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712 results found.

Aiken, George R.

Binding of Mercury(II) to Aquatic Humic Substances: Influence of pH and Source of Humic Substances (Paper)

Binding of Mercury(II) to Dissolved Organic Matter: The Role of the Mercury-to-DOM Concentration Ratio (Paper)

Calcite crystal growth inhibition by humic substances with emphasis on hydrophobic acids from the Florida Everglades (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website)

Constants for Mercury Binding by Dissolved Organic Matter Isolates from the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Dissolved Organic Matter Enhances Microbial Mercury Methylation Under Sulfidic Conditions (Paper)

Dissolved Organic Matter in the Florida Everglades: Implications for Ecosystem Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website Please note that this is a (0.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Enhanced Dissolution of Cinnabar (Mercuric Sulfide) by Dissolved Organic Matter Isolated from the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Formation of Nanocolloidal Metacinnabar in Mercury-DOM-Sulfide Systems (Paper)

Fulvic acid-sulfide ion competition for mercury ion binding in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Inhibition of Precipitation and Aggregation of Metacinnabar (Mercuric Sulfide) by Dissolved Organic Matter Isolated from the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Mercury Cycling in Stream Ecosystems. 1. Water Column Chemistry and Transport (Paper)(available from the Environmental Science & Technology website)

Mercury Cycling in Stream Ecosystems. 2. Benthic Methylmercury Production and Bed Sediment−Pore Water Partitioning (Paper)(available from the Environmental Science & Technology website)

Mercury Cycling in Stream Ecosystems. 3. Trophic Dynamics and Methylmercury Bioaccumulation (Paper)(available from the Environmental Science & Technology website)

Mercury(II) Sorption to Two Florida Everglades Peats: Evidence for Strong and Weak Binding and Competition by Dissolved Organic Matter Released from the Peat (Paper)

Sulfur in the South Florida Ecosystem: Distribution, Sources, Biogeochemistry, Impacts, and Management for Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website Please note that this is a (1.6 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Tidally Driven Export of Dissolved Organic Carbon, Total Mercury, and Methylmercury from a Mangrove-Dominated Estuary (Paper)

Using fluorescence spectroscopy to trace seasonal DOM dynamics, disturbance effects, and hydrologic transport in the Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Journal of Geophysical Research, and available on the AGU website)

Allen, Jenny

Validation of a Spatially Continuous EDEN Water-Surface Model for the Everglades, Florida (Paper)(available from the University of Connecticut Libraries website)

Altobelli, Stephen

NMR imaging of fluid exchange between macropores and matrix in eogenetic karst (Paper)(published in Ground Water journal, and available from the Wiley InterScience website)

Alvarez, Pedro F.

Prominence of ichnologically influenced macroporosity in the karst Biscayne aquifer: Stratiform "super-K" zones (Paper)(available from the GSA website)

Anderson, Gordon H.

A Hydrological Budget (2002-2008) for a Large Subtropical Wetland Ecosystem Indicates Marine Groundwater Discharge Accompanies Diminished Freshwater Flow (Paper)

Controls on mangrove forest-atmosphere carbon dioxide exchanges in western Everglades National Park (Paper)

Cumulative impacts of hurricanes on Florida mangrove ecosystems: Sediment deposition, storm surges and vegetation (Paper)

Groundwater Control of Mangrove Surface Elevation: Shrink and Swell Varies with Soil Depth (Paper)

Hurricane Wilma's Impact on Overall Soil Elevation and Zones Within the Soil Profile in a Mangrove Forest (Paper)

Anselmetti, F.S.

Depositional themes of mixed carbonate-siliciclastics in the South Florida Neogene: application to ancient deposits (Paper)(available from the Limnogeology Laboratory website Please note that this is a (3.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Aumen, Nicholas G.

The Role of Flow in the Everglades Ridge and Slough Landscape (Paper)(from the Flow Workshop Concurrent Session III Hydrology and Hydrologic Modeling, December 13, 2000)

Aviantara, Alexander

Characterization of the Karstic Biscayne Aquifer in Southeastern Florida Using Ground-Penetrating Radar, Digital Optical Borehole Images and Cores (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Axelrad, Donald

Sulfur in the South Florida Ecosystem: Distribution, Sources, Biogeochemistry, Impacts, and Management for Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website Please note that this is a (1.6 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Balentine, Karen

Cumulative impacts of hurricanes on Florida mangrove ecosystems: Sediment deposition, storm surges and vegetation (Paper)

The use of historical charts and photographs in ecosystem restoration: examples from the Everglades Historical Air Photo Project (Paper)(from Landscapes Through the Lens: Aerial Photographs and Historic Environment)

Barr, Jordan G.

Controls on mangrove forest-atmosphere carbon dioxide exchanges in western Everglades National Park (Paper)

Hurricane Disturbance and Recovery of Energy Balance, CO2 Fluxes and Canopy Structure in a Mangrove Forest of the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Barron, John A.

Interplay of Late Cenozoic Siliciclastic Supply and Carbonate Response on the Southeast Florida Platform (Paper)

Bates, Anne L.

Geochemistry of Florida Bay sediments: I. Nutrient history at five sites in eastern and central Florida Bay (Paper)

Tracing Sources of Sulfur in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Beauchamp, Jeff

A new parameterization for estimating co-occurrence of interacting species (Paper)

Beck, Cathy A.

Possible Effects of the 2004 and 2005 Hurricanes on Manatee Survival Rates and Movement (Paper)(available from the U.S. Geological Survey Southeast Ecological Science Center Please note that this is a (0.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Bell, Amanda H.

Mercury Accumulation in Periphyton of Eight River Ecosystems (Paper)(available from the Journal of the American Water Resources Association website)

Mercury Cycling in Stream Ecosystems. 3. Trophic Dynamics and Methylmercury Bioaccumulation (Paper)(available from the Environmental Science & Technology website)

Bennett, Gordon D.

Improvements to SEAWAT and Applications of the Variable-Density Modeling Program in Southern Florida (Paper)( Please note that this is a (0.1 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Benoit, J.M.

Constants for Mercury Binding by Dissolved Organic Matter Isolates from the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Bergamaschi, Brian A.

Tidally Driven Export of Dissolved Organic Carbon, Total Mercury, and Methylmercury from a Mangrove-Dominated Estuary (Paper)

Bernhardt, Christopher E.

Atlas of Pollen and Spores of The Florida Everglades (Paper)

Response of Everglades Tree Islands to Environmental Change (Paper)(published in Ecological Monographs, and available from JSTOR, membership required)

Response of the Everglades ridge and slough landscape to climate variability and 20th-century water management (Paper)(published in Ecological Applications, and available from Ecological Society of America Journals)

Blalock, Holly N.

A Comparative Study of Stream Habitat and Substrate Utilized by Corbicula Fluminea in the New River, Florida (Paper)(published in Florida Scientist, and available from APT Online)

Bohlen, Patrick J.

Fertilizer-Derived Uranium and Sulfur in Rangeland Soil and Runoff: A Case Study in Central Florida (Paper)

Bohlke, J.K.

The Fate of Wastewater-Derived Nitrate in the Subsurface of the Florida Keys: Key Colony Beach, Florida (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science website)

Bolster, Carl H.

Determination of Specific Yield for the Biscayne Aquifer with a Canal-Drawdown Test (Paper)(available from the Blackwell-Synergy website)

Development and evaluation of a mathematical model for surface-water flow within the Shark River Slough of the Florida Everglades (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Journal of Hydrology website)

Borges, Alberto V.

Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates (Paper)(available from the AGU Online Services Global Biogeochemical Cycles website, membership required)

Boudreau, Carrie

Sediment Transport on Cape Sable, Everglades National Park, Florida (Paper)(from the Proceedings of the Joint Federal Interagency Conference, July 2010)

Bouillon, Steven

Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates (Paper)(available from the AGU Online Services Global Biogeochemical Cycles website, membership required)

Boylan, A.

Geochemistry of Florida Bay sediments: I. Nutrient history at five sites in eastern and central Florida Bay (Paper)

Breithaupt, Joshua L.

Organic carbon burial rates in mangrove sediments: Strengthening the global budget (Paper)

Brewer, Julie

Observations on the Growth of White Vine (Sarcostemma Clausum) in a Nutrient-Enriched Region of the Northern Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Florida Scientist, and available from APT Online)

Brigham, Mark E.

Mercury Cycling in Stream Ecosystems. 1. Water Column Chemistry and Transport (Paper)(available from the Environmental Science & Technology website)

Mercury Cycling in Stream Ecosystems. 2. Benthic Methylmercury Production and Bed Sediment−Pore Water Partitioning (Paper)(available from the Environmental Science & Technology website)

Bruno, Maria Cristina

Copepod Communities from Surface and Ground Waters in the Everglades, South Florida (Paper)

Preliminary data on microcrustacean communities from ground waters in the southern Everglades (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

The Ecological Role of the Karst Wetlands of Southern Florida in Relation to System Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Bukry, David

Interplay of Late Cenozoic Siliciclastic Supply and Carbonate Response on the Southeast Florida Platform (Paper)

Burrows, Damien

Faunal impact on vegetation structure and ecosystem function in mangrove forests: A review (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Aquatic Botany website)

Bush, Peter W.

Summary of the Hydrology of the Floridan Aquifer System In Florida and In Parts of Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama (Paper 1403-A)

Cable, Jaye C.

Submarine Ground-Water Discharge in Upper Indian River Lagoon, Florida (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Cahoon, Donald R.

Groundwater Control of Mangrove Surface Elevation: Shrink and Swell Varies with Soil Depth (Paper)

Cannicci, Stefano

Faunal impact on vegetation structure and ecosystem function in mangrove forests: A review (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Aquatic Botany website)

Carlson, Elwood

Climate Scenarios: A Florida-Centric View (Paper)

Carlson, Janine I.

New method for quantification of vuggy porosity from digital optical borehole images as applied to the karstic Pleistocene limestone of the Biscayne aquifer, southeastern Florida (Paper)

Carter, Virginia

Classification of Vegetation for Surface-Water Flow Models in Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Determining Flow-Resistance Coefficients in the Florida Everglades (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Carter, William D.

ERTS-1, A New Window on Our Planet (Paper 929)(2 Excerpts)

Castaneda-Moya, Edward

Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates (Paper)(available from the AGU Online Services Global Biogeochemical Cycles website, membership required)

Castillo, Adrian

Estimating Changes in Heat Energy Stored Within a Column of Wetland Surface Water and Factors Controlling Their Importance in the Surface Energy Budget (Paper)

Chan, Steven

The influence of the Atlantic Warm Pool on the Florida panhandle sea breeze (Paper)

Chandrasekhar, T.

Levels of Mercury in Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) collected along a transect through the Florida Everglades (Paper)(available from Science Direct; The Science of The Total Environment website)

Chasar, Lia C.

Characterizing Dry Deposition of Mercury in Urban Runoff (Paper)(published in Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, and available from SpringerLink)

Mercury Cycling in Stream Ecosystems. 3. Trophic Dynamics and Methylmercury Bioaccumulation (Paper)(available from the Environmental Science & Technology website)

Cherkiss, Michael S.

A field test of attractant traps for invasive Burmese pythons (Python molurus bivittatus) in southern Florida (Paper)

Estimating Trends in Alligator Populations from Nightlight Survey Data (Paper)

Childers, Daniel L.

Cascading Ecological Effects of Low-Level Phosphorus Enrichment in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Decadal Change in Vegetation and Soil Phosphorus Pattern across the Everglades Landscape (Paper)

Heterogeneity of phosphorus distribution in a patterned landscape, the Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Plant Ecology, and available from SpringerLink)

Phosphorus Biogeochemistry and the Impact of Phosphorus Enrichment: Why Is the Everglades so Unique? (Paper)

Phosphorus budgets in Everglades wetland ecosystems: the effects of hydrology and nutrient enrichment (Paper)

Phosphorus cycling and partitioning in an oligotrophic Everglades wetland ecosystem: a radioisotope tracing study (Paper)

Short-term changes in phosphorus storage in an oligotrophic Everglades wetland ecosystem receiving experimental nutrient enrichment (Paper)

The contribution of leaching to the rapid release of nutrients and carbon in the early decay of wetland vegetation (Paper)

Chin, David A.

