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Physics Program DIS 2011

Monday 11th of April 2011 Room: Grand Ballroom – Salon I&II
Title Speaker Slides Abstract Proceedings
09:00 - 12:45 Plenary Session: "Deep Inelastic Scattering"
Chair: Joachim Mnich (DESY)
09:00 Welcome to DIS 2011 Hugh Montgomery (Jefferson Lab) pdf, pptx

09:15 QCD in High pT Hadronic Final States in ep Interactions by H1 and ZEUS Achim Geiser (DESY) pdf
09:45 Precision Measurements of the Proton Structure by H1 and ZEUS Alexander Glazov (DESY) pdf
10:15 Deep Inelastic and Deep Exclusive Results from JLab Keith Griffioen (William & Mary) pdf
10:45 - 11:15 Coffee break
Chair: Jeff Owens (FSU)
11:15 Spin structure of the nucleon Fabienne Kunne (CEA/IRFU) pdf
11:45 Nucleon Tomography Feng Yuan (LBNL) ppt,pdf
12:15 Hard QCD at Higher Orders Sven Moch (DESY Zeuthen) pdf
12:45 - 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 - 19:00 Plenary Session: "QCD at Hadron Colliders"
Chair: Heidi Schellman (Northwestern)
14:00 Results on QCD from CDF & D0 Dmitry Bandurin (FSU) pdf
14:30 Results on Searches from CDF & D0 Craig Group (UVa/FNAL) pdf,ppt
15:00 Quarks and Gluons in Nuclei Javier Albacete (Saclay) pdf
15:30 New results from neutrino physics Roberto Petti (South Carolina) pdf
16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break
Chair: Elisabetta Gallo (INFN Firenze)
16:30 Recent Heavy Ion Results from RHIC Jiangyong Jia (Stony Brook) ppt,pdf
17:00 Results from ALICE Helen Caines (Yale) pdf
17:30 Results from ATLAS Jinlong Zhang (Argonne) pdf
18:00 Results from CMS Kerstin Hoepfner (RWTH Aachen) pdf
18:30 Results from LHCb Giacomo Graziani (INFN-Florence) pdf pdf
19:00 Network Reception

Parallel Session Programs:

Friday 15th of April 2011 Room: Grand Ballroom – Salon I&II
Title Speaker Slides Abstract Proceedings
09:00 - 18:20 "Plenary Session: Summaries and Final Talks"
Chair: Cristinel Diaconu (CPPM/DESY)
09:00 Status of Monte Carlo Generators Stefan Hoeche (SLAC) pdf
09:30 Parton Distributions for the LHC Amanda Cooper-Sarkar (Oxford) pdf
10:00 Summary of Working Group I Voica Radescu, Jolanta Sztuk-Dambietz, Maria Ubiali exp,theory
10:40 - 11:00 Coffee Break
Paul Newman (Birmingham)
11:00 Summary of Working Group II Cyrille Marquet, Christina Mesropian ppt,pdf
11:40 Summary of Working Group III Sonny Mantry, Jadranka Sekaric, Xiaochao Zheng Exp, Theory
12:20 Summary of Working Group IV Alberto Accardi, Sabine Lammers, Daniel Traynor pdf pdf
13:00 - 14:15 Lunch
Jianwei Qiu (BNL)
14:15 Summary of Working Group V Olaf Behnke, Alan Dion, Fred Olness pdf
14:55 Summary of Working Group VI Oleg Eyser, Alexei Prokudin, Ami Rostomyan Theory Exp
15:35 Summary of Working Group VII Vadim Guzey, Matt Lamont, Alessandro Polini pdf
16:15 - 16:45 Coffee Break
Bob McKeown (JLab)
16:45 Outlook and Perspectives after a year of LHC John Campbell (FNAL) pdf
17:25 Future Initiatives in QCD Robert Klanner (U. Hamburg) pdf
18:05 Final remarks Aharon Levy (Tel Aviv University) pptx
18:15 Closing of DIS 2011 Rolf Ent (Jefferson Lab)
18:20 End of the Workshop
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