Gulf of the Farallone National Marine Sanctuaries Logo

Welcome to Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary

We protect the wildlife and habitats of one of the most diverse and bountiful marine environments in the world, an area of 1,282 square miles off the northern and central California coast. Located just a few miles from San Francisco, the waters within Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary are part of a nationally significant marine ecosystem. Encompassing a diversity of highly productive marine habitats, the sanctuary supports an abundance of life, including many threatened or endangered species. Discover more about the sanctuary by diving into this website, reading "What's New" below, or support us by joining the Farallones Marine Sanctuary Association.

What's New


3rd Biennial Ocean Climate Summit - Register Now!

Feb 2013

The 3rd Biennial Ocean Climate Summit will be held February 20, 2013 from 9:45AM - 3:30PM at the Golden Gate Club in the Presidio of San Francisco. Register!


Maritime Resources - Soliciting Public Comment

Feb 2013

NOAA has initiated consultation with the California's State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO), as required under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA). This consultation process allows for a 30- day review process by SHPO and also provides the public with an opportunity to review and comment on the documentation. Provide Comment.

picture of Sonoma coastline

Sanctuary Expansion - Soliciting Public Comment until Mar 1, 2013

Jan 2013

NOAA published a Notice of Intent in the Federal Register in December to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement and hold public meetings to evaluate expansion of Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank sanctuaries.Come to the Feb 12 Scoping Meeting in Pt Arena or Feb 13 in Gualala. Learn more.

Sanctuary Advisory Council Meeting


Jan 2013

A public meeting of sanctuary advisors to the Gulf of the Farallones Sanctuary was held in Bodega Bay Grange Hall. View the agenda (PDF).

Maria Brown

Sanctuary Superintendent Report

Jan 2013

Superintendent Brown reports on Americas Cup, responding to vessel groundings and oil spills, climate change indicators and more. Read the complete report (PDF)

Girl holding a sign

Thank You Ocean

Oct 2012

The ocean takes care of us; let's return the favor. Visit Thank You Ocean.

FMSA logo

Farallones Marine Sanctuary Assoociation

The Farallones Marine Sanctuary Association (FMSA) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to protect Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary habitats and wildlife through the development of a diverse community of informed and active ocean stewards. Learn More

Last Updated on: Fri, February 1, 2013