An Analytical Formulation of Two-dimensional Groundwater Dispersion induced by surficial recharge variability (Paper)(published in Water Resources Research, and available from the AGU website)

Choi, Jungyill

Quantifying time-varying ground-water discharge and recharge in wetlands of the Northern Florida Everglades (Paper)

Ciesielski, Paul F.

New Tertiary stratigraphy for the Florida Keys and southern peninsula of Florida (Paper)

Cline, Jon C.

Linkage of Hydrologic and Ecological Models: SICS and ALFISHES (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Second Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, July 28 to August 1, 2002)

Coker, A. Eugene

ERTS-1, A New Window on Our Planet (Paper 929)(2 Excerpts)

Collins, Timothy M.

Are mangroves in the tropical Atlantic ripe for invasion? Exotic mangrove trees in the forests of South Florida (Paper)

Comer, Patrick

A New Map of Standardized Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Conterminous United States (Paper 1768)(available from the U.S. Geological Survey website)

Cooper, Sherri R.

Atlas of Pollen and Spores of The Florida Everglades (Paper)

Cordes, Edwin H.

ERTS-1, A New Window on Our Planet (Paper 929)(2 Excerpts)

Coronado, Carlos A.

Heterogeneity of phosphorus distribution in a patterned landscape, the Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Plant Ecology, and available from SpringerLink)

Coronado-Molina, Carlos

A tidal creek water budget: Estimation of groundwater discharge and overland flow using hydrologic modeling in the Southern Everglades (Paper)

Corum, Margo

Geochemistry of Florida Bay sediments: I. Nutrient history at five sites in eastern and central Florida Bay (Paper)

Cox, T.

Copper, lead, mercury, and zinc in periphyton of the South Florida Ecosystem (Paper)

Distribution of and relation among mercury and methylmercury, organic carbon, carbonate, nitrogen and phosphorus, in periphyton of the South Florida Ecosystem (Paper)

Craig, Robin K.

Climate Scenarios: A Florida-Centric View (Paper)

Cress, Jill

A New Map of Standardized Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Conterminous United States (Paper 1768)(available from the U.S. Geological Survey website)

Crimaldi, John P.

A Delicate Balance: Ecohydrological Feedbacks Governing Landscape Morphology in a Lotic Peatland (Paper)

Morphologic and transport properties of natural organic floc. (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research. Please note that this is a (544 KB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Predicting bed shear stress and its role in sediment dynamics and restoration potential of the Everglades and other vegetated flow systems (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Ecological Engineering website, membership required)

Predicting organic floc transport dynamics in shallow aquatic ecosystems: Insights from the field, the laboratory, and numerical modeling. (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research. Please note that this is a (648 KB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Using fluorescence spectroscopy to trace seasonal DOM dynamics, disturbance effects, and hydrologic transport in the Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Journal of Geophysical Research, and available on the AGU website)

Cronin, Thomas M.

Paleoecology and Ecosystem Restoration: Case Studies from Chesapeake Bay and the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Cunningham, Kevin J.

A new, large, late Pleistocene demosponge from southeastern Florida (Paper)(available from the Geo Science World website)

Application of carbonate cyclostratigraphy and borehole geophysics to delineate porosity and preferential flow in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer, SE Florida (Paper)(chapter of Geological Society of America Special Paper 404)

Application of ground-penetrating radar, digital optical borehole images, and cores for characterization of porosity hydraulic conductivity and paleokarst in the Biscayne aquifer, southeastern Florida, USA (Paper)

Assessing the Vulnerability of a Municipal Well Field to Contamination in a Karst Aquifer (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website Please note that this is a (1.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Characterization of the Karstic Biscayne Aquifer in Southeastern Florida Using Ground-Penetrating Radar, Digital Optical Borehole Images and Cores (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Chronologic Model and Transgressive-Regressive Signatures in the Late Neogene Siliciclastic Foundation (Long Key Formation) of the Florida Keys (Paper)

Chronologic model and transgressive-regressive signatures in the late Neogene siliciclastic foundation (Long Key Formation) of the Florida Keys (Paper)(available from the Journal of Sedimentary Research website)

Copepod Communities from Surface and Ground Waters in the Everglades, South Florida (Paper)

Depositional themes of mixed carbonate-siliciclastics in the South Florida Neogene: application to ancient deposits (Paper)(available from the Limnogeology Laboratory website Please note that this is a (3.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Effects of turbulence on hydraulic heads and parameter sensitivities in preferential groundwater flow layers (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

First documentation of tidal-channel sponge biostromes (upper Pleistocene, southeastern Florida) (Paper)(available from the Geo Science World website)

Interplay of Late Cenozoic Siliciclastic Supply and Carbonate Response on the Southeast Florida Platform (Paper)

NMR imaging of fluid exchange between macropores and matrix in eogenetic karst (Paper)(published in Ground Water journal, and available from the Wiley InterScience website)

New Tertiary stratigraphy for the Florida Keys and southern peninsula of Florida (Paper)

New method for quantification of vuggy porosity from digital optical borehole images as applied to the karstic Pleistocene limestone of the Biscayne aquifer, southeastern Florida (Paper)

Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 1. Revised conceptualization of groundwater flow (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 3. Use of microspheres to estimate the transport potential of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

Prominence of ichnologically influenced macroporosity in the karst Biscayne aquifer: Stratiform "super-K" zones (Paper)(available from the GSA website)

The Ecological Role of the Karst Wetlands of Southern Florida in Relation to System Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Curran, H. Allen

First documentation of tidal-channel sponge biostromes (upper Pleistocene, southeastern Florida) (Paper)(available from the Geo Science World website)

Prominence of ichnologically influenced macroporosity in the karst Biscayne aquifer: Stratiform "super-K" zones (Paper)(available from the GSA website)

Curry, Richard W.

Coastal Geology and National Parklands: An Example from Biscayne NP (Paper)

Dahdouh-Guebas, Farid

Faunal impact on vegetation structure and ecosystem function in mangrove forests: A review (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Aquatic Botany website)

Davis, Jeffrey B.

Geophysical Investigations of Upward Migrating Saline Water from the Lower to Upper Floridan Aquifer, Central Indian River Region, Florida (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Davis, Stephen E.

The contribution of leaching to the rapid release of nutrients and carbon in the early decay of wetland vegetation (Paper)

de Verteuil, Laurent

New Tertiary stratigraphy for the Florida Keys and southern peninsula of Florida (Paper)

DeAngelis, Donald L.

A simulation model for projecting changes in salinity concentrations and species dominance in the coastal margin habitats of the Everglades (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Ecological Modelling website)

Modeling the Effects of Storm Surges (Paper)(from Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia Proceedings Series publication "Tsunami Simulation for Impact Assessment", 2011)

Spatial pattern formation of coastal vegetation in response to external gradients and positive feedbacks affecting soil porewater salinity: a model study (Paper)

Uncertainty in Spatially Explicit Animal Dispersal Models (Paper)(published in Ecological Applications, and available from the Ecological Society of America website)

Deszcz-Pan, Maria

Characterization of Saltwater Intrusion in South Florida Using Electromagnetic Geophysical Methods (Paper)(from the proceedings of the 18th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting, 31 May - 3 June, 2004, Cartagena, Spain)

Geophysical Mapping of Saltwater Intrusion in Everglades National Park (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Saltwater Intrusion in Everglades National Park, Florida Measured by Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys (Paper)(from the proceedings of The First International Conference on Saltwater Intrusion and Coastal Aquifers -- Monitoring, Modeling, and Management, April 2001)

Using Airborne and Ground Electromagnetic Data to Map Hydrologic Features in Everglades National Park (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems SAGEEP, 2001)

Diele, Karen

Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates (Paper)(available from the AGU Online Services Global Biogeochemical Cycles website, membership required)

Dittmar, Thorsten

Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates (Paper)(available from the AGU Online Services Global Biogeochemical Cycles website, membership required)

Dixon, Joann

Effects of turbulence on hydraulic heads and parameter sensitivities in preferential groundwater flow layers (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

Prominence of ichnologically influenced macroporosity in the karst Biscayne aquifer: Stratiform "super-K" zones (Paper)(available from the GSA website)

Dorazio, Robert M.

A new parameterization for estimating co-occurrence of interacting species (Paper)

Estimating Trends in Alligator Populations from Nightlight Survey Data (Paper)

Doren, Robert F.

Decadal Change in Vegetation and Soil Phosphorus Pattern across the Everglades Landscape (Paper)

Dovell, Junius E.

The Everglades Before Reclamation (Paper)

The Everglades, a Florida Frontier (Paper)(available from the JSTOR website)

Doyle, Thomas W.

Mangroves, Hurricanes, and Lightning Strikes: Assessment of Hurricane Andrew suggests an interaction across two differing scales of disturbance (Paper)

Regional processes in mangrove ecosystems: spatial scaling relationships, biomass, and turnover rates following catastrophic disturbance (Paper)

Wind Damage Effects of Hurricane Andrew on Mangrove Communities Along the Southwest Coast of Florida, USA (Paper)

Woody Debris in the Mangrove Forests of South Florida (Paper)

Drexel, R. Todd

Mercury(II) Sorption to Two Florida Everglades Peats: Evidence for Strong and Weak Binding and Competition by Dissolved Organic Matter Released from the Peat (Paper)

Duff, Michael P.

Locally-Forced Wind Effects on Shallow Waters with Emergent Vegetation (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Duke, Norman C.

Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates (Paper)(available from the AGU Online Services Global Biogeochemical Cycles website, membership required)

Edwards, Adrienne L.

Cascading Ecological Effects of Low-Level Phosphorus Enrichment in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Short-term changes in phosphorus storage in an oligotrophic Everglades wetland ecosystem receiving experimental nutrient enrichment (Paper)

Elderd, B.D.

Hydrology, habitat change and population demography: an individual-based model for the endangered Cape Sable seaside sparrow (Ammodramus maritimus mirabilis) (Paper)(available from the Blackwell Synergy website)

Enfield, David

Climate Scenarios: A Florida-Centric View (Paper)

Engel, Vic

A Hydrological Budget (2002-2008) for a Large Subtropical Wetland Ecosystem Indicates Marine Groundwater Discharge Accompanies Diminished Freshwater Flow (Paper)

Controls on mangrove forest-atmosphere carbon dioxide exchanges in western Everglades National Park (Paper)

Hurricane Disturbance and Recovery of Energy Balance, CO2 Fluxes and Canopy Structure in a Mangrove Forest of the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Evans, David W.

Source Identification of Florida Bay's Methylmercury Problem: Mainland Runoff Versus Atmospheric Deposition and In situ Production (Paper)

Ferguson, G.E.

Water Resources of Southeastern Florida (Paper 1255)

Fink, Larry E.

Levels of Mercury in Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) collected along a transect through the Florida Everglades (Paper)(available from Science Direct; The Science of The Total Environment website)

Source Identification of Florida Bay's Methylmercury Problem: Mainland Runoff Versus Atmospheric Deposition and In situ Production (Paper)

Fitterman, David V.

Characterization of Saltwater Intrusion in South Florida Using Electromagnetic Geophysical Methods (Paper)(from the proceedings of the 18th Salt Water Intrusion Meeting, 31 May - 3 June, 2004, Cartagena, Spain)

Geophysical Mapping of Saltwater Intrusion in Everglades National Park (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Saltwater Intrusion in Everglades National Park, Florida Measured by Airborne Electromagnetic Surveys (Paper)(from the proceedings of The First International Conference on Saltwater Intrusion and Coastal Aquifers -- Monitoring, Modeling, and Management, April 2001)

Using Airborne and Ground Electromagnetic Data to Map Hydrologic Features in Everglades National Park (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems SAGEEP, 2001)

Flocks, James G.

