National Sea Grant Library

The National Sea Grant Library (NSGL) serves as an archive and lending library for Sea Grant funded documents (a total of 90,000) covering a variety of subjects, including oceanography, marine education, aquaculture, fisheries, limnology, coastal zone management, marine recreation and law.

The NSGL maintains a 36,000 record bibliographic database that is searchable from its website. Visitors may obtain citations and abstracts of Sea Grant publications and in many cases you may access a full text copy of the document online.

You can contact the National Sea Grant Library at:

National Sea Grant Law Center

The National Sea Grant Law Center helps organizations and individuals navigate the complexities of our legal system by providing both legal research and advisory/outreach services. Established in 2002, this resource and its services are available to the legal community, state and federal agencies, Sea Grant programs and to individuals working in the field of ocean and coastal management and policy. For more information on the Center's services, please visit their website at

You can contact the National Sea Grant Law Center at:

National Sea Grant Education Teacher Resource: The Bridge

The Bridge Ocean Sciences Education Teacher Resource Center is a comprehensive site for marine education resources that are available on-line. It provides teachers with a convenient source of accurate and useful information on marine science topics. A search engine, site map and an alphabetized list of sites in this database are available. There are various lesson plans and activities for K-12 classrooms. For more information, please visit For other educational resources from Sea Grant, please visit