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News > Don’t forget about National Freedom Day
Don’t forget about National Freedom Day

Posted 1/29/2013   Updated 1/29/2013 Email story   Print story


by Airman 1st Class Joshua Edwards
17th Training Wing Public Affairs

1/29/2013 - GOODFELLOW AIR FORCE BASE, Texas - -- Feb. 1 marks the beginning of African American Heritage Month, but some people might not know the day is also called National Freedom Day.

The idea for National Freedom Day is rooted all the way back to Feb. 1, 1865; the day President Abraham Lincoln signed the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery.

Army Maj. Richard Robert Wright Sr., the first African American Army paymaster, fought for Feb. 1 to become a day in which African Americans could celebrate their freedom. This held special importance to Wright who survived slavery in Georgia, before joining the military. Wright died in 1947 before National Freedom Day was established.

However, his voice was heard. On June 30, 1948, President Harry Truman signed a bill proclaiming Feb. 1 as National Freedom Day.

Another day holding special importance to African American heritage is Juneteenth, on June 19. This day signifies the day Union soldiers freed the remaining slaves in Texas under the Emancipation Proclamation in 1865.

The Declaration of Independence reads, "That all men are created equal." Let's take time this month to remember the sacrifices made for freedom.

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