Direct Linkages Between Onshore Karst Aquifers and Offshore Marine Environments: Crescent Beach Spring, Florida (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Geophysical Investigations of Upward Migrating Saline Water from the Lower to Upper Floridan Aquifer, Central Indian River Region, Florida (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Florea, Lee J.

NMR imaging of fluid exchange between macropores and matrix in eogenetic karst (Paper)(published in Ground Water journal, and available from the Wiley InterScience website)

Foster, Ann M.

The use of historical charts and photographs in ecosystem restoration: examples from the Everglades Historical Air Photo Project (Paper)(from Landscapes Through the Lens: Aerial Photographs and Historic Environment)

Fourqurean, James W.

Are mangroves in the tropical Atlantic ripe for invasion? Exotic mangrove trees in the forests of South Florida (Paper)

Changes in mass and nutrient content of wood during decomposition in a south Florida mangrove forest (Paper)

Fratini, Sara

Faunal impact on vegetation structure and ecosystem function in mangrove forests: A review (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Aquatic Botany website)

Fry, Brian

Stable Isotope Studies of Red Mangroves and Filter Feeders from the Shark River Estuary, Florida (Paper)

Fuentes, Jose D.

Controls on mangrove forest-atmosphere carbon dioxide exchanges in western Everglades National Park (Paper)

Hurricane Disturbance and Recovery of Energy Balance, CO2 Fluxes and Canopy Structure in a Mangrove Forest of the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Fujisaki, Ikuko

Estimating Trends in Alligator Populations from Nightlight Survey Data (Paper)

Satellite tracking reveals habitat use by juvenile green sea turtles Chelonia mydas in the Everglades, Florida, USA (Paper)

Fulkerson, Mark

Characterizing Dry Deposition of Mercury in Urban Runoff (Paper)(published in Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, and available from SpringerLink)

Predicting mercury wet deposition in Florida -- A simple approach (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Atmospheric Environment website)

Gabriel, Mark

Sulfur in the South Florida Ecosystem: Distribution, Sources, Biogeochemistry, Impacts, and Management for Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website Please note that this is a (1.6 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Gaiser, Evelyn E.

Cascading Ecological Effects of Low-Level Phosphorus Enrichment in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Short-term changes in phosphorus storage in an oligotrophic Everglades wetland ecosystem receiving experimental nutrient enrichment (Paper)

Gamez, Desire

Atlas of Pollen and Spores of The Florida Everglades (Paper)

Garrett, Patrick B.

Observations on the Growth of White Vine (Sarcostemma Clausum) in a Nutrient-Enriched Region of the Northern Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Florida Scientist, and available from APT Online)

Genereux, David P.

Determination of Specific Yield for the Biscayne Aquifer with a Canal-Drawdown Test (Paper)(available from the Blackwell-Synergy website)

Gerbig, Chase A.

Formation of Nanocolloidal Metacinnabar in Mercury-DOM-Sulfide Systems (Paper)

German, Edward R.

Evapotranspiration Rates From Two Different Sawgrass Communities In South Florida During Drought Conditions (Paper)

Regional Evaluation of Evapotranspiration in the Everglades (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Gilmour, Cindy C.

Constants for Mercury Binding by Dissolved Organic Matter Isolates from the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Dissolved Organic Matter Enhances Microbial Mercury Methylation Under Sulfidic Conditions (Paper)

Dissolved Organic Matter in the Florida Everglades: Implications for Ecosystem Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website Please note that this is a (0.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Sulfur in the South Florida Ecosystem: Distribution, Sources, Biogeochemistry, Impacts, and Management for Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website Please note that this is a (1.6 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Goetz, Scott

A field test of attractant traps for invasive Burmese pythons (Python molurus bivittatus) in southern Florida (Paper)

Graham, Andrew M.

Dissolved Organic Matter Enhances Microbial Mercury Methylation Under Sulfidic Conditions (Paper)

Green, P.T.

Land crabs as key drivers of tropical coastal forest recruitment. (Paper)(available from the Wiley InterScience website)

Griggs, Erin M.

The Fate of Wastewater-Derived Nitrate in the Subsurface of the Florida Keys: Key Colony Beach, Florida (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science website)

Guertin, Laura A.

Chronologic Model and Transgressive-Regressive Signatures in the Late Neogene Siliciclastic Foundation (Long Key Formation) of the Florida Keys (Paper)

Chronologic model and transgressive-regressive signatures in the late Neogene siliciclastic foundation (Long Key Formation) of the Florida Keys (Paper)(available from the Journal of Sedimentary Research website)

Depositional themes of mixed carbonate-siliciclastics in the South Florida Neogene: application to ancient deposits (Paper)(available from the Limnogeology Laboratory website Please note that this is a (3.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Interplay of Late Cenozoic Siliciclastic Supply and Carbonate Response on the Southeast Florida Platform (Paper)

New Tertiary stratigraphy for the Florida Keys and southern peninsula of Florida (Paper)

Guo, Weixing

Improvements to SEAWAT and Applications of the Variable-Density Modeling Program in Southern Florida (Paper)( Please note that this is a (0.1 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Haitzer, Markus

Binding of Mercury(II) to Aquatic Humic Substances: Influence of pH and Source of Humic Substances (Paper)

Binding of Mercury(II) to Dissolved Organic Matter: The Role of the Mercury-to-DOM Concentration Ratio (Paper)

Mercury(II) Sorption to Two Florida Everglades Peats: Evidence for Strong and Weak Binding and Competition by Dissolved Organic Matter Released from the Peat (Paper)

Hall, Britt D.

Mercury Cycling in Stream Ecosystems. 2. Benthic Methylmercury Production and Bed Sediment−Pore Water Partitioning (Paper)(available from the Environmental Science & Technology website)

Halley, Robert B.

Carbonate Porosity Versus Depth: A Predictable Relation for South Florida (Paper)

Coastal Geology and National Parklands: An Example from Biscayne NP (Paper)

Diurnal Variation in Rates of Calcification and Carbonate Sediment Dissolution in Florida Bay (Paper)

Geology and Hydrogeology of the Florida Keys (Paper)(from Geology and Hydrogeology of Carbonate Islands)

Pleistocene Barrier Bar Seaward of Ooid Shoal Complex Near Miami, Florida (Paper)

The Influence of Seagrass on Shell Layers and Florida Bay Mudbanks (Paper)(published in the Journal of Coastal Research, and available from APT Online)

Hallock, Pamela

Sedimentary Petrology of a Declining Reef Ecosystem, Florida Reef Tract (U.S.A.) (Paper)

Hansler, Maria E.

An Overview of the Southern Inland and Coastal System Project of the U.S. Geological Survey South Florida Ecosystem Program (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Hart, Kristen M.

A field test of attractant traps for invasive Burmese pythons (Python molurus bivittatus) in southern Florida (Paper)

Satellite tracking reveals habitat use by juvenile green sea turtles Chelonia mydas in the Everglades, Florida, USA (Paper)

Harvey, Judson W.

A Delicate Balance: Ecohydrological Feedbacks Governing Landscape Morphology in a Lotic Peatland (Paper)

Advection, dispersion, and filtration of fine particles within emergent vegetation of the Florida Everglades (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research, and available on the AGU website)

Characterization of suspended particles in Everglades wetlands (Paper)

Controls of Suspended Sediment Concentration, Nutrient Content, and Transport in a Subtropical Wetland (Paper)

Ground Water Recharge and Discharge in the Central Everglades (Paper)

Groundwater's significance to changing hydrology, water chemistry, and biological communities of a floodplain ecosystem. (Paper)(Published in Hydrogeology Journal. Please note that this is a (572 KB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Hydroecological factors governing surface-water flow on a low gradient floodplain. (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research. Please note that this is a (1.3 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Modeling decadal timescale interactions between surface water and ground water in the central Everglades, Florida, USA (Paper)

Morphologic and transport properties of natural organic floc. (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research. Please note that this is a (544 KB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Predicting bed shear stress and its role in sediment dynamics and restoration potential of the Everglades and other vegetated flow systems (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Ecological Engineering website, membership required)

Predicting organic floc transport dynamics in shallow aquatic ecosystems: Insights from the field, the laboratory, and numerical modeling. (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research. Please note that this is a (648 KB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Quantifying time-varying ground-water discharge and recharge in wetlands of the Northern Florida Everglades (Paper)

Solute transport and storage mechanisms in wetlands of the Everglades, south Florida (Paper)

Surface-water transport of suspended matter through wetland vegetation of the Florida everglades (Paper)

Tracing Sources of Sulfur in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Using Natural Distributions of Short-Lived Radium Isotopes to Quantify Groundwater Discharge and Recharge (Paper)

Using fluorescence spectroscopy to trace seasonal DOM dynamics, disturbance effects, and hydrologic transport in the Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Journal of Geophysical Research, and available on the AGU website)

Harvey, Ronald W.

Assessing the Vulnerability of a Municipal Well Field to Contamination in a Karst Aquifer (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website Please note that this is a (1.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 1. Revised conceptualization of groundwater flow (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 3. Use of microspheres to estimate the transport potential of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

Hedgman, C.

Geochemistry of Florida Bay sediments: I. Nutrient history at five sites in eastern and central Florida Bay (Paper)

Hendrix, C.Y.

The Environment of South Florida, A Summary Report (Paper 1011)

Herod, Jeffrey J.

A Comparative Study of Stream Habitat and Substrate Utilized by Corbicula Fluminea in the New River, Florida (Paper)(published in Florida Scientist, and available from APT Online)

Age, differential growth and mortality rates in unexploited populations of Florida gar, an apex predator in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Hickey, T. Don

Direct Linkages Between Onshore Karst Aquifers and Offshore Marine Environments: Crescent Beach Spring, Florida (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Tidal and Meteorological Influences on Shallow Marine Groundwater Flow in the Upper Florida Keys (Paper)(from The Everglades, Florida Bay, and Coral Reefs of the Florida Keys: An Ecosystem Sourcebook)

Higer, Aaron L.

ERTS-1, A New Window on Our Planet (Paper 929)(2 Excerpts)

Validation of a Spatially Continuous EDEN Water-Surface Model for the Everglades, Florida (Paper)(available from the University of Connecticut Libraries website)

Hine, Albert C.

Interplay of Late Cenozoic Siliciclastic Supply and Carbonate Response on the Southeast Florida Platform (Paper)

Hoare, Armando

Organic carbon burial rates in mangrove sediments: Strengthening the global budget (Paper)

Hoch, Anthony R.

Calcite crystal growth inhibition by humic substances with emphasis on hydrophobic acids from the Florida Everglades (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website)

Holmes, Charles W.

Geochemistry of Florida Bay sediments: I. Nutrient history at five sites in eastern and central Florida Bay (Paper)

Molluscan Faunal Distribution in Florida Bay, Past and Present: An Integration of Down-Core and Modern Data (Paper)

Response of Everglades Tree Islands to Environmental Change (Paper)(published in Ecological Monographs, and available from JSTOR, membership required)

Howard, Nicole

Source Identification of Florida Bay's Methylmercury Problem: Mainland Runoff Versus Atmospheric Deposition and In situ Production (Paper)

Huang, Haibo

Prominence of ichnologically influenced macroporosity in the karst Biscayne aquifer: Stratiform "super-K" zones (Paper)(available from the GSA website)

Huang, Yong H.

Advection, dispersion, and filtration of fine particles within emergent vegetation of the Florida Everglades (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research, and available on the AGU website)

Hudley, Joel

Application of a Weighted-Averaging Method for Determining Paleosalinity: A Tool for Restoration of South Florida (Paper)

Hudson, J. Harold

Pleistocene Barrier Bar Seaward of Ooid Shoal Complex Near Miami, Florida (Paper)

Hurley, Neil F.

