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CoRP Branches, Cooperative Institutes and the Center

logo for CIMSSAdvanced Satellite Products Branch (ASPB) &
the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS)
Madison, WI
University of Wisconsin

The STAR Advanced Satellite Products Branch conducts research in new satellite systems and develops advanced products for weather forecasting. This includes:

  • Geostationary and polar satellite products
  • Polar region and cloud climatology assessments
  • Satellite data model impact studies
  • Next-generation geostationary satellites, sensors and products
  • NPOESS sensor evaluation and product development

CIMSS' research themes/capabilities include:

  • Satellite Meteorology Research and Applications
  • Satellite Sensors and Techniques
  • Environmental Models and Data Assimilation
  • Outreach and Education

logo for CIRARegional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch (RAMMB) &
the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA)
Ft. Collins, CO
Colorado State University

RAMMB conducts research on the use of satellite data to improve analysis, forecasts, and warnings for regional and mesoscale meteorological events. Research areas include:

  • Tropical cyclones
  • Mesoscale and severe weather
  • Satellite training and outreach

CIRA research themes/capabilities include:

  • Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
  • Regional to Global Scale Modeling Systems
  • Data Assimilation
  • Climate-Weather Processes
  • Data Distribution
  • Crosscutting Research Area 1: Assessing the Value of NOAA Research via Societal/Economic Impact Studies
  • Crosscutting Research Area 2: Promoting Education and Outreach on Behalf of NOAA and the University

logo for CICSSatellite Climate Studies Branch (SCSB) &
the Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites (CICS)
College Park, MD - University of Maryland
Asheville, NC - North Carolina State University

The STAR SCSB conducts research on the use of environmental satellite data to assess regional and global climate variability. Research topics include:

  • Advanced precipitation algorithm and product development
  • Oceanic biomass and productivity monitoring, prediction and climatology
  • Environmental hazard mapping and monitoring
  • Applications to oceanic and human health issues
  • Algorithm development for climate assessment
  • Global precipitation climatology
  • Product validation and quality control
  • Long-term stable, accurate data set generation and analysis

CICS research themes/capabilities include:

  • Climate and Satellite Research and Applications
  • Climate and Satellite Observations and Monitoring
  • Climate Research and Modeling

logo for CIOSSCooperative Institute for Oceanographic Satellite Studies (CIOSS)
Corvallis, OR
Oregon State University

CIOSS is the newest Institute, formed in 2003, and does not have a collocated STAR branch. CIOSS' research themes/capabilities include:

  • Satellite sensors and techniques
  • Ocean-atmosphere fields and fluxes
  • Ocean-atmosphere models and data assimilation
  • Ocean-atmosphere analyses
  • Outreach, education, and training

CREST logoCooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology Center (CREST)
New York, NY
City University of New York with University Partners in the Mid-Atlantic States and Puerto Rico

CREST is a Cooperative Center established in 2001 by NOAA's Educational Partnership Program to develop NOAA-related skills amongst under-represented students for our future workforce. CREST is a consortium of several Minority-Serving institutions: City College of the City University of New York (CUNY), the consortium lead; Bronx Community College; Bowie State University; Columbia University; Hampton University; Lehman College; University of Maryland (Baltimore); and the University of Puerto Rico (Mayaguez). Joint CREST and STAR research is underway in:

  • Remote Sensing Application in Climate and Air Quality
  • Remote Sensing of Coastal Waters
  • Precipitation and Water Resources

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