Florida Bay, Everglades National Park, Florida (Poster)

Stapleton, Jo Anne

South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) Metadata for the U.S. Geological Survey Greater Everglades Place-Based Studies (Poster)

South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) Website (Poster)(2000)

Steinitz, Daniel

Mapping Spatial Variability in Marsh Redox Conditions Using Biomass Stable Isotopic Compositions (Poster)

Tracing Foodweb Relations and Fish Migratory Habits in the Everglades with Stable Isotope Techniques (Poster)

Steinman, Alan

What are the biological impacts of concern? (Poster)

What controls are succeeding, or most likely to succeed? (Poster)

What sources are significant and why? (Poster)

Stith, Bradley M.

A New Aerial Survey Method to Monitor the Response of Manatees to Restoration of the Florida Everglades (Poster)

Are Manatee Over-Wintering Strategies and Restoration Efforts Compatible in the Northwestern Everglades Region? (Poster)

Modeling Manatee Movements to Predict and Assess the Impact of Hydrologic Change in Estuaries of Southwestern Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Modeling Manatee Response to Restoration in the Ten Thousand Islands and Everglades National Park (Poster)

Movements and Habitat Requirements of Radio Tagged Manatees in Southwest Florida; Implications for Restoration Assessment (Poster)

Structure and Parameterization of an Agent-based Manatee Model for Southwestern Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Stober, Jerry

Mapping Spatial Variability in Marsh Redox Conditions Using Biomass Stable Isotopic Compositions (Poster)

The South Florida Mercury Science Program (Poster)

Stoieff, Liz

How are we going to adequately meet the increasing and competitive needs for water by the natural, urban, and agricultural areas? (Poster)

Stone, Jeffery R.

200 year history of Florida Bay, Everglades National Park, Florida (Poster)

Long-term Florida Bay Salinity History: A Synthesis of Multi-proxy Evidence from Sediment Cores (Poster)( Please note that this is a (1.5 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Molluscan Faunal Distribution in Florida Bay, past and present: An integration of down-core and modern data (Poster)

Stuck, Jim

Best Management Practices - What Are They? (Poster)

Stumpner, Paul

Nutrient Loading at Two Coastal Creeks in Everglades National Park (Poster)

Sulak, Ken J.

Mangrove prop-root habitat as essential fish habitat in northeastern Florida Bay (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Swain, Eric D.

Developing Insight into Coastal Wetland Hydrology Through Numerical Modeling (Poster)(available from the TIME website Please note that this is a (1.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Development of a Variable-Density Groundwater Flow Model for the Taylor Slough Area (Poster)(available from the TIME website)

The Tides and Inflows in the Mangroves of the Everglades (TIME) Project (Poster)

Swarzenski, Peter W.

Utilizing Four Radium Isotopes to Study Water Interactions (Poster)

Tarboton, Ken

How can we effectively communicate hydrologic information to decision makers and the public? (Poster)

Who wants the water and who gets it? (Poster)

Teague, Paul D.

Variations in Mangrove Peat Salinity from April 1997 to April 2003: A Spatial Analysis. Harney River Estuary, Everglades National Park (Poster)

Telis, Pamela A.

Conceptual Components for the Coastal Everglades Depth Estimation Network (Coastal EDEN) (Poster)

Synthesis on the Impact of 20th Century Water-Management and Land-Use Practices on the Coastal Hydrology of Southeastern Florida (Poster)

Trappe, Carleigh

200 year history of Florida Bay, Everglades National Park, Florida (Poster)

Trexler, Joel C.

Accumulation and Fate of Mercury in an Everglades Aquatic Food Web (Poster)(Please note that this is a (7.4 MB) PPT file)

Dispersal and successional patterns of the fish community of the Rocky Glades of southern Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Fish Community Colonization Patterns in the Rocky Glades Wetlands of Southern Florida (Poster)

How can the effects of increased phosphorus loading be determined at the landscape level for Everglades structure and functions? (Poster)

The Effects of Hydroperiod on Life-History Parameters of Two Species of Livebearing Fish (Poeciliidae) in the Florida Everglades (Poster)

Trophic Patterns in the Everglades Freshwater Fish Community Across Habitats and Seasons (Poster)

Trost, Sharon

What controls are succeeding, or most likely to succeed? (Poster)

Twilley, Robert R.