New method for quantification of vuggy porosity from digital optical borehole images as applied to the karstic Pleistocene limestone of the Biscayne aquifer, southeastern Florida (Paper)

Jayachandaran, Krish

Cascading Ecological Effects of Low-Level Phosphorus Enrichment in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Short-term changes in phosphorus storage in an oligotrophic Everglades wetland ecosystem receiving experimental nutrient enrichment (Paper)

Jeffery, Brian M.

Estimating Trends in Alligator Populations from Nightlight Survey Data (Paper)

Jensen, Jennifer

Atlas of Pollen and Spores of The Florida Everglades (Paper)

Jenter, Harry L.

Locally-Forced Wind Effects on Shallow Waters with Emergent Vegetation (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Observations of Daily Temperature Patterns in the Southern Florida Everglades (Paper)(from the American Society of Civil Engineers Wetlands Engineering and River Restoration Conference, August 2001)

Jewell, Susan D.

Restoring South Florida's Future (Paper)(July/August 1999 issue of "People, Land, and Water," the employee news magazine of the U.S. Department of the Interior)

Jiang, Jiang

Modeling the Effects of Storm Surges (Paper)(from Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia Proceedings Series publication "Tsunami Simulation for Impact Assessment", 2011)

Spatial pattern formation of coastal vegetation in response to external gradients and positive feedbacks affecting soil porewater salinity: a model study (Paper)

Johnson, Richard H.

Summary of the Hydrology of the Floridan Aquifer System In Florida and In Parts of Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama (Paper 1403-A)

Jones, John W.

Classification of Vegetation for Surface-Water Flow Models in Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Image and in situ data integration to derive sawgrass density for surface flow modelling in the Everglades, Florida, USA (Paper)(from the proceedings of a symposium held at Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, April 2000)

Land Characterization for Hydrologic Modeling in the Everglades (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

The use of historical charts and photographs in ecosystem restoration: examples from the Everglades Historical Air Photo Project (Paper)(from Landscapes Through the Lens: Aerial Photographs and Historic Environment)

Jones, Ronald

Cascading Ecological Effects of Low-Level Phosphorus Enrichment in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Decadal Change in Vegetation and Soil Phosphorus Pattern across the Everglades Landscape (Paper)

Phosphorus Biogeochemistry and the Impact of Phosphorus Enrichment: Why Is the Everglades so Unique? (Paper)

Phosphorus cycling and partitioning in an oligotrophic Everglades wetland ecosystem: a radioisotope tracing study (Paper)

Short-term changes in phosphorus storage in an oligotrophic Everglades wetland ecosystem receiving experimental nutrient enrichment (Paper)

Kalla, Peter

Sulfur in the South Florida Ecosystem: Distribution, Sources, Biogeochemistry, Impacts, and Management for Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website Please note that this is a (1.6 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Kendall, Carol

Geochemistry of Florida Bay sediments: I. Nutrient history at five sites in eastern and central Florida Bay (Paper)

Levels of Mercury in Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) collected along a transect through the Florida Everglades (Paper)(available from Science Direct; The Science of The Total Environment website)

Variation in Trophic Shift for Stable Isotope Ratios of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur (Paper)(published in Oikos, and available from the Blackwell Publishing website)

Kim, Christopher S.

Formation of Nanocolloidal Metacinnabar in Mercury-DOM-Sulfide Systems (Paper)

Kindinger, Jack L.

Direct Linkages Between Onshore Karst Aquifers and Offshore Marine Environments: Crescent Beach Spring, Florida (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Geophysical Investigations of Upward Migrating Saline Water from the Lower to Upper Floridan Aquifer, Central Indian River Region, Florida (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Kirtman, Benjamin

Climate Scenarios: A Florida-Centric View (Paper)

Klein, Howard

The Environment of South Florida, A Summary Report (Paper 1011)

Kloor, Keith

Forgotten Islands (Paper)(available from the Audubon Magazine on-line)

Knochenmus, Lari A.

Descriptions of Anisotropy and Heterogeneity and Their Effect on Ground-Water Flow and Areas of Contribution to Public Supply Wells in a Karst Carbonate Aquifer System (Paper 2475)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Koh, Hock-Lye

A simulation model for projecting changes in salinity concentrations and species dominance in the coastal margin habitats of the Everglades (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Ecological Modelling website)

Modeling the Effects of Storm Surges (Paper)(from Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia Proceedings Series publication "Tsunami Simulation for Impact Assessment", 2011)

Spatial pattern formation of coastal vegetation in response to external gradients and positive feedbacks affecting soil porewater salinity: a model study (Paper)

Kotra, Rama K.

The Role of Biogeochemistry in USGS Sediment Research (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Sediment Workshop, February 4-7, 1997)

Krabbenhoft, David P.

Dissolved Organic Matter in the Florida Everglades: Implications for Ecosystem Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website Please note that this is a (0.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Mercury Cycling in Stream Ecosystems. 1. Water Column Chemistry and Transport (Paper)(available from the Environmental Science & Technology website)

Mercury Cycling in Stream Ecosystems. 2. Benthic Methylmercury Production and Bed Sediment−Pore Water Partitioning (Paper)(available from the Environmental Science & Technology website)

Source Identification of Florida Bay's Methylmercury Problem: Mainland Runoff Versus Atmospheric Deposition and In situ Production (Paper)

Sulfur in the South Florida Ecosystem: Distribution, Sources, Biogeochemistry, Impacts, and Management for Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website Please note that this is a (1.6 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Tidally Driven Export of Dissolved Organic Carbon, Total Mercury, and Methylmercury from a Mangrove-Dominated Estuary (Paper)

Krauss, Ken W.

Land crabs as key drivers of tropical coastal forest recruitment. (Paper)(available from the Wiley InterScience website)

Woody Debris in the Mangrove Forests of South Florida (Paper)

Krest, James M.

Ground Water Recharge and Discharge in the Central Everglades (Paper)

Using Natural Distributions of Short-Lived Radium Isotopes to Quantify Groundwater Discharge and Recharge (Paper)

Kristensen, Erik

Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates (Paper)(available from the AGU Online Services Global Biogeochemical Cycles website, membership required)

Krohn, M. Dennis

Modeling the Effects of Storm Surges (Paper)(from Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia Proceedings Series publication "Tsunami Simulation for Impact Assessment", 2011)

Possible Effects of the 2004 and 2005 Hurricanes on Manatee Survival Rates and Movement (Paper)(available from the U.S. Geological Survey Southeast Ecological Science Center Please note that this is a (0.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Krupa, Steven L.

Ground Water Recharge and Discharge in the Central Everglades (Paper)

Modeling decadal timescale interactions between surface water and ground water in the central Everglades, Florida, USA (Paper)

Kump, Lee R.

The Fate of Wastewater-Derived Nitrate in the Subsurface of the Florida Keys: Key Colony Beach, Florida (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science website)

Kuniansky, Eve L.

Effects of turbulence on hydraulic heads and parameter sensitivities in preferential groundwater flow layers (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

Laine, K.A.

Levels of Mercury in Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) collected along a transect through the Florida Everglades (Paper)(available from Science Direct; The Science of The Total Environment website)

Source Identification of Florida Bay's Methylmercury Problem: Mainland Runoff Versus Atmospheric Deposition and In situ Production (Paper)

Landacre, Bryan

Response of Everglades Tree Islands to Environmental Change (Paper)(published in Ecological Monographs, and available from JSTOR, membership required)

Landing, William

Climate Scenarios: A Florida-Centric View (Paper)

Landkamer, Lee

Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 3. Use of microspheres to estimate the transport potential of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

Langevin, Christian D.

Cooperative linking of numerical models for coastal wetland planning (Paper)( Please note that this is a (1.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Improvements to SEAWAT and Applications of the Variable-Density Modeling Program in Southern Florida (Paper)( Please note that this is a (0.1 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Numerical simulation of integrated surface-water/ground-water flow and solute transport in the southern Everglades in Florida (Paper)( Please note that this is a (0.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Simulation of Submarine Ground Water Discharge to a Marine Estuary: Biscayne Bay, Florida (Paper)(Ground Water 41, no. 6: 758-771 article available from the Water Resources of the United States website Please note that this is a (484 KB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Simulation of integrated surface-water/ground-water flow and salinity for a coastal wetland and adjacent estuary (Paper)

Langtimm, Cathy

Modeling the Effects of Storm Surges (Paper)(from Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia Proceedings Series publication "Tsunami Simulation for Impact Assessment", 2011)

Possible Effects of the 2004 and 2005 Hurricanes on Manatee Survival Rates and Movement (Paper)(available from the U.S. Geological Survey Southeast Ecological Science Center Please note that this is a (0.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Larsen, Laurel G.

A Delicate Balance: Ecohydrological Feedbacks Governing Landscape Morphology in a Lotic Peatland (Paper)

Controls of Suspended Sediment Concentration, Nutrient Content, and Transport in a Subtropical Wetland (Paper)

Hydroecological factors governing surface-water flow on a low gradient floodplain. (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research. Please note that this is a (1.3 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Morphologic and transport properties of natural organic floc. (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research. Please note that this is a (544 KB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Predicting bed shear stress and its role in sediment dynamics and restoration potential of the Everglades and other vegetated flow systems (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Ecological Engineering website, membership required)

Predicting organic floc transport dynamics in shallow aquatic ecosystems: Insights from the field, the laboratory, and numerical modeling. (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research. Please note that this is a (648 KB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Using fluorescence spectroscopy to trace seasonal DOM dynamics, disturbance effects, and hydrologic transport in the Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Journal of Geophysical Research, and available on the AGU website)

Lee, David

Are mangroves in the tropical Atlantic ripe for invasion? Exotic mangrove trees in the forests of South Florida (Paper)

Cascading Ecological Effects of Low-Level Phosphorus Enrichment in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Short-term changes in phosphorus storage in an oligotrophic Everglades wetland ecosystem receiving experimental nutrient enrichment (Paper)

Lee, Jonathan K.

Determining Flow-Resistance Coefficients in the Florida Everglades (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Lee, Sang-Ki

Climate Scenarios: A Florida-Centric View (Paper)

Lee, Shing Y.

Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates (Paper)(available from the AGU Online Services Global Biogeochemical Cycles website, membership required)

Leeds, Jennifer A.

Observations on the Growth of White Vine (Sarcostemma Clausum) in a Nutrient-Enriched Region of the Northern Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Florida Scientist, and available from APT Online)

Lerch, Harry E.

Geochemistry of Florida Bay sediments: I. Nutrient history at five sites in eastern and central Florida Bay (Paper)

Letson, David

Climate Scenarios: A Florida-Centric View (Paper)

Lewis, Jr., William M.

Variation in Trophic Shift for Stable Isotope Ratios of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur (Paper)(published in Oikos, and available from the Blackwell Publishing website)

Li, Yuepeng

The role of mangroves in attenuating storm surges (Paper)

Lidz, Barbara H.

Blackened Limestone Pebbles: Fire at Subaerial Unconformities (Paper)

Chronologic Model and Transgressive-Regressive Signatures in the Late Neogene Siliciclastic Foundation (Long Key Formation) of the Florida Keys (Paper)

Chronologic model and transgressive-regressive signatures in the late Neogene siliciclastic foundation (Long Key Formation) of the Florida Keys (Paper)(available from the Journal of Sedimentary Research website)

Diagnostic Foraminiferal Assemblages of Florida Bay and Adjacent Shallow Waters: A Comparison (Paper)

Pleistocene Barrier Bar Seaward of Ooid Shoal Complex Near Miami, Florida (Paper)

Regional Quaternary submarine geomorphology in the Florida Keys (Paper)

Sedimentary Petrology of a Declining Reef Ecosystem, Florida Reef Tract (U.S.A.) (Paper)

Lindquist, E.S.

Land crabs as key drivers of tropical coastal forest recruitment. (Paper)(available from the Wiley InterScience website)

Liu, Huiqing

The role of mangroves in attenuating storm surges (Paper)

Liu, Zhongwei

Validation of a Spatially Continuous EDEN Water-Surface Model for the Everglades, Florida (Paper)(available from the University of Connecticut Libraries website)

Locker, Stanley D.

