myDATA Parents

This year, 37 DoDEA schools will be participating in myDATA Button pilot - a program that provides instant access to grades, schedules, attendance information, emergency contact information, and transcripts. A phased deployment to all DoDEA will take place no later than school year 2013 - 2014. The myDATA Button portal is accessible anytime, anywhere from a Mac or PC computer that connects to the internet.

 Army Specialist with Son

The myDATA Button portal is accessible anytime, anywhere from a Mac or PC computer that connects to the internet.

This program extends our focus on 21st Century competencies and will build student and teacher capacity. We encourage both parents and teachers to use this new feature as the primary method for keeping current and involved in their student's educational experience.  This new program is not designed to detract from the importance of face-to-face meetings between teachers and parents, but, rather to leverage technology and keep the home-school lines of communication open.
To set up and activate an account, you must submit a DoDEA Student Registration - Form 700 for Consents and Authorizations to a school where your child(ren) attends. Parents with students in multiple DoDEA schools participating in the pilot program can register for an account by indicating on one of the DoDEA Form 700 for each student by selecting the option that indicates that you would like to have access to the myDATA Button portal.

In order to register for a myDATA Button portal account, a user must have an e-mail account. Please ensure that the e-mail address that you provided during the registration of your child(ren) on the DoDEA Form 600 is the same e-mail address that you use when returning the form. You may return the DoDEA Form 700 to your school by e-mail, fax, or in person. Upon the completion of the verification process, you will receive two separate e-mails with your logon information and the web site address to the portal.

myData Button


Parents who wish to obtain an account must submit DoDEA Form 700 for Consents and authorization to your child's school via e-mail, fax or in person. Students will be registered at their respective schools.

Quick Guide

Download and review the myDATA Button Portal Quick Guide that highlights steps to take to register and logon to the portal.

Video Tutorials

The following video tutorials will help you navigate and use the new myDATA Portal.

Basic Navigation
Home Page
Logging In

Family Portal Tab

Academics Portal Tab