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SMC shield6. Performance Targets

The Division has adopted a number of overarching performance targets, as well as targets for each of the NOAA Goals that it contributes to. These targets will be used to monitor the success of the SMCD research and development program. Performance targets for SMCD's individual projects are contained within the SMCD's Research Project Plans (RPPs).

Overarching Performance Targets

1. Number of new or improved algorithms developed for satellite products or applications

2. Number of new or improved products transitioned to NESDIS Office of Satellite Data and Distribution for operational production

3. Number of published papers;

  • On calibration, product, and applications algorithms
  • On better understanding of meteorological and climatological variations and processes

4. Reduction in time to transition product algorithms to operational production

5. Number of satellite instruments intercalibrated

Weather and Water

6. Number of new or improved satellite data sets used in NWS forecast models, Hydrology Program hydrologic models, or Air Quality Program

7. Reduction of average time for operational NWP implementations of new satellite technology from two years to one year


8. Number of new or improved Climate Data Records constructed

9. Number of climate quality algorithms developed to measure the atmospheric component of the carbon cycle, ozone trends, aerosol properties, and the Earth's radiation budget from the advanced satellite instrument observations of Metop, NPP and NPOESS

Commerce and Transportation

10. Number of new or improved products developed for Aviation Weather Program

To achieve the Performance Targets, SMCD faces the following Performance Challenges.

Performance Challenges

Weather and Water

1. Development of surface emissivity/reflectivity models across the spectrum from visible to microwave

2. Development of fast radiative transfer models for clouds, precipitation, and aerosols

3. Development of methods for compressing data volume of hyperspectral instruments while maintaining information content

4. Development of assimilation systems for all new data types

5. Development of algorithms for processing global 1km data from Metop AVHRR

6. Development of enhanced environmental data records (EDRs) for NPP/NPOESS VIIRS, CMIS, and CrIS/ATMS

7. Development of algorithms for processing GOES-R ABI and HES

8. Preparation for active instruments: GPS/OS, Cloudsat, Calipso, and Aladin

9. Application of satellite data to improve NWP model physics - surface and cloud/precip models

10. Development of algorithms and processing systems for integrating multi-sensor, multi-platform observations

11. Development of satellite-based air quality products - smoke, other aerosols, low level ozone - for assimilation in NOAA/EPA air quality forecast model

12. Development of improved vegetation, fire, and drought monitoring system using VIIRS and possible NPOESS Landsat type imager

13. Development of a satellite inter-calibration program


1. Development of a Climate Data Record (CDR) processing system

2. Development of a satellite inter-calibration program

3. Preparation for new climate instruments on NPOESS: APS, ERBS, and TSIS

5. Development of algorithms for generating atmospheric carbon cycle products from IR hyperspectral sounders

6. Production of seamless ozone records from legacy instruments and NPP and NPOESS OMPS

7. Development of systems for assimilating satellite data in climate models

Commerce and Transportation

1. Development of improved and enhanced aviation hazards products

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