Interplay of Late Cenozoic Siliciclastic Supply and Carbonate Response on the Southeast Florida Platform (Paper)

Loftus, William F.

Age, differential growth and mortality rates in unexploited populations of Florida gar, an apex predator in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Inventory of Fishes of Everglades National Park (Paper)(published in Florida Scientist, and available from APT Online)

Preliminary data on microcrustacean communities from ground waters in the southern Everglades (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Seasonal fish community variation in headwater mangrove creeks in the southwestern Everglades: an examination of their role as dry-down refuges (Paper)

The Ecological Role of the Karst Wetlands of Southern Florida in Relation to System Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

The Herpetofauna of Everglades National Park (Paper)(published in Florida Scientist, and available from APT Online)

Lohmann (Wolfert), Melinda A.

Simulation of integrated surface-water/ground-water flow and salinity for a coastal wetland and adjacent estuary (Paper)

Love, S.K.

Water Resources of Southeastern Florida (Paper 1255)

Lutz, Michelle A.

Mercury Cycling in Stream Ecosystems. 2. Benthic Methylmercury Production and Bed Sediment−Pore Water Partitioning (Paper)(available from the Environmental Science & Technology website)

Lynch, James C.

Groundwater Control of Mangrove Surface Elevation: Shrink and Swell Varies with Soil Depth (Paper)


A Hydrological Budget (2002-2008) for a Large Subtropical Wetland Ecosystem Indicates Marine Groundwater Discharge Accompanies Diminished Freshwater Flow (Paper)

Marchand, Cyril

Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates (Paper)(available from the AGU Online Services Global Biogeochemical Cycles website, membership required)

Marks, Frank

Climate Scenarios: A Florida-Centric View (Paper)

Marot, Marci E.

Geochemistry of Florida Bay sediments: I. Nutrient history at five sites in eastern and central Florida Bay (Paper)

Response of Everglades Tree Islands to Environmental Change (Paper)(published in Ecological Monographs, and available from JSTOR, membership required)

Marshall III, Frank E.

A Simulation of Historic Hydrology and Salinity in Everglades National Park: Coupling Paleoecologic Assemblage Data with Regression Models (Paper)(published in Estuaries and Coasts, and available from SpringerLink)

Marshall, Curtis H.

Crop freezes and land-use change in Florida (Paper)

The Impact of Anthropogenic Land-Cover Change on the Florida Peninsula Sea Breezes and Warm Season Sensible Weather (Paper)

Martin, Jonathan B.

Submarine Ground-Water Discharge in Upper Indian River Lagoon, Florida (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Marvin-DiPasquale, Mark

Mercury Cycling in Stream Ecosystems. 2. Benthic Methylmercury Production and Bed Sediment−Pore Water Partitioning (Paper)(available from the Environmental Science & Technology website)

Mason, R.P.

Constants for Mercury Binding by Dissolved Organic Matter Isolates from the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Mazzotti, Frank J.

A field test of attractant traps for invasive Burmese pythons (Python molurus bivittatus) in southern Florida (Paper)

A new parameterization for estimating co-occurrence of interacting species (Paper)

Estimating Trends in Alligator Populations from Nightlight Survey Data (Paper)

Validation of a Spatially Continuous EDEN Water-Surface Model for the Everglades, Florida (Paper)(available from the University of Connecticut Libraries website)

McCormick, Paul

Groundwater's significance to changing hydrology, water chemistry, and biological communities of a floodplain ecosystem. (Paper)(Published in Hydrogeology Journal. Please note that this is a (572 KB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Observations on the Growth of White Vine (Sarcostemma Clausum) in a Nutrient-Enriched Region of the Northern Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Florida Scientist, and available from APT Online)

Soil and periphyton indicators of anthropogenic water-quality changes in a rainfall-driven wetland (Paper)

Sulfur in the South Florida Ecosystem: Distribution, Sources, Biogeochemistry, Impacts, and Management for Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website Please note that this is a (1.6 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

McCutchan, Jr., James H.

Variation in Trophic Shift for Stable Isotope Ratios of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur (Paper)(published in Oikos, and available from the Blackwell Publishing website)

McGrath, Claire C.

Variation in Trophic Shift for Stable Isotope Ratios of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur (Paper)(published in Oikos, and available from the Blackwell Publishing website)

McNeill, Donald F.

Chronologic Model and Transgressive-Regressive Signatures in the Late Neogene Siliciclastic Foundation (Long Key Formation) of the Florida Keys (Paper)

Chronologic model and transgressive-regressive signatures in the late Neogene siliciclastic foundation (Long Key Formation) of the Florida Keys (Paper)(available from the Journal of Sedimentary Research website)

Depositional themes of mixed carbonate-siliciclastics in the South Florida Neogene: application to ancient deposits (Paper)(available from the Limnogeology Laboratory website Please note that this is a (3.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

New Tertiary stratigraphy for the Florida Keys and southern peninsula of Florida (Paper)

McPherson, Benjamin F.

Occurrence And Distribution Of Contaminants In Bottom Sediment And Water Of The Barron River Canal, Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida, October 1998 (Paper)

Physical, Chemical, and Biological Characteristics of the Charlotte Harbor Basin and Estuarine System in Southwestern Florida--A Summary of the 1982-89 U.S. Geological Survey Charlotte Harbor Assessment and Other Studies (Paper 2486)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

The Environment of South Florida, A Summary Report (Paper 1011)

Meeder, John F.

Short-term changes in phosphorus storage in an oligotrophic Everglades wetland ecosystem receiving experimental nutrient enrichment (Paper)

Merritt, Michael L.

Computation of the Time-Varying Flow Rate from an Artesian Well in Central Dade County, Florida, by Analytical and Numerical Simulation Methods (Paper 2491)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Simulation of the Water-Table Altitude in the Biscayne Aquifer, Southern Dade County, Florida, Water Years 1945-89 (Paper 2458)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Tests of Subsurface Storage of Freshwater at Hialeah, Dade County, Florida, and Numerical Simulation of the Salinity of Recovered Water (Paper 2431)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Meselhe, Ehab A.

A tidal creek water budget: Estimation of groundwater discharge and overland flow using hydrologic modeling in the Southern Everglades (Paper)

Meshaka, Jr., Walter E.

The Herpetofauna of Everglades National Park (Paper)(published in Florida Scientist, and available from APT Online)

Metge, David W.

Assessing the Vulnerability of a Municipal Well Field to Contamination in a Karst Aquifer (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website Please note that this is a (1.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 1. Revised conceptualization of groundwater flow (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 3. Use of microspheres to estimate the transport potential of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

Meyer, Frederick W.

Hydrogeology, Ground-Water Movement, and Subsurface Storage in the Floridan Aquifer System in Southern Florida (Paper 1403-G)

Michot, Beatrice

A tidal creek water budget: Estimation of groundwater discharge and overland flow using hydrologic modeling in the Southern Everglades (Paper)

Middelburg, Jack J.

Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates (Paper)(available from the AGU Online Services Global Biogeochemical Cycles website, membership required)

Miller, James A.

Hydrogeologic Framework of the Floridan Aquifer System in Florida and in Parts of Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina (Paper 1403-B)

Miller, Jeff

Permanent 'phase shifts' or reversible declines in coral cover? Lack of recovery of two coral reefs in St. John, US Virgin Islands (Paper)

Miller, Ronald L.

Occurrence And Distribution Of Contaminants In Bottom Sediment And Water Of The Barron River Canal, Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida, October 1998 (Paper)

Physical, Chemical, and Biological Characteristics of the Charlotte Harbor Basin and Estuarine System in Southwestern Florida--A Summary of the 1982-89 U.S. Geological Survey Charlotte Harbor Assessment and Other Studies (Paper 2486)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Miralles-Wilhelm, Fernando R.

A simulation model for projecting changes in salinity concentrations and species dominance in the coastal margin habitats of the Everglades (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Ecological Modelling website)

Misra, Vasubandhu

Climate Scenarios: A Florida-Centric View (Paper)

The influence of the Atlantic Warm Pool on the Florida panhandle sea breeze (Paper)

Moeller, Lauren

The influence of the Atlantic Warm Pool on the Florida panhandle sea breeze (Paper)

Mooij, Wolf M.

Uncertainty in Spatially Explicit Animal Dispersal Models (Paper)(published in Ecological Applications, and available from the Ecological Society of America website)

Moses, Christopher S.

A Hydrological Budget (2002-2008) for a Large Subtropical Wetland Ecosystem Indicates Marine Groundwater Discharge Accompanies Diminished Freshwater Flow (Paper)

Murie, Debra J.

Age, differential growth and mortality rates in unexploited populations of Florida gar, an apex predator in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Mylon, Steven E.

Advection, dispersion, and filtration of fine particles within emergent vegetation of the Florida Everglades (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research, and available on the AGU website)

Surface-water transport of suspended matter through wetland vegetation of the Florida everglades (Paper)

Nagy, Kathryn L.

Mercury(II) Sorption to Two Florida Everglades Peats: Evidence for Strong and Weak Binding and Competition by Dissolved Organic Matter Released from the Peat (Paper)

Namoff, Sandra

Are mangroves in the tropical Atlantic ripe for invasion? Exotic mangrove trees in the forests of South Florida (Paper)

Nelson, Paul R.

The use of historical charts and photographs in ecosystem restoration: examples from the Everglades Historical Air Photo Project (Paper)(from Landscapes Through the Lens: Aerial Photographs and Historic Environment)

Nemeth, Mark S.

Evaluation of the use of reach transmissivity to quantify exchange between groundwater and surface water (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Journal of Hydrology website)

Newland, L.

Copper, lead, mercury, and zinc in periphyton of the South Florida Ecosystem (Paper)

Newlin, Jessica T.

Modeling decadal timescale interactions between surface water and ground water in the central Everglades, Florida, USA (Paper)

Solute transport and storage mechanisms in wetlands of the Everglades, south Florida (Paper)

Newman, Sue

Heterogeneity of phosphorus distribution in a patterned landscape, the Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Plant Ecology, and available from SpringerLink)

Nico, Leo G.

Age, differential growth and mortality rates in unexploited populations of Florida gar, an apex predator in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Niemczyk, S.L.

Levels of Mercury in Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) collected along a transect through the Florida Everglades (Paper)(available from Science Direct; The Science of The Total Environment website)

Niemczyk, Sharon

Source Identification of Florida Bay's Methylmercury Problem: Mainland Runoff Versus Atmospheric Deposition and In situ Production (Paper)

Nnadi, Fidelia N.

Characterizing Dry Deposition of Mercury in Urban Runoff (Paper)(published in Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, and available from SpringerLink)

Predicting mercury wet deposition in Florida -- A simple approach (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Atmospheric Environment website)

Noe, Gregory B.

Advection, dispersion, and filtration of fine particles within emergent vegetation of the Florida Everglades (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research, and available on the AGU website)

Cascading Ecological Effects of Low-Level Phosphorus Enrichment in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Characterization of suspended particles in Everglades wetlands (Paper)

Controls of Suspended Sediment Concentration, Nutrient Content, and Transport in a Subtropical Wetland (Paper)

Decadal Change in Vegetation and Soil Phosphorus Pattern across the Everglades Landscape (Paper)

Hydroecological factors governing surface-water flow on a low gradient floodplain. (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research. Please note that this is a (1.3 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Phosphorus Biogeochemistry and the Impact of Phosphorus Enrichment: Why Is the Everglades so Unique? (Paper)

Phosphorus budgets in Everglades wetland ecosystems: the effects of hydrology and nutrient enrichment (Paper)

Phosphorus cycling and partitioning in an oligotrophic Everglades wetland ecosystem: a radioisotope tracing study (Paper)

Predicting organic floc transport dynamics in shallow aquatic ecosystems: Insights from the field, the laboratory, and numerical modeling. (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research. Please note that this is a (648 KB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Short-term changes in phosphorus storage in an oligotrophic Everglades wetland ecosystem receiving experimental nutrient enrichment (Paper)

The contribution of leaching to the rapid release of nutrients and carbon in the early decay of wetland vegetation (Paper)

Using fluorescence spectroscopy to trace seasonal DOM dynamics, disturbance effects, and hydrologic transport in the Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Journal of Geophysical Research, and available on the AGU website)

Nott, Philip

Hydrology, habitat change and population demography: an individual-based model for the endangered Cape Sable seaside sparrow (Ammodramus maritimus mirabilis) (Paper)(available from the Blackwell Synergy website)

Nowacki, Daniel J.

