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Institute of Education Sciences

IES Centers
Title:  Middle School Mathematics Professional Development Impact Study: findings After the First Year of Implementation
Description: The restricted-use file for this study will be available in the winter of 2011 and contains data for the 2007-08 school year including teacher mathematics knowledge test information, teacher surveys, classroom observations of teacher practices, and student demographic data and math achievement for seventh graders.
Online Availability:
Cover Date: April 2010
Web Release: January 20, 2011
Publication #: NCEE 20104010
Center/Program: NCEE
Authors: Michael S. Garet, Andrew J. Wayne, Fran Stancavage, James Taylor, Kirk Walters, Mengli Song, Seth Brown, and Steven Hurlburt: American Institutes for Research. Pei Zhu, Susan Sepanik, and Fred Doolittle: MDRC
Type of Product: Data File
Questions: For questions about the content of this Data File, please contact:
Erin Pollard.