Woody Debris in South Florida Mangrove Wetlands (Poster)

Ugarte, Cristina A.

The Effects of Harvest on Pig Frog Populations from the Everglades (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

van der Valk, Arnold G.

Why are tree islands important and how do we restore them? (Poster)

VanZee, Randy

What is modeling, and how does it help? (Poster)

Verardo, David J.

What can soils tell us about the past that helps us today? (Poster)

Vilchek, Les

How can an understanding of the changes in the landscape be aided by studying vegetation patterns? (Poster)

Visser, Hannah M.

Velocity and Stage Data Collected in a Laboratory Flume for Water-Surface Slope Determination Using a Pipe Manometer (Poster)

Volin, John

Can They "Kill" the Restoration Effort? (Poster)

Waddle, J. Hardin

Amphibian Inventory of Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve (Poster)

Amphibian Inventory of the National Parks of South Florida and the Virgin Islands (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Effects of the Nonindigenous Treefrog, Osteopilus septentrionalis, on Native Hylids in Protected Areas of South Florida (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Herpetofaunal Surveys of Biscayne National Park (Poster)

Using Proportion of Area Occupied to Estimate Abundance of Amphibian Species in Everglades National Park (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Walker, Christa L.

Consequences of Fire and Freeze on a Mangrove-Marsh Ecotone (Poster)

Short Term Dynamics of Vegetation Change Across a Mangrove-Marsh Ecotone in the South-west Coastal Everglades: Storms, Sea-level, Fire and Freeze (Poster)

Walker, Jr., William W.

What sources are significant and why? (Poster)

Wankel, Scott D.

Isotopic Evidence for Spatial and Temporal Changes in Everglades Food Web Structure (Poster)

Lessons from the Everglades: Atypical Isotope Patterns in a Complex Ecosystem (Poster)

Wardlaw, Bruce R.

Long-term Florida Bay Salinity History: A Synthesis of Multi-proxy Evidence from Sediment Cores (Poster)( Please note that this is a (1.5 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Predicting Salinity in Florida Bay (Poster)(Please note that this is a (1.0 MB) PPT file)

Wedderburn, Leslie

What is Aquifer Storage & Recovery (ASR) and how does it work? (Poster)

Weimer, Lisa M.

What can soils tell us about the past that helps us today? (Poster)

Welch, Roy

How can an understanding of the changes in the landscape be aided by studying vegetation patterns? (Poster)

Wenkert, Lori

What controls are succeeding, or most likely to succeed? (Poster)

Wertz, Robert R.

Creation of a Geodatabase of the Digital Aerial Photography Archives for the Greater Everglades of South Florida and the Southern Inland and Coastal System (Poster)

Whalen, Benita

What controls are succeeding, or most likely to succeed? (Poster)

Whalen, Paul

What controls are succeeding, or most likely to succeed? (Poster)

Whelan, Kevin R.T.

Characteristics of Lightning Gaps in the Mangrove Forests of Everglades National Park (Poster)

Consequences of Fire and Freeze on a Mangrove-Marsh Ecotone (Poster)

Short Term Dynamics of Vegetation Change Across a Mangrove-Marsh Ecotone in the South-west Coastal Everglades: Storms, Sea-level, Fire and Freeze (Poster)

Woody Debris in South Florida Mangrove Wetlands (Poster)

Wiebe, J.J.

An Assessment of Potential Contaminant Effects on Freshwater Mussels in the South Florida Ecosystem (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Wiemer, Lisa

Buttonwood Embankment: The Historical Perspective on its Role in Northeastern Florida Bay Sedimentary Dynamics and Hydrology (Poster)

Wieser, Carla M.

An Assessment of Potential Contaminant Effects on Freshwater Mussels in the South Florida Ecosystem (Poster)(available from the Center for Aquatic Resource Studies website)

Willard, Debra A.