Hydroecological factors governing surface-water flow on a low gradient floodplain. (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research. Please note that this is a (1.3 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

O'Brien, James J.

The influence of the Atlantic Warm Pool on the Florida panhandle sea breeze (Paper)

O'Connor, Ben L.

Hydroecological factors governing surface-water flow on a low gradient floodplain. (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research. Please note that this is a (1.3 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

O'Dowd, D.J.

Land crabs as key drivers of tropical coastal forest recruitment. (Paper)(available from the Wiley InterScience website)

O'Halloran, Thomas L.

Controls on mangrove forest-atmosphere carbon dioxide exchanges in western Everglades National Park (Paper)

Obeysekera, Jayantha

Climate Scenarios: A Florida-Centric View (Paper)

Offenberg, Joachim

Faunal impact on vegetation structure and ecosystem function in mangrove forests: A review (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Aquatic Botany website)

Orem, William H.

Dissolved Organic Matter in the Florida Everglades: Implications for Ecosystem Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website Please note that this is a (0.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Fertilizer-Derived Uranium and Sulfur in Rangeland Soil and Runoff: A Case Study in Central Florida (Paper)

Geochemistry of Florida Bay sediments: I. Nutrient history at five sites in eastern and central Florida Bay (Paper)

Heterogeneity of phosphorus distribution in a patterned landscape, the Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Plant Ecology, and available from SpringerLink)

Mercury Cycling in Stream Ecosystems. 2. Benthic Methylmercury Production and Bed Sediment−Pore Water Partitioning (Paper)(available from the Environmental Science & Technology website)

Sulfur in the South Florida Ecosystem: Distribution, Sources, Biogeochemistry, Impacts, and Management for Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website Please note that this is a (1.6 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

The Role of Biogeochemistry in USGS Sediment Research (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Sediment Workshop, February 4-7, 1997)

Tidally Driven Export of Dissolved Organic Carbon, Total Mercury, and Methylmercury from a Mangrove-Dominated Estuary (Paper)

Tracing Sources of Sulfur in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Osborn, C. L.

Assessing the Vulnerability of a Municipal Well Field to Contamination in a Karst Aquifer (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website Please note that this is a (1.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 3. Use of microspheres to estimate the transport potential of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

Ouellette, Michelle L.

Hurricane Wilma's Impact on Overall Soil Elevation and Zones Within the Soil Profile in a Mangrove Forest (Paper)

Owen, Dianne

Validation of a Spatially Continuous EDEN Water-Surface Model for the Everglades, Florida (Paper)(available from the University of Connecticut Libraries website)

Paillet, F.L.

Integrating Surface and Borehole Geophysics in the Characterization of Salinity in a Coastal Aquifer (Paper)(from the proceedings of The First International Conference on Saltwater Intrusion and Coastal Aquifers -- Monitoring, Modeling, and Management, April 2001)

Palaseanu, Monica

Estimation of water surface elevations for the Everglades, Florida (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Computers & Geosciences website)

Parker, Garald G.

Early Stage of Hydrogeology in the United States, 1776 to 1912 (Paper)(available from the Wiley online library website. A PDF excerpt of this article, which does not require a login to view, is available for download (0.3 MB). PDF files require the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to be read.)

Water Resources of Southeastern Florida (Paper 1255)

Parkyn, Daryl C.

Age, differential growth and mortality rates in unexploited populations of Florida gar, an apex predator in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Patino, Eduardo

Tidally Driven Export of Dissolved Organic Carbon, Total Mercury, and Methylmercury from a Mangrove-Dominated Estuary (Paper)

Pearlstine, Leonard

Estimation of water surface elevations for the Everglades, Florida (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Computers & Geosciences website)

Validation of a Spatially Continuous EDEN Water-Surface Model for the Everglades, Florida (Paper)(available from the University of Connecticut Libraries website)

Perry, Sue A.

Copepod Communities from Surface and Ground Waters in the Everglades, South Florida (Paper)

Preliminary data on microcrustacean communities from ground waters in the southern Everglades (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

The Ecological Role of the Karst Wetlands of Southern Florida in Relation to System Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Pielke Sr., Roger A.

Crop freezes and land-use change in Florida (Paper)

The Impact of Anthropogenic Land-Cover Change on the Florida Peninsula Sea Breezes and Warm Season Sensible Weather (Paper)

Pitts, Patrick

A Simulation of Historic Hydrology and Salinity in Everglades National Park: Coupling Paleoecologic Assemblage Data with Regression Models (Paper)(published in Estuaries and Coasts, and available from SpringerLink)

Plant, Nathaniel

The influence of the Atlantic Warm Pool on the Florida panhandle sea breeze (Paper)

Possley, Jennifer

Are mangroves in the tropical Atlantic ripe for invasion? Exotic mangrove trees in the forests of South Florida (Paper)

Powell, Mark

Climate Scenarios: A Florida-Centric View (Paper)

Prager, Ellen J.

The Influence of Seagrass on Shell Layers and Florida Bay Mudbanks (Paper)(published in the Journal of Coastal Research, and available from APT Online)

Price, René

A Hydrological Budget (2002-2008) for a Large Subtropical Wetland Ecosystem Indicates Marine Groundwater Discharge Accompanies Diminished Freshwater Flow (Paper)

Ransibrahmanakul, Varis

The Use of AVHRR Satellite Data for Estimating Spatially Varying Critical Wind Stress in Florida Bay (Paper)(published in the Journal of Coastal Research, and available from APT Online)

Ravichandran, Mahalingam

Enhanced Dissolution of Cinnabar (Mercuric Sulfide) by Dissolved Organic Matter Isolated from the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Inhibition of Precipitation and Aggregation of Metacinnabar (Mercuric Sulfide) by Dissolved Organic Matter Isolated from the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Reddy, Michael M.

Calcite crystal growth inhibition by humic substances with emphasis on hydrophobic acids from the Florida Everglades (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website)

Enhanced Dissolution of Cinnabar (Mercuric Sulfide) by Dissolved Organic Matter Isolated from the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Fulvic acid-sulfide ion competition for mercury ion binding in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Inhibition of Precipitation and Aggregation of Metacinnabar (Mercuric Sulfide) by Dissolved Organic Matter Isolated from the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Reed, Robert N.

A field test of attractant traps for invasive Burmese pythons (Python molurus bivittatus) in southern Florida (Paper)

Reel, Justin T.

Classification of Vegetation for Surface-Water Flow Models in Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Rehage, Jennifer S.

Seasonal fish community variation in headwater mangrove creeks in the southwestern Everglades: an examination of their role as dry-down refuges (Paper)

Reich, Christopher D.

Direct Linkages Between Onshore Karst Aquifers and Offshore Marine Environments: Crescent Beach Spring, Florida (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Regional Quaternary submarine geomorphology in the Florida Keys (Paper)

Tidal and Meteorological Influences on Shallow Marine Groundwater Flow in the Upper Florida Keys (Paper)(from The Everglades, Florida Bay, and Coral Reefs of the Florida Keys: An Ecosystem Sourcebook)

Reid, James P.

Possible Effects of the 2004 and 2005 Hurricanes on Manatee Survival Rates and Movement (Paper)(available from the U.S. Geological Survey Southeast Ecological Science Center Please note that this is a (0.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Renken, Robert A.

Application of carbonate cyclostratigraphy and borehole geophysics to delineate porosity and preferential flow in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer, SE Florida (Paper)(chapter of Geological Society of America Special Paper 404)

Assessing the Vulnerability of a Municipal Well Field to Contamination in a Karst Aquifer (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website Please note that this is a (1.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 1. Revised conceptualization of groundwater flow (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 3. Use of microspheres to estimate the transport potential of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

Prominence of ichnologically influenced macroporosity in the karst Biscayne aquifer: Stratiform "super-K" zones (Paper)(available from the GSA website)

Rhome, Jamie

The role of mangroves in attenuating storm surges (Paper)

Rice, Kenneth G.

A new parameterization for estimating co-occurrence of interacting species (Paper)

Estimating Trends in Alligator Populations from Nightlight Survey Data (Paper)

Richards, Jennifer

Cascading Ecological Effects of Low-Level Phosphorus Enrichment in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Short-term changes in phosphorus storage in an oligotrophic Everglades wetland ecosystem receiving experimental nutrient enrichment (Paper)

Rigby, J. Keith

A new, large, late Pleistocene demosponge from southeastern Florida (Paper)(available from the Geo Science World website)

First documentation of tidal-channel sponge biostromes (upper Pleistocene, southeastern Florida) (Paper)(available from the Geo Science World website)

Rivera-Monroy, Victor H.

A tidal creek water budget: Estimation of groundwater discharge and overland flow using hydrologic modeling in the Southern Everglades (Paper)

Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates (Paper)(available from the AGU Online Services Global Biogeochemical Cycles website, membership required)

Robblee, Michael B.

Mangroves, Hurricanes, and Lightning Strikes: Assessment of Hurricane Andrew suggests an interaction across two differing scales of disturbance (Paper)

Wind Damage Effects of Hurricane Andrew on Mangrove Communities Along the Southwest Coast of Florida, USA (Paper)

Robinson, Edward

Application of carbonate cyclostratigraphy and borehole geophysics to delineate porosity and preferential flow in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer, SE Florida (Paper)(chapter of Geological Society of America Special Paper 404)

Robinson, James L.

Descriptions of Anisotropy and Heterogeneity and Their Effect on Ground-Water Flow and Areas of Contribution to Public Supply Wells in a Karst Carbonate Aquifer System (Paper 2475)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Rodda, Gordon H.

A field test of attractant traps for invasive Burmese pythons (Python molurus bivittatus) in southern Florida (Paper)

Rogers, Caroline S.

Permanent 'phase shifts' or reversible declines in coral cover? Lack of recovery of two coral reefs in St. John, US Virgin Islands (Paper)

Romero, Luz M.

Changes in mass and nutrient content of wood during decomposition in a south Florida mangrove forest (Paper)

Rose, Peter R.

Diagnostic Foraminiferal Assemblages of Florida Bay and Adjacent Shallow Waters: A Comparison (Paper)

Rozar, Ronald

A field test of attractant traps for invasive Burmese pythons (Python molurus bivittatus) in southern Florida (Paper)

Rugge, Michael

Decadal Change in Vegetation and Soil Phosphorus Pattern across the Everglades Landscape (Paper)

Ruhl, Henry A.

An Overview of the Southern Inland and Coastal System Project of the U.S. Geological Survey South Florida Ecosystem Program (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Classification of Vegetation for Surface-Water Flow Models in Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Rumbold, Darren G.

Levels of Mercury in Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) collected along a transect through the Florida Everglades (Paper)(available from Science Direct; The Science of The Total Environment website)

Source Identification of Florida Bay's Methylmercury Problem: Mainland Runoff Versus Atmospheric Deposition and In situ Production (Paper)

Tidally Driven Export of Dissolved Organic Carbon, Total Mercury, and Methylmercury from a Mangrove-Dominated Estuary (Paper)

Ryan, Joseph N.

