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projects > linking land, air and water management in the southern everglades and coastal zone to water quality and ecosystem restoration: task 2, sulfur and nutrient contamination, biogeochemical cycling, and effects

Linking Land, Air and Water Management in the Southern Everglades and Coastal Zone to Water Quality and Ecosystem Restoration: Task 2, Sulfur and Nutrient Contamination, Biogeochemical Cycling, and Effects

photo of a wetland
Project Investigators: William H. Orem, David P. Krabbenhoft, George Aiken

Project Personnel: Harry E. Lerch, Anne L. Bates, Margo Corum, Robert A. Zielinski, Kathleen Simmons, Benjamin F. McPherson

Project Start Date: 2001 End Date: 2009

Recent Funding: (FY07) FDEP, (FY06) FDEP, (FY05) FDEP, (FY04) FDEP


The overall question we are addressing with this effort is, "Near term changes to the Everglades are certain, but what will be the ecosystem-level result of these changes and over what time scales can we expect these changes to occur?"

Please note: This project is now part of the combined "Linking Land, Air and Water Management in the Southern Everglades and Coastal Zone to Water Quality and Ecosystem Restoration" project.

We propose to carry out work in the following areas: (1) Water quality studies, (2) Field-scale and laboratory-scale experimental studies; and (3) Coordinating input of geochemical results into ecosystem models and risk assessment studies being conducted by others. Our work tasks in these areas will be framed within the context of the Everglades restoration effort, and needs of ecosystem land and water managers to understand how the restoration may affect water chemistry, biology, and contaminant toxicity. The overall question we are addressing with this effort is, "Near term changes to the Everglades are certain, but what will be the ecosystem-level result of these changes and over what time scales can we expect these changes to occur?"

Our previous work (Phase I studies) has answered many key questions regarding mercury, sulfur, and nutrient cycling in the Everglades, and redefined several previously existing paradigms about the general environmental chemistry of mercury. At the same time, however, our work has revealed several critical information gaps that we propose to address with this study (Phase II studies). The proposed work will employ a variety of investigative approaches to achieve these objectives, including: field studies, controlled experiments (both field and lab scale), and modeling. Contaminants of concern will include nutrients, sulfur, mercury, organic compounds, and other metals. Protocols for the collection of samples and chemical analysis developed during Phase I studies will be employed in these Phase II efforts. Integration of the individual tasks within the project will be achieved by co-location of field sampling sites, and cooperative planning and contemporaneous execution of laboratory and field-enclosure experiments. Results from all tasks within the project will be archived within a single database, which will be made available through a Decision Support System (Web enabled) in a GIS framework to facilitate its use by ecosystem managers.


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