A Paleoenvironmental Record from Manatee Bay, Barnes Sound, Florida (Poster)

Buttonwood Embankment: The Historical Perspective on its Role in Northeastern Florida Bay Sedimentary Dynamics and Hydrology (Poster)

Impact of Hydrologic Changes on the Everglades/Florida Bay Ecosystem: A Regional, Paleoecological Perspective (Poster)( Please note that this is a (2.0 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Reconstructing the History of South Florida's Ecosystem: The Role of Modern and Paleoecological Data (Poster)( Please note that this is a (2.5 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

What are the biological impacts of concern? (Poster)

What can soils tell us about the past that helps us today? (Poster)

Wingard, G. Lynn

200 year history of Florida Bay, Everglades National Park, Florida (Poster)

A Paleoenvironmental Record from Manatee Bay, Barnes Sound, Florida (Poster)

Buttonwood Embankment: The Historical Perspective on its Role in Northeastern Florida Bay Sedimentary Dynamics and Hydrology (Poster)

Historical Trends in Epiphytal Ostracodes from Florida Bay: Implications for Seagrass and Macro-benthic Algal Variability (Poster)( Please note that this is a (2.0 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Impact of Hydrologic Changes on the Everglades/Florida Bay Ecosystem: A Regional, Paleoecological Perspective (Poster)( Please note that this is a (2.0 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Long-term Florida Bay Salinity History: A Synthesis of Multi-proxy Evidence from Sediment Cores (Poster)( Please note that this is a (1.5 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Molluscan Faunal Distribution in Florida Bay, past and present: An integration of down-core and modern data (Poster)

Reconstructing the History of South Florida's Ecosystem: The Role of Modern and Paleoecological Data (Poster)( Please note that this is a (2.5 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

What can soils tell us about the past that helps us today? (Poster)

Wise, Erika

Mapping Spatial Variability in Marsh Redox Conditions Using Biomass Stable Isotopic Compositions (Poster)

Tracing Foodweb Relations and Fish Migratory Habits in the Everglades with Stable Isotope Techniques (Poster)

Woods, Jeff

A Comparison of Rated Discharge at Jewfish Creek using a 0.5 MHz and a 1.5 MHz Argonaut-SL using different sampling volumes (Poster)

Northeastern Florida Bay Estuarine Creek Response during the 2004-05 Hurricane Seasons (Poster)

Nutrient Loading at Card Sound Canal; a tidally driven canal that experiences highly stratified bi-directional flow conditions (Poster)

Salvaging Sontek ADVM Data Using a One Beam Solution for a Bad Transducer (Poster)

Tools for Technicians; Lessons Learned in Index-Velocity Site Selection and ADVM Setup (Poster)

Wu, Yegang

How can the ecological responses to different management alternatives be predicted in the landscape? (Poster)

Xie, Zhixiao

Hindcasting Water-Surface Elevations for Water Conservation Area 3A South (Poster)

Landscape Unit-Based DEM Development in the North Everglades, Florida (Poster)

Yates, Kimberly

Geochemical Measurements of Carbonate Sediment Production and Organic Productivity in Florida Bay: A Potential Measure of Restoration Progress (Poster)

Zhang, Joyce

What are the predicted long-term transport, fate and effects? (Poster)

Zielinski, Robert A.

What sources are significant and why? (Poster)

Zucker, Mark

A Comparison of Rated Discharge at Jewfish Creek using a 0.5 MHz and a 1.5 MHz Argonaut-SL using different sampling volumes (Poster)

Estimation of Freshwater Flow to Joe Bay, South Florida (Poster)

Estuarine Creek Responses to Extreme Hydrologic Events in Northeastern Florida Bay (Poster)

Freshwater Flows from Estuarine Creeks into Florida Bay (Poster)

Northeastern Florida Bay Estuarine Creek Response during the 2004-05 Hurricane Seasons (Poster)

Nutrient Inputs Along Coastal Transects Within Everglades National Park, Florida (Poster)

Nutrient Loading at Card Sound Canal; a tidally driven canal that experiences highly stratified bi-directional flow conditions (Poster)

Nutrient Loading at Two Coastal Creeks in Everglades National Park (Poster)

Salvaging Sontek ADVM Data Using a One Beam Solution for a Bad Transducer (Poster)

Temporal and Spatial Salinity Patterns in Joe Bay, Everglades National Park (Poster)(Presented at the 2008 Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration (GEER) Conference. Please note that this is a (3.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Tools for Technicians; Lessons Learned in Index-Velocity Site Selection and ADVM Setup (Poster)

Using Hydrologic Correlation As A Tool To Estimate Flow At Non-Instrumented Estuarine Creeks In Northeastern Florida Bay (Poster)

Zweig, Christa

Role of American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) in Measuring Restoration Success in the Florida Everglades (Poster)

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