Assessing the Vulnerability of a Municipal Well Field to Contamination in a Karst Aquifer (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website Please note that this is a (1.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Binding of Mercury(II) to Aquatic Humic Substances: Influence of pH and Source of Humic Substances (Paper)

Binding of Mercury(II) to Dissolved Organic Matter: The Role of the Mercury-to-DOM Concentration Ratio (Paper)

Enhanced Dissolution of Cinnabar (Mercuric Sulfide) by Dissolved Organic Matter Isolated from the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Formation of Nanocolloidal Metacinnabar in Mercury-DOM-Sulfide Systems (Paper)

Inhibition of Precipitation and Aggregation of Metacinnabar (Mercuric Sulfide) by Dissolved Organic Matter Isolated from the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Mercury(II) Sorption to Two Florida Everglades Peats: Evidence for Strong and Weak Binding and Competition by Dissolved Organic Matter Released from the Peat (Paper)

Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 3. Use of microspheres to estimate the transport potential of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

Rybicki, Nancy B.

Classification of Vegetation for Surface-Water Flow Models in Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Determining Flow-Resistance Coefficients in the Florida Everglades (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Saha, Amartya K.

A Hydrological Budget (2002-2008) for a Large Subtropical Wetland Ecosystem Indicates Marine Groundwater Discharge Accompanies Diminished Freshwater Flow (Paper)

Saiers, James E.

Advection, dispersion, and filtration of fine particles within emergent vegetation of the Florida Everglades (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research, and available on the AGU website)

Characterization of suspended particles in Everglades wetlands (Paper)

Determination of Specific Yield for the Biscayne Aquifer with a Canal-Drawdown Test (Paper)(available from the Blackwell-Synergy website)

Development and evaluation of a mathematical model for surface-water flow within the Shark River Slough of the Florida Everglades (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Journal of Hydrology website)

Solute transport and storage mechanisms in wetlands of the Everglades, south Florida (Paper)

Surface-water transport of suspended matter through wetland vegetation of the Florida everglades (Paper)

Sanders, Christian J.

Organic carbon burial rates in mangrove sediments: Strengthening the global budget (Paper)

Sayre, Roger

A New Map of Standardized Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Conterminous United States (Paper 1768)(available from the U.S. Geological Survey website)

Schaffranek, Raymond W.

An Overview of the Southern Inland and Coastal System Project of the U.S. Geological Survey South Florida Ecosystem Program (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Controls of Suspended Sediment Concentration, Nutrient Content, and Transport in a Subtropical Wetland (Paper)

Hydroecological factors governing surface-water flow on a low gradient floodplain. (Paper)(Published in Water Resources Research. Please note that this is a (1.3 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Hydrologic Studies in Support of South Florida Ecosystem Restoration (Paper)(from the proceedings of the ASCE 2000 Joint Conference on Water Resources Engineering and Water Resources Planning and Management, June 1999)

Observations of Daily Temperature Patterns in the Southern Florida Everglades (Paper)(from the American Society of Civil Engineers Wetlands Engineering and River Restoration Conference, August 2001)

Scheidt, Daniel J.

Sulfur in the South Florida Ecosystem: Distribution, Sources, Biogeochemistry, Impacts, and Management for Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website Please note that this is a (1.6 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Schmoker, James W.

Carbonate Porosity Versus Depth: A Predictable Relation for South Florida (Paper)

Schuman, Melinda J.

A new parameterization for estimating co-occurrence of interacting species (Paper)

Scinto, Leonard J.

Cascading Ecological Effects of Low-Level Phosphorus Enrichment in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Decadal Change in Vegetation and Soil Phosphorus Pattern across the Everglades Landscape (Paper)

Phosphorus cycling and partitioning in an oligotrophic Everglades wetland ecosystem: a radioisotope tracing study (Paper)

Short-term changes in phosphorus storage in an oligotrophic Everglades wetland ecosystem receiving experimental nutrient enrichment (Paper)

Scott, Thomas M.

New Tertiary stratigraphy for the Florida Keys and southern peninsula of Florida (Paper)

Scudder, Barbara C.

Mercury Accumulation in Periphyton of Eight River Ecosystems (Paper)(available from the Journal of the American Water Resources Association website)

Mercury Cycling in Stream Ecosystems. 3. Trophic Dynamics and Methylmercury Bioaccumulation (Paper)(available from the Environmental Science & Technology website)

Sepulveda, Nicasio

Comparisons Among Ground-Water Flow Models and Analysis of Discrepancies in Simulated Transmissivities of the Upper Floridan Aquifer in Ground-Water Flow Model Overlap Areas (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Shapiro, Allen M.

Application of carbonate cyclostratigraphy and borehole geophysics to delineate porosity and preferential flow in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer, SE Florida (Paper)(chapter of Geological Society of America Special Paper 404)

Assessing the Vulnerability of a Municipal Well Field to Contamination in a Karst Aquifer (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website Please note that this is a (1.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 1. Revised conceptualization of groundwater flow (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

Shen, Jian

The role of mangroves in attenuating storm surges (Paper)

Sherman, P.M.

Land crabs as key drivers of tropical coastal forest recruitment. (Paper)(available from the Wiley InterScience website)

Shin, Sang-lk

Climate Scenarios: A Florida-Centric View (Paper)

Shinn, Eugene A.

Blackened Limestone Pebbles: Fire at Subaerial Unconformities (Paper)

Geology and Hydrogeology of the Florida Keys (Paper)(from Geology and Hydrogeology of Carbonate Islands)

Pleistocene Barrier Bar Seaward of Ooid Shoal Complex Near Miami, Florida (Paper)

Regional Quaternary submarine geomorphology in the Florida Keys (Paper)

Tidal and Meteorological Influences on Shallow Marine Groundwater Flow in the Upper Florida Keys (Paper)(from The Everglades, Florida Bay, and Coral Reefs of the Florida Keys: An Ecosystem Sourcebook)

Shoemaker, W. Barclay

Alternate Corrections for Estimating Actual Wetland Evapotranspiration from Potential Evapotranspiration (Paper)

Effects of turbulence on hydraulic heads and parameter sensitivities in preferential groundwater flow layers (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

Estimating Changes in Heat Energy Stored Within a Column of Wetland Surface Water and Factors Controlling Their Importance in the Surface Energy Budget (Paper)

Silva, Steven R.

Geochemistry of Florida Bay sediments: I. Nutrient history at five sites in eastern and central Florida Bay (Paper)

Simmons, Kathleen R.

Fertilizer-Derived Uranium and Sulfur in Rangeland Soil and Runoff: A Case Study in Central Florida (Paper)

Simon, Nancy S.

Copper, lead, mercury, and zinc in periphyton of the South Florida Ecosystem (Paper)

Distribution of and relation among mercury and methylmercury, organic carbon, carbonate, nitrogen and phosphorus, in periphyton of the South Florida Ecosystem (Paper)

Sklar, Fred H.

Heterogeneity of phosphorus distribution in a patterned landscape, the Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Plant Ecology, and available from SpringerLink)

Tree Islands of the Everglades (Paper)

Smith III, Thomas J.

A Hydrological Budget (2002-2008) for a Large Subtropical Wetland Ecosystem Indicates Marine Groundwater Discharge Accompanies Diminished Freshwater Flow (Paper)

A simulation model for projecting changes in salinity concentrations and species dominance in the coastal margin habitats of the Everglades (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Ecological Modelling website)

Are mangroves in the tropical Atlantic ripe for invasion? Exotic mangrove trees in the forests of South Florida (Paper)

Changes in mass and nutrient content of wood during decomposition in a south Florida mangrove forest (Paper)

Controls on mangrove forest-atmosphere carbon dioxide exchanges in western Everglades National Park (Paper)

Cumulative impacts of hurricanes on Florida mangrove ecosystems: Sediment deposition, storm surges and vegetation (Paper)

Development of allometric relations for three mangrove species in South Florida for use in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem restoration (Paper)

Faunal impact on vegetation structure and ecosystem function in mangrove forests: A review (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Aquatic Botany website)

Groundwater Control of Mangrove Surface Elevation: Shrink and Swell Varies with Soil Depth (Paper)

Hurricane Disturbance and Recovery of Energy Balance, CO2 Fluxes and Canopy Structure in a Mangrove Forest of the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Hurricane Wilma's Impact on Overall Soil Elevation and Zones Within the Soil Profile in a Mangrove Forest (Paper)

Land crabs as key drivers of tropical coastal forest recruitment. (Paper)(available from the Wiley InterScience website)

Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates (Paper)(available from the AGU Online Services Global Biogeochemical Cycles website, membership required)

Mangroves, Hurricanes, and Lightning Strikes: Assessment of Hurricane Andrew suggests an interaction across two differing scales of disturbance (Paper)

Modeling the Effects of Storm Surges (Paper)(from Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia Proceedings Series publication "Tsunami Simulation for Impact Assessment", 2011)

Organic carbon burial rates in mangrove sediments: Strengthening the global budget (Paper)

Regional processes in mangrove ecosystems: spatial scaling relationships, biomass, and turnover rates following catastrophic disturbance (Paper)

Spatial pattern formation of coastal vegetation in response to external gradients and positive feedbacks affecting soil porewater salinity: a model study (Paper)

Stable Isotope Studies of Red Mangroves and Filter Feeders from the Shark River Estuary, Florida (Paper)

The influence of the Atlantic Warm Pool on the Florida panhandle sea breeze (Paper)

The role of mangroves in attenuating storm surges (Paper)

The use of historical charts and photographs in ecosystem restoration: examples from the Everglades Historical Air Photo Project (Paper)(from Landscapes Through the Lens: Aerial Photographs and Historic Environment)

Wind Damage Effects of Hurricane Andrew on Mangrove Communities Along the Southwest Coast of Florida, USA (Paper)

Woody Debris in the Mangrove Forests of South Florida (Paper)

Smith, Stephen M.

Observations on the Growth of White Vine (Sarcostemma Clausum) in a Nutrient-Enriched Region of the Northern Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Florida Scientist, and available from APT Online)

Smoak. Joseph M.

Organic carbon burial rates in mangrove sediments: Strengthening the global budget (Paper)

Snow, R.W. "Skip"

A field test of attractant traps for invasive Burmese pythons (Python molurus bivittatus) in southern Florida (Paper)

Solo-Gabriele, Helena M.

Evaluation of the use of reach transmissivity to quantify exchange between groundwater and surface water (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Journal of Hydrology website)

Spechler, Rick M.

Direct Linkages Between Onshore Karst Aquifers and Offshore Marine Environments: Crescent Beach Spring, Florida (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Stratigraphy and hydrogeology of a submarine collapse sinkhole on the continental shelf, northeastern Florida (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

The Relation Between Structure and Saltwater Intrusion in the Floridan Aquifer System, Northeastern Florida (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Spencer, R.

Distribution of and relation among mercury and methylmercury, organic carbon, carbonate, nitrogen and phosphorus, in periphyton of the South Florida Ecosystem (Paper)

Spiker, Elliott C.

Tracing Sources of Sulfur in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Sprinkle, Craig L.

Geochemistry of the Floridan Aquifer System in Florida and in Parts of Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama (Paper 1403-I)

Stefanova, Lydia

The influence of the Atlantic Warm Pool on the Florida panhandle sea breeze (Paper)

Stegemeier, John P.

Formation of Nanocolloidal Metacinnabar in Mercury-DOM-Sulfide Systems (Paper)

Steiner, Todd

The Herpetofauna of Everglades National Park (Paper)(published in Florida Scientist, and available from APT Online)

Sternberg, Leonel da Silveira Lobo

A simulation model for projecting changes in salinity concentrations and species dominance in the coastal margin habitats of the Everglades (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Ecological Modelling website)

Stewart, A. Robin

Mercury Cycling in Stream Ecosystems. 3. Trophic Dynamics and Methylmercury Bioaccumulation (Paper)(available from the Environmental Science & Technology website)

Stewart, David W.

Classification of Vegetation for Surface-Water Flow Models in Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Steyaert, Louis T.

Crop freezes and land-use change in Florida (Paper)

The Impact of Anthropogenic Land-Cover Change on the Florida Peninsula Sea Breezes and Warm Season Sensible Weather (Paper)

Stith, Bradley M.

Modeling the Effects of Storm Surges (Paper)(from Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia Proceedings Series publication "Tsunami Simulation for Impact Assessment", 2011)

Possible Effects of the 2004 and 2005 Hurricanes on Manatee Survival Rates and Movement (Paper)(available from the U.S. Geological Survey Southeast Ecological Science Center Please note that this is a (0.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Stoker, Y.E.

Physical, Chemical, and Biological Characteristics of the Charlotte Harbor Basin and Estuarine System in Southwestern Florida--A Summary of the 1982-89 U.S. Geological Survey Charlotte Harbor Assessment and Other Studies (Paper 2486)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Stone, Jeffery R.

Molluscan Faunal Distribution in Florida Bay, Past and Present: An Integration of Down-Core and Modern Data (Paper)

Stumpf, Richard

The Use of AVHRR Satellite Data for Estimating Spatially Varying Critical Wind Stress in Florida Bay (Paper)(published in the Journal of Coastal Research, and available from APT Online)

Sukop, M.C.

Prominence of ichnologically influenced macroporosity in the karst Biscayne aquifer: Stratiform "super-K" zones (Paper)(available from the GSA website)

Sullivan, Jason K.

Woody Debris in the Mangrove Forests of South Florida (Paper)

Sumner, David M

Alternate Corrections for Estimating Actual Wetland Evapotranspiration from Potential Evapotranspiration (Paper)

Estimating Changes in Heat Energy Stored Within a Column of Wetland Surface Water and Factors Controlling Their Importance in the Surface Energy Budget (Paper)

Evapotranspiration Rates From Two Different Sawgrass Communities In South Florida During Drought Conditions (Paper)

Swain, Eric D.

An Analytical Formulation of Two-dimensional Groundwater Dispersion induced by surficial recharge variability (Paper)(published in Water Resources Research, and available from the AGU website)

Cooperative linking of numerical models for coastal wetland planning (Paper)( Please note that this is a (1.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Linkage of Hydrologic and Ecological Models: SICS and ALFISHES (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Second Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, July 28 to August 1, 2002)

Modeling the Effects of Storm Surges (Paper)(from Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia Proceedings Series publication "Tsunami Simulation for Impact Assessment", 2011)

Numerical Representation of Dynamic Flow and Transport at the Everglades/Florida Bay Interface (Paper)(from the proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, July 1999)

Numerical simulation of integrated surface-water/ground-water flow and solute transport in the southern Everglades in Florida (Paper)( Please note that this is a (0.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Simulation of integrated surface-water/ground-water flow and salinity for a coastal wetland and adjacent estuary (Paper)

Swarzenski, Peter W.

Direct Linkages Between Onshore Karst Aquifers and Offshore Marine Environments: Crescent Beach Spring, Florida (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Geophysical Investigations of Upward Migrating Saline Water from the Lower to Upper Floridan Aquifer, Central Indian River Region, Florida (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Submarine Ground-Water Discharge in Upper Indian River Lagoon, Florida (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Taylor, Jonathan

Phosphorus cycling and partitioning in an oligotrophic Everglades wetland ecosystem: a radioisotope tracing study (Paper)

Teh, Su Yean

A simulation model for projecting changes in salinity concentrations and species dominance in the coastal margin habitats of the Everglades (Paper)(available from the Science Direct Ecological Modelling website)

Modeling the Effects of Storm Surges (Paper)(from Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia Proceedings Series publication "Tsunami Simulation for Impact Assessment", 2011)

Spatial pattern formation of coastal vegetation in response to external gradients and positive feedbacks affecting soil porewater salinity: a model study (Paper)

Tihansky, Ann B.

Tidal and Meteorological Influences on Shallow Marine Groundwater Flow in the Upper Florida Keys (Paper)(from The Everglades, Florida Bay, and Coral Reefs of the Florida Keys: An Ecosystem Sourcebook)

Tiling, Ginger

Cumulative impacts of hurricanes on Florida mangrove ecosystems: Sediment deposition, storm surges and vegetation (Paper)

Tiling-Range, Ginger

The use of historical charts and photographs in ecosystem restoration: examples from the Everglades Historical Air Photo Project (Paper)(from Landscapes Through the Lens: Aerial Photographs and Historic Environment)

Trexler, Joel C.

Cascading Ecological Effects of Low-Level Phosphorus Enrichment in the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Short-term changes in phosphorus storage in an oligotrophic Everglades wetland ecosystem receiving experimental nutrient enrichment (Paper)

The Ecological Role of the Karst Wetlands of Southern Florida in Relation to System Restoration (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Troxler-Gann, Tiffany G.

Heterogeneity of phosphorus distribution in a patterned landscape, the Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Plant Ecology, and available from SpringerLink)

Twilley, Robert R.

A tidal creek water budget: Estimation of groundwater discharge and overland flow using hydrologic modeling in the Southern Everglades (Paper)

Mangrove production and carbon sinks: A revision of global budget estimates (Paper)(available from the AGU Online Services Global Biogeochemical Cycles website, membership required)

Woody Debris in the Mangrove Forests of South Florida (Paper)

Tyus, H.M.

The Environment of South Florida, A Summary Report (Paper 1011)

Vacher, H.L.

Geology and Hydrogeology of the Florida Keys (Paper)(from Geology and Hydrogeology of Carbonate Islands)

van der Valk, Arnold G.

Heterogeneity of phosphorus distribution in a patterned landscape, the Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Plant Ecology, and available from SpringerLink)

Tree Islands of the Everglades (Paper)

Volin, John

Validation of a Spatially Continuous EDEN Water-Surface Model for the Everglades, Florida (Paper)(available from the University of Connecticut Libraries website)

Wacker, Michael A.

Application of carbonate cyclostratigraphy and borehole geophysics to delineate porosity and preferential flow in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer, SE Florida (Paper)(chapter of Geological Society of America Special Paper 404)

Assessing the Vulnerability of a Municipal Well Field to Contamination in a Karst Aquifer (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website Please note that this is a (1.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

First documentation of tidal-channel sponge biostromes (upper Pleistocene, southeastern Florida) (Paper)(available from the Geo Science World website)

Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 1. Revised conceptualization of groundwater flow (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

Waddle, J. Hardin

A new parameterization for estimating co-occurrence of interacting species (Paper)

Walls, Susan C.

A new parameterization for estimating co-occurrence of interacting species (Paper)

Walsh, Stephen J.

Freshwater Macrofauna of Florida Karst Habitats (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of the United States website. This paper is from the proceedings of the U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group, February 13-16, 2001)

Wankel, Scott D.

Levels of Mercury in Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) collected along a transect through the Florida Everglades (Paper)(available from Science Direct; The Science of The Total Environment website)

Wanless, Harold R.

Mangroves, Hurricanes, and Lightning Strikes: Assessment of Hurricane Andrew suggests an interaction across two differing scales of disturbance (Paper)

Ward, Greg A.

Cumulative impacts of hurricanes on Florida mangrove ecosystems: Sediment deposition, storm surges and vegetation (Paper)

Regional processes in mangrove ecosystems: spatial scaling relationships, biomass, and turnover rates following catastrophic disturbance (Paper)

Warner, Harumi

A New Map of Standardized Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Conterminous United States (Paper 1768)(available from the U.S. Geological Survey website)

Wentz, Dennis A.

Mercury Cycling in Stream Ecosystems. 1. Water Column Chemistry and Transport (Paper)(available from the Environmental Science & Technology website)

Wetzel, Paul R.

Heterogeneity of phosphorus distribution in a patterned landscape, the Florida Everglades (Paper)(published in Plant Ecology, and available from SpringerLink)

Whelan, Kevin R.T.

Cumulative impacts of hurricanes on Florida mangrove ecosystems: Sediment deposition, storm surges and vegetation (Paper)

Development of allometric relations for three mangrove species in South Florida for use in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem restoration (Paper)

Groundwater Control of Mangrove Surface Elevation: Shrink and Swell Varies with Soil Depth (Paper)

Hurricane Wilma's Impact on Overall Soil Elevation and Zones Within the Soil Profile in a Mangrove Forest (Paper)

Regional processes in mangrove ecosystems: spatial scaling relationships, biomass, and turnover rates following catastrophic disturbance (Paper)

Woody Debris in the Mangrove Forests of South Florida (Paper)

Willard, Debra A.

Atlas of Pollen and Spores of The Florida Everglades (Paper)

Paleoecology and Ecosystem Restoration: Case Studies from Chesapeake Bay and the Florida Everglades (Paper)

Response of Everglades Tree Islands to Environmental Change (Paper)(published in Ecological Monographs, and available from JSTOR, membership required)

Response of the Everglades ridge and slough landscape to climate variability and 20th-century water management (Paper)(published in Ecological Applications, and available from Ecological Society of America Journals)

The Impact of Anthropogenic Land-Cover Change on the Florida Peninsula Sea Breezes and Warm Season Sensible Weather (Paper)

Williams, Jr., Richard S.

ERTS-1, A New Window on Our Planet (Paper 929)(2 Excerpts)

Wilson, William L.

Stratigraphy and hydrogeology of a submarine collapse sinkhole on the continental shelf, northeastern Florida (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website)

Wingard, G. Lynn

A Simulation of Historic Hydrology and Salinity in Everglades National Park: Coupling Paleoecologic Assemblage Data with Regression Models (Paper)(published in Estuaries and Coasts, and available from SpringerLink)

Application of Paleoecologic Methods to Coastal Resource Management: An Example from Biscayne National Park (Paper)(available from the George Wright Society website Please note that this is a (0.3 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Application of a Weighted-Averaging Method for Determining Paleosalinity: A Tool for Restoration of South Florida (Paper)

Application of carbonate cyclostratigraphy and borehole geophysics to delineate porosity and preferential flow in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer, SE Florida (Paper)(chapter of Geological Society of America Special Paper 404)

Molluscan Faunal Distribution in Florida Bay, Past and Present: An Integration of Down-Core and Modern Data (Paper)

Wolfert, M. A.

Cooperative linking of numerical models for coastal wetland planning (Paper)( Please note that this is a (1.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Numerical simulation of integrated surface-water/ground-water flow and solute transport in the southern Everglades in Florida (Paper)( Please note that this is a (0.8 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Woods, Jeff

Surface Water Discharge and Salinity Monitoring of Coastal Estuaries in Everglades National Park, USA, in Support of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (Paper)

Xu, Hongzhou

The role of mangroves in attenuating storm surges (Paper)

Yates, Kimberly

Diurnal Variation in Rates of Calcification and Carbonate Sediment Dissolution in Florida Bay (Paper)

Zhang, Keqi

The role of mangroves in attenuating storm surges (Paper)

Zielinski, Robert A.

Fertilizer-Derived Uranium and Sulfur in Rangeland Soil and Runoff: A Case Study in Central Florida (Paper)

Zieman, Joseph C.

Controls on mangrove forest-atmosphere carbon dioxide exchanges in western Everglades National Park (Paper)

Zucker, Mark

Sediment Transport on Cape Sable, Everglades National Park, Florida (Paper)(from the Proceedings of the Joint Federal Interagency Conference, July 2010)

Source Identification of Florida Bay's Methylmercury Problem: Mainland Runoff Versus Atmospheric Deposition and In situ Production (Paper)

Zygnerski, Michael R.

Application of carbonate cyclostratigraphy and borehole geophysics to delineate porosity and preferential flow in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer, SE Florida (Paper)(chapter of Geological Society of America Special Paper 404)

Assessing the Vulnerability of a Municipal Well Field to Contamination in a Karst Aquifer (Paper)(available from the Water Resources of Florida website Please note that this is a (1.4 MB) PDF file and requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader® to be read)

Pathogen and chemical transport in the karst limestone of the Biscayne aquifer: 1. Revised conceptualization of groundwater flow (Paper)(available from the AGU website)

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